Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Clerk: Mrs A Rhys Roberts, Honeybatch, Wellow. Bath BA2 8QG Tel: 01225 833102 E-mail: angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 10th September 2007 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Watson, Pike, Halewood, Martin (Chairman), Colston, Lewis (from 8.25), and Andrews (from 8.30).

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston (from 8.05pm) Halewood, Lewis, Pike, Martin (Chairman), Watson (from 8.10pm) Witty. District Councillor Butters (from 8.30 pm), Clerk and 9 Parishioners.

7.88 Apologies for absence None

7.89 Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the meetings held 9th and 26th July 2007, were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

7.90 Matters arising None

7.91 Declarations of interest Cllr Lewis declared an interest in agenda item 6g.

7.92 Public participation: The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

7.93 Planning Planning Decisions

a) FO114/A/07/2037726 The Cottage, Canteen Lane, Wellow, BA2 8PY Proposed first floor rear extension. APPEAL DISMISSED

b) 07/02186/RES Plot C Foxcote Avenue Peasedown St. John BA2 8SF Approval of reserved matters of appearance and landscaping in respect of new hospital pursuant to outline planning permission 06/03390/OUT PERMIT New Applications

c) 07/02584/TEL Street Record, Wellow Lane, Peasedown St John Installation of telecommunications apparatus on land adjacent to Wellow Lane at junction with A367. Members were at a loss to understand why other provider's equipment had not been considered and it was agreed to submit comments to that effect.

d) 07/02345/FUL The Old Works, Railway Lane, Wellow BA2 8QG Conversion to residence with attached mews cottage. There was general agreement that the village would benefit from development of this site but it was felt that the provision of two dwellings and the associated traffic in a narrow lane would represent over development. Cllr Halewood advised there were rights of way across the site, the existence of which had not been addressed in the application. Cllr Watson proposed the Parish Council refuse to support the application in its current form but would support one for a single dwelling. The motion was carried.

e) 07/02400/FUL Car Park, Station Road, Wellow. Change of use of part of car park for the siting of 3 wooden composting bins. In introducing this item The Chairman advised that this was an extremely contentious application with feelings running high in the village. He had received many letters both in support and against the application. These were read out together with other pertinent material Members felt although there appeared to be a level of support for the application the idea had not been sold to those most likely to be affected having filed to follow the guidelines set out by the activity's standards body. The Chairman proposed the application not be supported in its current form but the applicants be asked to withdraw the application and seek to work with the Parish Council to endeavour to produce a scheme which satisfied all requirements. The motion was carried.

f) 07/02343/AGRN The Hayes, Weavers Farm, High Street, Wellow BA2 8QE. Erection of a general purpose storage shed on The Hayes. Supported

g) 06/00366/UNDEV Weavers Farm Bungalow, Bath Hill, Wellow BA/ 8QZ. Creating unauthorised track. Cllr Lewis absented himself for this item. The Chairman advised members the Parish Council had been notified of a proposal to instigate enforcement action by BANES and given the reaction of the applicant to the Parish council's decision not to support the original application enquired if members would like him to address the relevant committee with our views. This was not taken up.

7.94 Finance

a) Payments due received unanimous approval.

b) The August reconciliation was approved. Awaiting the arrival of September bank statement to reconcile the accounts.

7.95 Approval of financial regulations and standing orders The Chairman advised that the external auditors had requested copies of the Council's financial procedures and standing orders together with a copy of the relevant minute showing these had been adopted. He explained that no written procedures have existed nor any standing orders and had undertaken to produce these. Draft procedures have been prepared by him and provided to the internal auditor and Cllr Lewis (member of the Finance Cttee) who confirmed they reflected current practice and were therefore acceptable and accordingly, he proposed the Council endorsed their acceptance, this was carried unanimously. Fifteen model standing orders taken from the New Councillors Guide together with a new order no.16 relating to the Supply of goods material and supplies. The chairman proposed adoption of these. This was carried unanimously.

7.96 Changes of support to Sheltered Housing Residents in Manor Close Miss Sturm reported on changes to operational procedures at Manor Close and of two incidents of residents taking ill and the emergency call out system failing. Residents were being asked to pay more for a lesser service and it was apparent the changes recently introduced had not considered their social impact. The Chairman had discussed the matter previously with Miss Sturm and offered to get involved in face-to-face meetings with Somer housing. This was unanimously endorsed. Miss Sturm was commended for her efforts on behalf of other affected residents of Manor Close. AM

7.97 Traffic Calming Cllr Watson stated that he hopes to arrange a meeting with the traffic consultants in the immediate future.

7.98 Parish Plan Cllr Halewood reported that Mr Humphreys working plan is going to be circulated this week, and working groups are going to be organized. DH

7.99 Meetings AGM Community Action, decline.

7.100 Any Other Business

7.101Date of next meeting It was confirmed that the next Wellow Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday, 8th October 2007 in the Village Hall at 8pm.

The meeting closed at 10.15pm.