Wellow Parish Council - Minutes

Minutes for the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on Monday 21st January 2002 at 8 o'clock in the Village hall.

Present were, Mr R Whittington, Ms E Smith, Mr A Elvin, Mr A Martin, Mr M Watson, Mr R Humphreys and Mr D Phillips.

In attendance, the clerk and 4 parishioners.


2. The minutes of the last meeting held on 17th December 2001 have been circulated. the chairman signed them with the meeting's approval.

3. MATTERS ARISING. Mr Elvin reported on the estimates(4) received re work to trees on Playground and Access Road to hall.

A general discussion followed on the best way forward. The chairman reminded councillors that the purpose of the work was to avert potential problems. It was agreed that public safety was a concern, but questions were raised if there was a need for work to be done. The variance in price of quotes was difficult to explain.

It was finally agreed that the clerk would contact B&NES and send all documents to them requesting they be assessed.

Mr Phillips then reminded the meeting that there were potential problems with trees on the road to the cemetery that may involve work in the future.

The repair to Village Hall notice board could not be discussed as the estimate was not available. To be carried forward to February agenda.

The letter calling for immediate enforcement action relating to the Signal Box, Railway Lane, was read and approved by the meeting. The chairman signed it to send to Mr John Everitt, Chief Executive of B&NES council.A copy to be sent to Cllr Gitte Dawson and one to be kept on file.

The Model Code of Conduct was briefly discussed, and will be on the agenda for February.

4. CLLR DAWSON REPORT. There was no report as Cllr Dawson was not in attendance.

5. PLANNING App 01/02676/LBA by Mr Shellard, Little Horse Croft Farm re holiday accommodation for disabled persons . The chairman confirmed that a site visit had taken place, parish council to support and the decision faxed to B& NES The chairman reminded the meeting that there had been complaints again about the condition of the road opposite the Trekking Centre. The clerk to write with a reminder .

App 01/02676/LBA by Mr Colston to re-instate pedestrian opening to coach house, westside. The plans were explained by Mr Watson as being to unblock a doorway that had been blocked up years ago. No objection, and parish council to support.

Notification of tree surgery work at 1)Knightsfield and 2) Cobblers Cottage were discussed and noted. There were no objections

The following applications had been permitted and were noted.

App01/02332/Ful by Mr A Elvin re timber summerhouse

App 01/01221/Ful by Sustrans Ltd with S Rittner.

The conditions relating to the application were read. Mr Phillips expressed concern that the barriers preventing access by motorcycles would be effective.

6. ACCOUNTS Current Account Statement dated 4th Jan 2002 shows balance of 3036.54 to include receipt of 204.40 from B&NES re Nov street cleaning.

Reconciled balance of 1507.11 (cheques not presented due to holiday period)

Deposit account remains at 4665.25

Payments agreed for January

Mr S Cole 163.52 plus 4 hours leaf clearing Total 183.96

Mr C Kyte 25.55 ( 5 weeks playground checks)

Mrs J Morphew Salary 116.00, telephone 5.00, expenses 11.25 Total 132.25

The meeting agreed to ask Mr Cole to clear leaves on high pavement to church, allowing 2 hours.

The chairman reported that the Finance Sub Committee held a meeting on 15th February to discuss the budget and precept requirements for 2002/03. The proposal had been circulated to all councillors.

Mr Watson requested that Item 8 re 20mph limit should be brought forward, as it may effect the budget. He recognised that the 20mph limit had been requested on the 3 Requests scheme, and was now not linked to the Peasedown St John project. But the result of this would not be known until the end of March. He had been informed that a neighbouring parish had put money up, which had helped their claim.

Although not enough information was known at the moment he considered that one possibility was factoring from the precept.

Mr Martin suggested other possibilities of using parish council finance.

Mr Humphreys proposed that the precept should be maintained at the present level of 8335.00 for 2002/03 and the 241.00 difference between 8094.00 and 8335.00 be added to Capital Schemes. The proposal was discussed and agreed by a vote. Amended budget proposal attached to minutes, and copy on file. The clerk to contact neighbouring Parish Council to ask re procedures etc

An amount of 500.00 for work and repairs at playground was agreed, but payment to be made before March 31st 2002 and therefore from 2001/02 budget.

7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from the B&NES group of ALCA was read re nominations for the new Standards Committee. This was not considered as nominations had already been received.

Envelopes 1 and 2 were put into circulation, as per agenda.

Envelope 3 was added. B&NES Best Value Review

Envelope 4 was added B&NES Local Plan Both put into circulation.


8. Mr Watson reported on the 7.5 tonne limit proposal, which is also waiting for the result of the 3 priority requests decision at the end of March. He explained that it would cover a large area to encompass all land owned by local farmers.

9. Mr Watson gave an update on plans for the batch. He presented the new plan, which met with approval from all councillors and 3 parishioners present. Clerk to discuss use of "The Trough" with Cole family.

10. Mr Martin proposed "No pavement" signs should be used in the village. This did not meet with approval and was defeated by vote.

11. The condition of the road verge on Mill Hill was raised by Mr Elvin. It was proposed that the clerk should approach B&NES with a view to clearing the verge by the operation of a bucket scoop, a one off operation.

12. Parking at bottom of Mill Hill was in dispute. B&NES has requested a meeting with both parties and the parish council to be present. Mr Elvin had been asked to attend but felt unable to do so as he held a biased opinion. The chairman offered to be present if a meeting could be arranged with due notice.

13. The chairman said that 3 applications had been received for the vacancy of a councillor. A letter re correct procedures from ALCA was read and noted.

14. A complaint of cow manure in playground had been received, and Ms Smith had inspected the area. There was no evidence of intrusion, but the fence was broken, which will be repaired.

15. clerk had received further information re Queens Jubilee, Model Code of Conduct and Quality parish councils. To be held for reference.


SLCC meeting on 9th February re New Code of Conduct. Clerk to attend

17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Mr Watson commented on possible change to planning application at Folly Down.

NEXT MEETING to be held at 8 o'clock in the village hall on Monday February 18th 2002

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