Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 15th December 2003 at 8pm.

  Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Halewood, Humphreys, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson

In attendance: The Clerk and ten parishioners

2003/189 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Elvin and Lewis

2003/190 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th November 2003 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the chairman.

2003/191 Matters arising


2003/192 Cllr Dawson report

Cllr Dawson was not able to attend the meeting since she was away

2003/193 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Watson declared an interest in the planning application from Windy Ridge (item 2003/195(ii).

2003/194 Public participation

The chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

The Parish Council to write to B&NES saying that the we were very pleased

with the standard of the work that had been carried out.

Action: Clerk

Cllr Martin will follow this up with the Highways Authority

Action: Chairman

2003/195 Planning Applications

building Grade II. Erection of a wall mounted notice board on front elevation.

It was agreed to support this application.

and conversion of loft with dormer. Cllr Watson left the meeting while this

item was discussed. It was agreed to support this application.

(iii) Application 03/03058/FUL by A L Brook c/o 2 Princes Street, Bath, BA1 1HL

Land between Littleton Lane and Wellow Brook, Wellow. Use of field as car

park for up to 6 no. cars for a fishing club (Resubmission)

This application was discussed and a letter from the applicant was read out.

It was decided to circulate the details so that these can be examined in

detail. All comments are required by 28th December.

2003/196 Planning Decisions

and internal alterations following demolition of flat roof extension..

(ii) Wellow House, Wellow. Consent for works to trees has been received.

2003/197 Parish Sweeper Scheme

The chairman summarised the background to the current report, the previous one having been rejected by the Executive. A working party comprising members from B&NES and parish council representatives had been formed to come up with revised proposals. The parish council had been given the opportunity to comment at various stages. Cllrs Humphreys and Martin were very unhappy with the proposals. It was proposed that the financial provision for street sweeping be redistributed giving a net effect of reducing the funding for Wellow from £2844 to £2298, which is £546 less (19% decrease). Our opposition to the proposals has been sent to B&NES with a copy to Cllr Rosemary Todd the responsible Executive member. There has been no response so far from B&NES. As it is necessary to finalise our budget proposals for the coming year a decision needs to be taken imminently on what provision, if any, needs to be taken by this council.

Cllr Watson proposed, seconded by Cllr Pike: This council expressly wishes B&NES to redress this problem because it is unreasonable for us to bear a 19% reduction in our funding, but in the event that B&NES insist upon this situation, then we will have to find other resources to maintain the existing hours of this highly valued job. This was carried unanimously.

2003/198 Wellow Car Park

The chairman summarised the background to this item for the benefit of the public. Some time ago, a parishioner raised the subject of the car park being used for low cost housing. Our response was that the car park was in fact more frequently used than most people were aware and that we were very much in favour of retaining the car park as a car park.

We then received a letter from B&NES raising the subject of possibly selling the car park. This caused some confusion and Cllr Halewood undertook to investigate the situation further. Cllr Halewood updated the meeting with details from B&NES. Lengthy discussion took place and it was agreed that a letter be drafted and sent to B&NES reiterating the views of the parish council and the electorate.

Action: Cllr Halewood

2003/199 Local Plan

Cllr Watson has investigated whether B&NES have taken on board the representations

made in 2001. The 2 barns at the rear of the new development at Weavers Farm have not been included in the development boundary. It is understood that when conversion and new building work go ahead then the 2 barns will be demolished as a condition of the planning consent.

2003/200 Financial Report

(i) Current Account £2970.61

(ii) Reserve Account Wellow 2000 £1948.33

(iii) Reserve Account £7747.05

B. Payments

(i) Mr S Cole £185.95

(ii) Mrs S Humphreys £131.89 (includes £5.00 telephone & £2.00 paper)

(iii) B&NES £ 481.09 (grass cutting)

(iv) A J Nicholls £ 183.03 (Church Clock)

(v) Wicksteed Leisure £ 318.73 (equipment for playground)

(i) B&NES £361.04 (Street cleaning refund November)

(i) Budget 2004/2005. The budget will be presented at the next meeting by

the Vice Chairman.

2003/201 Correspondence

(i) Cllrs Colston and Elvin will follow up the email from Mike Baugh regarding

‘Quiet Lanes’

(iv) Norton Radstock Community Safety Action is probably not relevant to Wellow.

(v) A letter from Mr Durrant of Vera House was read out and the contents noted.

(vi) A notification requesting nominations has been received regarding a Royal

Garden Party and it was proposed and agreed: That the Chairman

be nominated to attend. Details will be forwarded to the organizers.

Action: Clerk

2003/202 Circulation

The following items are being circulated: T.A.W.M News, Avon & Somerset Constabulary Statistics, Radstock Police - Minutes Parish forum Meeting, Envolve News, Community Action Winter Issue, Thumbprint, B&NES Parish Cluster Meeting minutes.

2003/203 Meetings

The Chairman reported on the Parishes Liaison Meeting held 01/12/03

2003/204 Any other business

Cllr Watson reported:

He is meeting with Neil Terry regarding the signs for 20mph. The Chairman will attend.

Regarding Why Not Cottage, B&NES are waiting for a response from the owner.

The 7.5 ton weight limit may come sooner than expected since there appears to be movement on the Peasedown development.

2003/205 Date of Next Meeting

19th January 2004 at 8 pm in the Village Hall

The February meeting will be changed to 23rd February 2004 subject to hall availability.

Action: Clerk

The chairman wishing all the compliments of the season closed the meeting at 9.12pm