Wellow Parish Council



Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159



Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, September 9th 2013 at 8pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Caudle, Doman, Karthauser, Prentice, Wheeler and White along with nine members of the public.




13.115 To accept apologies for absence

Cllr Clarkson had tendered her apologies.

13.116 Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in June minutes

There were no declarations of interest.

13.117 Public Participation

Marie Bartholomew asked whether a working party could be formed to clear an overgrown area adjacent to Wellow Brook near the packhorse bridge on the Wellow side. She said that she felt that installing a seat in the area around the ford would be dangerous. She asked whether the willow trees near the ford could be coppiced.

Cllr Andrews agreed to present a report on these issues at the October meeting. HA

Marion Osborne referred to the planning application submitted by the Parlour Shop and expressed the hope that the Parish Council would support it.

Simon Denning spoke about his planning application regarding Wellow Farmhouse.

13.118 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on August 21st 2013.

A note was added to the effect that the meeting was adjourned so that Peter Duppa-Miller could address the meeting, after which it was re-convened.

13.119 Non-material amendments

Cllr Caudle expressed concern that permission was granted in respect of planning applications when "non-material amendments" had been added. She felt that Wellow Parish Council should be given an opportunity to comment on such amendments. Richard Holland, from the floor, said that he had been in touch with B&NES about these too.

The following proposal was put forward by Cllr Caudle and seconded by the Chairman:

Proposal: To agree to ask B&NES to inform Wellow Parish Council when non-material amendments are being considered in respect of planning applications.

The proposal was passed unanimously. GW

13.120 Circulation of reports


Cllr Doman said that he had been asked by several villagers whether the reports circulated to councillors before meetings could be made available to Wellow residents generally.

The following proposal was put forward by Cllr Doman and seconded by the Chairman:

Proposal: Agree in principal to make papers available to the public by all means including electronically 3 days before the meeting, leaving the Clerk, Richard Holland and others to resolve the technical and legal issues

The proposal was passed unanimously.

The Council discussed how those without electronic communication could receive the reports. It would not be feasible to put them on the notice board – there are often far too many – so it was agreed that the Clerk would display a notice in the Square and in the community centre in Manor Close to say that printed copies would be available from the Clerk at Myrtle Cottage. GW

13.121 Parking on the Playing Field

Cllr Betts confirmed that parking adjacent to the Village Hall is only permitted for those attending the Village Hall.

The Chairman will write to all residents to inform them that new lockable bollards are being installed at the top of the driveway which will prevent unauthorised vehicular access to the Playing Field. HP

Cllr Doman said that the contractor had promised that the lockable bollards would be installed before the next meeting. However, in order to help ensure that this was done Cllr Doman put forward the following proposal which was seconded by Cllr Caudle:

Proposal: To agree that, if no progress has been made by the October meeting, we should appoint a new contractor to install additional posts.

The proposal was approved unanimously. Cllr Doman agreed to let the contractor know. PD

13.122 Planning

New applications

13/03410/LBA: Wellow Farmhouse

Description of Proposal: External alterations for the erection of a new single storey extension and conservatory following demolition of existing single storey extension.

Cllr Caudle said that the proposed extension was higher than the original but that the Parish Council should rely on the Planning Department to enforce listed building regulations. It was also pointed out that the glass was highly reflective.

The Chairman put forward the following proposal which was seconded by Cllr Caudle:

Wellow Parish Council supports the planning application subject to the use of non-glare glass and that the conservatory is constructed from wood.

The proposal was passed unanimously.

13/03137/FUL: Forge Cottage

Description of Proposal: Replacement of a single storey flat roofed extension to Forge Cottage with a two storey extension, elevation alterations and associated works.

Cllrs Caudle and Clarkson said that they had no objection.

Cllr Caudle put forward the following proposal which was seconded by the Chairman:

Wellow Parish Council support the planning application ref: 13/03137/FUL

The proposal was passed unanimously.

13/02812/FUL: Rear of 1 to 7 High Street

Description of Proposal: Conversion of former farm buildings to form one dwelling with associated works. (Resubmission of 12/03905/FUL)

NB: 13/02813/LBA is identical to the above but is for listed building consent

Cllrs Caudle and Clarkson said that they had no objection.

Cllr Caudle put forward the following proposal which was seconded by the Chairman:

Wellow Parish Council support the planning application ref: 13/02812/FUL and 13/02813/LBA

The proposal was passed unanimously.

13/03305/FUL: Parlour Shop

Description of Proposal: Replacement of existing steel single glazed windows with aluminum double glazed windows

Cllrs Caudle and Clarkson said that they had no objection.

Cllr Caudle put forward the following proposal which was seconded by the Chairman:

Wellow Parish Council support the planning application ref: 13/03305

The proposal was passed unanimously.

13/03631/TCA: Willow Barn, High Street

Description of Proposal: 1x Conifer - remove up to 4 branches and Hazel - remove branches overhanging neighbour's patio

Cllr White said that there was no reason to object to the proposal but expressed surprise that B&NES had made a decision to permit it before the expiry of the deadline for responses. She will ask Jane Brewer, B&NES Tree Officer, for an explanation.

Cllr White put forward the following proposal which was seconded by Cllr Caudle:

Wellow Parish Council support the planning application ref: 13/03631/TCA

The proposal was passed unanimously.

Decisions received

13/02421/FUL: Foxleaze

Description of Proposal: Erection of two storey and single storey side and rear extensions and front porch. PERMIT

13/02919/FUL: Playing Field

Description of Proposal: Provision of two hard surfaced tennis courts with fencing, lighting and engineering works. PERMIT

The Parish Council noted these two decisions

13.123 Finance

The Clerk referred to the financial report and the Chairman asked for any comments. Cllr Betts asked whether the name of the payee on cheques could be shown, not just the cheque numbers. The Clerk said that they were already shown in the part of the financial report based on the account book and that it would be repetitive to show them again on the part based on the bank statements. However, he agreed that there was no reason not to do so and that he would implement the request from October.

The finance report was approved unanimously.

The following payments were approved unanimously:

Clerk’s salary £217.95

Street Cleaner’s wages £209.28

Information Commissioner’s Office (Reg. Fee) £ 35.00

The proposal to purchase two copies of the forthcoming publication "Local Councils Explained" was deferred as there was a possibility that it might be made available electronically.

Peter Duppa-Miller, from ALCA, told the Council that a new version of the Good Councillors’ Guide would be published in October.




13.124 Drainage Survey on the Playing Field

Cllr Doman said that any surveys should be done in the spring as they should be carried out during or following inclement weather. The Chairman put forward the following proposal which was seconded by Cllr Andrews:

Proposal: Wellow Parish Council agreed to appoint IMA Planning to carry out the work at an appropriate time.

The proposal was defeated by 3 votes to 5. It was agreed to defer any further decisions until the spring.

13.125 Footpaths

Some discussion took place regarding the footpath which ends at the rear of Brunel House. The Parish Council, in consultation with the Horler family, has considered diverting and extending it.

The following proposal was included in the agenda:

Proposal: Wellow Parish Council to agree with the Horlers that the PC is prepared to pay to divert one, both or neither of the paths.

The Council felt unable to reach any decision during the meeting and so the above proposal was cancelled. The Chairman put forward the following proposal which was seconded by Cllr Karthauser:

Proposal: To form a sub-committee to clarify the legal and financial issues around these footpaths, to obtain written agreement, in principle, with the Horler family and to submit a proposal to the October meeting.

The proposal was passed unanimously but the membership of the sub-committee would be decided after the meeting.

13.126 Any other reports

Cllr Betts asked about progress regarding the gate on the village driveway.

Cllr Doman said that the tarmac would be laid during the week commencing September 16th. The Parish Council needs to know the dates because of possible closure of the driveway.

Cllr Wheeler said that some repairs were needed in the play area. Cllr Doman agreed to contact his contractor to effect them. PD

Cllr White said that Adam Gretton from the More Trees charity in Bath had offered two native trees for the playground site and that she had offered a site visit to him to see where the trees should go and on the variety. She was waiting for a response.

13.127 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting was confirmed as Monday, October 14th at 8pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.55pm

Geoffrey White

Parish Clerk

September 22nd 2013