Wellow Parish Council



Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159



Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, September 10th 2012 at 8pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs Betts, Caudle, Clarkson, Doman, Karthauser, Wheeler and White along with eight members of the public.






12.108              To accept apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Cllrs. Andrews and Prentice. District Cllr Butters also sent his apologies.



12.109              Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in July 2012 minutes


There were no declarations of interest.


12.110              To confirm minutes of meeting held on July 9th 2012.


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on July 9th 2012 were approved unanimously.


12.111              To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.


There were no matters arising.


12.112              Derelict properties in Wellow


Anthony Weale, who has been looking into this matter, reported that he had met with Mrs Cheek from B&NES and that she had visited the properties in question.  He thought it likely that B&NES have already increased the Council Tax payable on the properties in the Square.


Mr Weale has met with the owner of 3 The Square and the property at the rear of it and the owner has promised to have considerable work finished by Christmas, particularly plumbing.


The owner has been in Wellow nearly every day and has carried out some painting and the replanting of the garden.  Mr Weale will continue to press him to complete any work necessary.


The Clerk gave an update regarding the shop next door to the Fox and Badger which had been visited by a member of B&NES’ library staff but as the Chairman was away it was not possible to provide any detail.






12.113              Planning


1.       New applications


12/03643/FUL: Corner House resubmission


Cllr Caudle said that the cock and hen top of the wall along the main road should be re-instated and Cllr Clarkson confirmed that there used to be cock and hen walling along that part of the wall.


Cllr Caudle felt that the height of 2.1 metres was unacceptable and that there are no solid gates, as proposed, elsewhere in Wellow.


Cllr Clarkson said that she didn’t mind the gates as the owners were entitled to some privacy.


Richard Holland, from the floor, said that the provision of gates would increase on-street parking and Cllr Doman pointed out that the entrance was originally agreed to by the planning authorities because it would reduce on-street parking.


It was agreed that Cllr Caudle would write to the planning department on behalf of Wellow Parish Council and would object to the plans on the grounds of cock and hen design, the height and the solid gates.  This was agreed by the Parish Council with six votes in favour and one abstention.                                                                        PC


12/03800/LBA: Cobblers Cottage. 


Cllr Clarkson said that she had no objection the plans as they were internal and the conservation roof lights were only at the back and would not be obtrusive. The Parish Council supported the application and assumed that B&NES would be mindful of listed building applications.                                                                              PC


12/03919/TCA: Tumbledown Cottage


Cllr White said that the owner of Tumbledown Cottage had been the Parish Councillor with responsibility for trees and had already planted two silver birch trees as a replacement for the one which needed to be taken down.  She had no objection to the plans and these were approved unanimously.                                                            JW


2.       Decisions received


The decisions received were noted:


Rear of 1 to 7 High Street, withdrawn

Bubblers Dytche, refused

Brook Lodge, permitted

Hillscroft, refused


In respect of the application at Bubblers Dytche Cllr Betts said that she and Cllr Caudle had attended the public meeting and that Cllr Caudle had addressed it.                                                 


12.114              Neighbourhood Plan


In view of the Chairman’s absence, this item was deferred until the October meeting.  Cllr Karthauser agreed to take the necessary steps and Richard Holland said he would post a suitable notice on the website.                                                  JK/RH


12.115              Finance


a.       The Council approved the payments in respect of street cleaning, the Clerk’s salary, the purchase of an ink cartridge and the fee to the Information Commissioners.


b.      The financial report to September 10th was unanimously approved.


c.       The Council agreed to accept the surplus funds in respect of Wellow’s objection to the recycling plant to the east of the village as an interim measure.  The money was originally raised by the Wellow Residents’ Association to whom it rightfully belongs. The Clerk was asked to write to Mogers accordingly but to have the text approved by Cllr Caudle before sending it.                                                       GW



12.116              Security at the Village Hall


Cllr Betts said that the Village Hall driveway needs resurfacing and asked that this be put on the October agenda.


She felt that the gate and bollards could be left for the time being.  The bollards are needed at the top of the driveway to prevent vehicular access on to the playing field.  Cllr Wheeler felt that these were urgent and Cllr Doman suggested fitting metal ones, two of which could be lowered using a key.  Cllr Wheeler agreed with him.  Cllr Caudle suggested that the Parish Council should look into the costs involved and Cllr Wheeler said he would do it.                                                                          TW


Cllr Betts agreed to look into the costs for re-surfacing the driveway.                  SB



12.117              Playing Field contract


Following complaints from Councillors regarding the grass cutting of the playing field Cllr Wheeler agreed to liaise with the Clerk to determine exactly what was required with a view to revising our contract with B&NES.                                                     TW/GW


12.118              Traffic calming


Mike Clarkson, from the floor, said that we had the necessary speed guns to monitor speeds in the village and Cllr Betts said that she would arrange the necessary training to use them.                                                                                          SB


Erica Smith, from the floor, reported on the removal of flowers on the chicanes and her subsequent correspondence with B&NES.  She said that further meetings with officials to discuss the matter were scheduled to take place.


Cllr Wheeler expressed concern that the various signs relating to traffic calming were being hidden by undergrowth.  He agreed to write to Nick Jeans at B&NES re cutting back and to ask whether, should B&NES be unable to do it, whether this was something we could undertake ourselves.                                                     TW



12.119              Covenant on the Playing Field


Cllr Karthauser said that the scope regarding Wellow Tennis had been widened so that we should now refer to Wellow Sport.  It had been suggested that football could be included and that the school would be supportive re football lessons.


Cllrs Caudle and Wheeler felt that there should be more public meetings so that the whole village was kept informed.


Regarding the covenant, Cllr Caudle said that she had registered the playing field with the Land Registry but that we still needed legal advice.  Alex Martin, former Chairman, reminded the Council that advice was available from ALCA and NALC.


Cllr Wheeler reported that he was in touch with B&NES regarding the official handover of the Play Area.  B&NES have already said that they will carry out repairs but clarification is still required regarding responsibility in case of accident.  Cllr Wheeler will continue his work in this area.                                                            TW



12.120              Footpaths


Cllr Caudle reported that she had attended a meeting with the Horlers accompanied by Cllr Doman and Alex Martin.


Mr Martin said that, following a meeting he had with Graham Starke, it had become clear that no evidence exists for a footpath between Brunel House and Popes Lane.  The costs involved in applying for a new footpath would be between £2500 and £5000.  Cllr Caudle agreed to reply to the Horlers’ solicitor with a view to sharing the costs.                                                                                                                  PC  


12.121              Village Wear and Tear


Mike Clarkson, from the floor, mentioned the continual flooding at Combe Hay Bridge.  The Clerk agreed to write to Combe Hay’s Clerk about it.                                           GW


Stuart Cole, from the floor, said that there were numerous nettles along Stoney Littleton Lane and Farm Lane and that branches from some of the fir trees in the Dewey family’s garden were beginning to hang over the wall and might obstruct the pavement.  The Clerk agreed to mention it to them.                                        GW


12.122              Any other reports


Cllr Betts pointed out that the driveway leading to the car park needed leveling.  The Clerk agreed to write to Council Connect.                                                           GW


12.123              Date of next meeting



The next meeting will be on Monday October 8th at 8pm in the Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 10.10pm.





Geoffrey White

Parish Clerk

September 16th 2012