Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 23rd February 2004 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys (Deputy Chairman), Lewis, Pike and Watson

In attendance: The Clerk and approx ten parishioners

2004/018 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Elvin who subsequently arrived at approx 8.30pm

2004/019 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19th January 2004 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and will be accordingly signed by the chairman after correction to typing error; ‘implantation’ should be ‘implementation’.

2004/020 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Halewood declared an interest in item 7(ii) Wellow Farm, Norton Lane application.

2004/021 Public participation

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation on matters not relating to Planning Application

(i) Mr Cole requested a new yellow jacket with sleeves instead of a waistcoat style. Action: The Clerk

(ii) Mr Cole asked whether the Millennium Fund is still in existence. The balance stands at £1952.55. Mr. Cole asked whether this money could be used to replace the wooden seat on the trough in the Batch Cllr Watson explained that the improvements to the Batch are to take place in the near future, which should include that item

(iii) Mr Cole expressed concern that several horses were being kept in the field adjacent to the church and the damage was being caused to stiles and hedgerows and that there was a hazard when horses leave the side road to enter the main road. This is to be investigated. Action: Chairman Martin

(iv) Mr Graham requested that Wellow Parish Council should refrain from discussing item no. 7(ii) Wellow Farm, Norton Lane, since the application is subject to court proceedings to take place in Bristol in May. Chairman Martin explained that the advice he had sought from B&NES Council was to continue to discuss the application regardless of the litigation.

2004/022 Cllr Dawson report

Cllr Dawson was not able to attend the meeting.

2004/023 Planning Applications

(i) Application Ref: 03/02488/FUL. Cattle Building, The Hayes, Weavers Farm, Wellow. New cattle buildings (including extension to existing) A vote to support the application was carried in favour.

Cllr Halewood left the meeting whilst the following item was discussed.

(ii) Application Ref: 04/00063/CLEU. Wellow Farm, Norton Lane, Wellow

Use of farmyard for exercising and training of horses and ponies (including livery) and use of stables for livery horses and ponies with associated access.

Chairman Martin explained that even though there is a pending court case B&NES Council would still like to receive a comment from this council. Lengthy discussions took place although some participants felt that knowing that there were court proceedings pending it was difficult to express a view.

The motion was carried that this parish council supports the application for a certificate of lawful usage.

(iii) Application to carry out works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order. Site: Crewcroft Barn Holding, South Bank of Wellow Brook, Between Road Bridge at Ford Farm and Twinhoeford Wood, Wellow

The council voted in favour of supporting this application.

(iv) Application 03/03130/FUL, Willow Farm, Wellow, Bath BA2 8PU. Change of use of farm buildings for Sui Generis use (for the recycling of waste materials) (Resubmission)

Cllr Watson has been advised by B&NES Council that this resubmission would not go before the council until, at the earliest, April and by that time the Appeal will have been heard.

2004/024 Appeals

(i) Planning Inspectorate Appeals Ref: APP/FO144/A/03/1134971.

Appeal Ref: 0300092RF

Application Ref: 02/02011/FUL.

Willow Farm, Wellow, Bath BA2 8PU. Change of use of farm buildings for sui generis use (for the recycling of waste materials) (in accordance with plans received 30 September 2003) Following a request by this council to have a hearing, a letter has been received from B&NES stating that this is not possible since it had already been decided between the Inspectorate and the applicant that written representations would be sought.

Cllr Watson has received comments from parishioners regarding the erection of very bright lights at Willow Farm. After consultation with the planning department Mr Chris Herbert has undertaken to discuss the degree of lighting with Mr Phillips.

2004/025 Planning Decisions

  1. Consent. St Julians C E V C Primary School, Wellow. Erection of a wall mounted notice board on front elevation.
  2. Permitted. Windyridge, Wellow. Rear extension, new porch and conversion of loft with dormer.
  3. Approved. The Hayes, Weavers Farm, Wellow. Agricultural dwelling
  4. Permitted. Manor Farm, Wellow. Change of use of building land to livery, equestrian and agricultural use as amplified by letter and plan received 2.2.04

2004/026 757 Bus Service

Cllr Humphreys reported that consideration was being given to shortening the journey time for the 757 bus route by eliminating the trip to Southstoke. This would shorten the time by 10 minutes. The journey from Wellow to bath would therefore be 30 minutes instead of 40 minutes and should provide one more journey to Bath per day. It is proposed that this improvement take place around early April. A special service would then operate for Southstoke only.

2004/027 Pavement outside Alma Cottages

Cllr Watson is to prepare a letter to be forwarded to the residents of Alma Cottages giving details of the pavement to be constructed adjacent to the cottages. Action: Cllr Watson

2004/028 Parish Plan

Cllr Halewood indicated that members of the Parish had not so far shown much interest in the project. The application for the grant has to be submitted by 1st April and Cllr Colston assured the council that it would be submitted on time.

It was generally felt that in order to achieve the Parish Plan, parishioners as well as councillors are needed to help with the preparation of the necessary documents for the plan.

2004/029 Quiet Lanes

Designated lanes have been selected to be Quiet Lanes. It is proposed that there would be with low-level signage to advise the public that this is a quiet lane with an advisory speed limit of 20mph, to encourage the feeling of safer use for cyclists, walkers and horse riders. These lanes would not be regarded as thoroughfares. There is a budget of £2000 available to set this project in motion. The minor lanes within the triangle between Wellow, Norton St Philip and Faulkland and may be included in the Quiet Lanes project.

Mike Baugh wishes the council to publicise the proposal within the parish and gain comments from parishioners. These views should be passed on to B&NES.

Cllr Humphreys proposed that the council vote in favour of the Quiet Lanes project and seek the community response through the Parish Newsletter.

The vote was carried in favour.

2004/030 New powers to ban alcohol in public places

The general view was that the village of Wellow is too small to be affected by the proposal.

2004/031 Ray the Postman

The council discussed the purchase of a gift for Ray but the details are withheld in case he reads this notice in the notice board! Action: Cllr Elvin

2004/032 Powered Two Wheeler Strategy Consultation

It was felt that this did not concern Wellow.

2004/033 Avon & Somerset Constabulary

There are no funds available to support this request and it was suggested that Cllr Lewis write accordingly, also requesting that Wellow is included in the route followed by police vehicles. Action: Cllr Lewis

2004/034 Somersetshire Coal Canal. Conservation and Access Strategy

Cllr Humphreys thought that it was a thorough report and proposed that the council support the Conservation and Access Strategy. The vote was carried in favour.

2004/035 Financial Report

  1. Bank Statements

(i) Current Account . £2117.93

(ii) Reserve Account ‘Wellow 2000’ £1952.55

(iii) Reserve Account £7747.05

B. Payments

(i) Mr S Cole £188.72

(ii) Mrs S Humphreys £129.89

(iii) Wellow Village Hall £77.00

  1. Receipts

(i) B&NES refund street cleaning £283.00.

Financial Matters

(i) Parish Precept. First payment due 1st April £4252.

Cllr Humphreys remarked that there are currently comments in the press regarding the increase of rates by the B&NES Council. Cllr Humphreys pointed out that Wellow Parish Council had in fact showed a reduction in the budget and therefore had not contributed to any increase.

2004/036 Correspondence

Correspondence has been received requesting that the boundary of the Conservation Area in Wellow be adjusted to include the whole of Wellow.

It was proposed that the parish council write to B&NES requesting that the whole village be included in the conversation area.

The vote was carried in favour.

2004/037 Circulation

TCG News, Vital Villages Update, Alca Newsletter, CPRE Planning Update,


2004/038 Meetings

(i) Parish Cluster Meetings for 2004. Wellow Village Hall

Monday, 22nd March 2004, 6.00-8.30pm. Agenda items required by 04/03/04

Monday 23rd August 2004, 6.00-8.30pm

(ii) ALCA Meeting Wednesday 3rd March 7.30 Conygre Hall, Timsbury

Chairman Martin to attend. Action: Chairman Martin

(iii) Planning Training. Cllr Humphreys reported that it was a well-attended and informative meeting.

2004/038 Any other business

Cllr Elvin reported that it had been suggested that a member of the village who wishes to remain anonymous had been in touch with B&NES. It has been suggested that B&NES may be interested in considering bids of a commercial nature for the car park.

Cllr Watson raised the issue of signage in Wellow and produced photographs showing many signs pointing in the same direction and to the same destination. Neil Terry is prepared to remove some of unnecessary signs.

Cllr Betts reported that Mr Kyte had noticed that dog fouling had occurred in the Children’s Playground area. It has been noticed that the gate to the playground had been wedged open.

Best kept village competition to be an agenda item in March.

2004/039 Date of Next Meeting

15th March 2004 at 8 pm in the Village Hall

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm