Wellow Church and Parish News

The Wellow Church and Parish News is published monthly. All copy for insertion into the Magazine should be forwarded by the 18th of each month.

The magazine compises a front page of religious commentary together with details of Church services, for the current month, for the Anglican, Methodist and Roman Catholic denominations within the united benefice of Peasedown St. John with Wellow.

The remainder of the magazine contains articles provided by the various groups, societies, organisations or other interested parties wishing to update the Community of current or future events. Also included are articles of general interest and importance.

To place an article in the Parish Magazine contact or forward your copy to: Mrs. Jane Rees, 3, Weaver's Prchard, Wellow or preferably e-mail jane@reestools.co.uk

Current Parish Magazine ~ August 2024 ~

 CLIC Back issues of the Magazine:

July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023

Note: An ARCHIVE of Parish Magazines is available back to February 2001. If you wish to view any of these please contact the Webmaster

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