Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 8th September 2008

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Draft, subject to confirmation at the next meeting

8.83 To accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllr Betts and Dist Cllr Butters and 9 members of the public.

8.84 To confirm minutes of:

The minutes of the meeting held July 14th 2008 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

8.85 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.


8.86 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda.

Cllr Witty declared an interest in items 8.88 (2)&(3)

Cllr Colston declared an interest in item 8.88(4) 8.87

Public Participation.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation: Mr Cole advised of concerns regarding deteriorating walls in the village particularly at the bottom of the Village Hall Drive and outside of 4 West End Cottages. The Chairman agreed to action AM

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

8.88 Planning:

New applications:

1. 08/02465/LBA Footman's Cottage, High St, Wellow. Internal and external alterations to erect new conservatory and remove part of external wall. SUPPORT

2. 08/030309/FUL. Court Farm House, Wellow, Erection of ground floor extension and associated works.

3. 08/03042/LBA Court Farm House, Wellow, Internal and external alterations to include erection of ground floor extensions and associated works.

Cllr Witty absented herself for this item

Mr R Halle an immediate neighbour of the application property addressed the council regarding his concerns with the application. Both applications were treat together. Reservations were expressed with the perceived open endedness regarding the number of people to be employed on site; the removal of a garage and reduction in parking space and the likely impact upon parking on the highway; the impact of roof lights on neighbouring properties. It was proposed that the Parish Council should OPPOSE the application unless these issues could be satisfactorily addressed. This was unanimously agreed.

4. 08/03149/TCA Greenhayes, Wellow. Fell eucalyptus and raise crown of Yew.

Cllr Colston absented himself for this item Unanimously supported

5. 08/03218/TCA The Manor House, High St, Wellow. Fell conifer. Unanimously supported.

Decisions received:

1. 08/02465/LBA Footman's Cottage, High St, Wellow. Internal and external alterations, erect new conservatory and remove part of external wall. CONSENT

2. 08/02757/FUL Wellow Trekking Centre. Retention of stable block and extension to reception/tea room building. PERMIT.

3. 08/01604/CLEU Wellow Trekking Centre. Application for a certificate of lawfulness and for an existing use for the stationing of a mobile home. LAWFUL.

4. 08/01227/FUL Knights Barn, Wellow. Change of use of garage from residential to commercial etc. WITHDRAWN.

5. 08020798/TCA Manor Stables, Farm Lane, Wellow. Fell chestnut. NO OBJECTION.

6. 08/02876/TCA Windyridge, Wellow. Fell sycamore maple. NO OBJECTION.

7. 08/02527/TCA Church House, Wellow. Fell ash to hedge height. NO OBJECTION

8. 08/02523/TCA Canteen House, Canteen Lane, Wellow. Crown thin beech and fell cherry. NO OBJECTION.

8.89 Finance

To approve financial report for the month.

The RFO presented the financial report and payments due for the month. These were unanimously agreed

8.90 Parish Plan

To receive updates from members.

a) Cllr Watson asked for a meeting to discuss proposals from BANES regarding traffic calming. This was agreed and left for him to organise.

b) Cllr Andrews advised of a change to the grass cutting arrangements at the Cemetery.

c) Cllr Pike advised of a complaint received regarding the grass cutting at the Cemetery which he is investigating.

d) The Chairman advised of a letter received from Community Action asking for a meeting to review progress with actions arising from the Parish Plan. He has agreed a date of 2nd October at 10.30 am. Cllr Colston agreed to attend. Members were asked to let the Chairman know prior to this meeting of any particular action points they wished to be raised as there is the possibility of funds being available.

e) Cllr Witty advised the new container for the Youth Club is to be delivered in the coming week.

8.93 Any Other Business.

a) The Chairman read out a letter received from a parishioner suggesting an alternative litter bin and post collection box on The Batch more in keeping with a Conservation Area. It was felt that the area in question could do with close examination and Cllr Watson would draw up a suggestion for discussion at the next meeting.

b) The Chairman advised of the next meeting of the Police Parish Forum, 15th October at 7.00pm at which Cllr Pike agreed to represent the Parish .

8.94 Date of next meeting:

Confirmed as Mon 13th Oct, 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

AM 10.09.08