Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 19th January 2004 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys (Deputy Chairman), Lewis, Pike and Watson

In attendance: The Clerk and approx thirty parishioners

The Deputy Chairman opened the Meeting and on behalf of all present, expressed condolences to the family of Dot Stone whose recent death has saddened her friends and acquaintances in the village, most of whom had known her for many years. She will be greatly missed.

2004/001 Apologies

Apologies were received from Chairman Martin

2004/002 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 15th December 2003 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the chairman.

2004/003 Matters arising

An application document was returned to the clerk after the agenda was published. This application had been discussed when it was first submitted and is now a Resubmission. Application Ref: 03/03058/FUL Land between Littleton Lane and Wellow Brook. Use of field as car park for up to 6 no. cars. The majority of Councillors written comments expressed opposition to the application on the basis of the visual impact of 6 parked cars in a rural environment and that it would create a precedent for others engaged in rural pursuits. However Councillor Pike expressed the view that it would be preferable to have a definite place to park rather than not.

2004/004 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

2004/005 Public participation

The Deputy Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation on matters not relating to Planning Applications.

  1. Mr Hewlett who has carried out a survey of the Coal Canal gave a resumé of the Somerset Coal Canal document concluding that the preservation and conservation of the Canal was a worthwhile project.
  2. The waste bin at the bottom of the drive has developed a hole in the base. Action: the Clerk
  3. Mr Cole stated that there were 42 cars in the car park over the weekend.
  4. Mrs Sturm reported a large hole in the road adjacent to no 3 Alma Cottage.

Cllr Elvin is to investigate together with the main road. Action: Cllr Elvin

2004/006 Cllr Dawson report

Cllr Dawson was not able to attend the meeting.

2004/007 Planning Applications

The Deputy Chairman once again adjourned the meeting for public participation on the Planning Applications below. The applicant Mr David Phillips and the public were invited to speak but declined to do so.

  1. Application 03/03130/FUL, Willow Farm, Wellow, Bath BA2 8PU. Change of use of farm buildings for Sui Generis use (for the recycling of waste materials) (Resubmission)

A motion to support the resubmission was defeated unanimously by 8 votes to nil.

2004/008 Appeal

(i) Planning Inspectorate Appeals Ref: APP/FO144/A/03/1134971.

Appeal Ref: 0300092RF

Application Ref: 02/02011/FUL.

Willow Farm, Wellow, Bath BA2 8PU. Change of use of farm buildings for

sui generis use (for the recycling of waste materials) (in accordance with

plans received 30 September 2003)

Due to the continuing strong opposition to the Recycling Centre at Willow Farm, the Council voted in favour of requesting that the Appeal should be determined by a hearing rather written representations. The Deputy Chairman was requested to seek a hearing and state the position of the Council. Action: Deputy Chairman

It was noted that Councillor Dawson is happy that her speech be included in the representations.

2004/009 Planning Decisions

  1. Notification of proposed works to trees at Milford Head, Mill Hill, Wellow

Clerk to check why previous notification had not been received.

Action: The Clerk

2004/010 Parish Sweeper Scheme

The Deputy Chairman read out a letter from B&NES indicating that the proposals were very likely to proceed. Although the income from B&NES will fall, the Deputy Chairman assured the meeting that Wellow Parish Council would fund the balance to maintain the existing level of service.

2004/011 Wellow Car Park

The Deputy Chairman also acquainted the meeting with the contents of a letter from Wellow Parish Council to B&NES indicating support for keeping the car park as a valuable, frequently used, asset to the community. The letter requested that, should B&NES ever be inclined to dispose of the car park, the Parish Council should be given the opportunity to consider whether its purchase could be countenanced prior to any wider publication of a disposal process.

The response from B&NES was read out indicating that the subject would be raised at the next meeting with Property Services.

2004/012 Somersetshire Coal Canal

A very comprehensive document has been received from B&NES regarding the restoration of the Coal Canal. The document is to be circulated and Mr Elvin will investigate in depth. Action: Cllr Elvin

2004/013 Financial Report

  1. Bank Statements

(i) Current Account . Balance not known as statement has not been received

(ii) Reserve Account Wellow 2000 £1948.33

(iii) Reserve Account £7747.05

B. Payment

(i) Mr S Cole £218.80

(ii) Mrs S Humphreys £124.89

(iii) C Kite £ 71.11 (playground checks)

  1. Financial Matters

(i) Budget 2004/2005.

On behalf of the Financial Sub Committee the Deputy Chairman presented an appraisal of projected costs against the budget for the current financial year 2003/4 and a planned budget for 2004/5. The Deputy Chairman provided full details and an explanation of the budget calculations to all present.

The prime elements of the report were:


The under expenditure on traffic signage (£1925), admin, street cleaning, and Parks and Open Spaces of approx £3100, provides the flexibility to repair the Village Hall Drive and meet the obligations of the Working Time Directive in respect of holiday pay for employees. The impact of these measures will be that there will be no call on the reserves and a budget surplus of approx £100.


On the assumption of 3% inflation, the implantation of B&NES street cleaning proposals, Parish Plan expenditure, repairs to the Village Hall Car Park and refurbishment of the Notice Board, the forecasted budget of £10,900 will result in a small decrease in the precept.

A proposal to accept the budget was unanimously approved.

2004/014 Correspondence

  1. Annual Review of supported bus services. Timetable and route

revisions are to be considered for route 757 which could affect the

Wellow service. To be investigated. Action: The Clerk

notice board, shop, the close and Parish Newsletter. Action: The Clerk

has been designated as a Roadside Nature Reserve. This is part of an

initiative to study wildlife and plants in verges. Cllr Elvin would like to

recommend a section of verge on Hinton Hill for study.

Action: Cllr Elvin

describing the process for the House Condition Survey.

Action: Cllr Colston

2004/015 Circulation

Avon & Somerset Constabulary. Beat 125 Villages, SMP Playgrounds

NALC Flexible Working, Clerks & Councils Direct Jan issue,

NALC Employment Tribunal Procedures, B&NES Planning Services

C of E Table of Parochial Fees, RoSPA Annual Inspections 2004

ALCA Newsletter, Clerks & Councils Suppliers Guide & Year Book

2004/016 Any other business

Cllr Mark Watson was congratulated on achieving the 20mph signs for the village. It was agreed that everyone in the village should be encouraged to adhere to this limit so as to set an example to other road users. A note is to be placed in the Parish Newsletter regarding this. Action: The Clerk

Mr Watson met with Neil Terry (highways) to discuss the removal of some of the unnecessary signs at the end of the village. This item is to be raised for the next agenda in February.

Action: The Clerk

2004/017 Date of Next Meeting

23rd February 2004 at 8 pm in the Village Hall

The Deputy Chairman closed the meeting at 8.57pm