Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 20th September 2004 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), and Watson

In attendance: Cllr Dawson, The Clerk, Sue Wordsworth and seven parishioners

2004/141 Apologies for absence

Cllrs Pike and Elvin

2004/142 Minutes of meeting held on 19th July 2004

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

2004/143 Matters arising and not on the agenda

There were no matters arising

2004/144 Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest.

2004/145 Public participation

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr S Cole raised the following points:

(i) He thanked Jean Horler for disposing of the rubbish that had been deposited near Twinhoe.

(ii) The orange waste sacks had not been collected from opposite the church. Action: Clerk

(iii) Henley View gardens had been visited by Stephen Weeks from B&NES;

(iv) Wellow Car park had been visited by two men from B&NES.;

(v) He thought that parking the other side of the cart shed could be dangerous because of visibility. He was advised that the opposite pavement couldn't be altered due to drainage requirements.

(vi) The Landrover that is sometimes parked opposite the entrance to Henley View was causing a danger to turning cars. Cllr Halewood to discuss with the owner. Action: Cllr Halewood

Mr Holland reported:

(vii) That quotes for the repair to the Village Hall ranged between £25,000 and £46,000. Felling the Ash Tree, which would mean that only part of the underpinning would need to be carried out, could save some of the costs. Since the arboriculturalist was not in favour of this, Mr Holland requested support from the council regarding the removal of the tree that has caused much of the damage. This was agreed.

(viii) The emptying of waste bins at the Village Hall had not been happening. Mr Holland to request a metal waste bin from John Everitt.

Cllr Dawson Advised of a working group report on double taxation and the response from councillors. The matter is still under investigation.


(i) 04/02515/FUL Norton Lane Farm. Conversion of barn to form ancillary disabled accommodation and associated works. This application was supported with conditions.

(ii) 04/02517/FUL Norton Lane. Agricultural livestock building. This was supported

(iii) 04/01246/FUL Weavers Farm. Conversion of barn into dwelling with a two storey rear extension and garage (revised scheme). The council had reservations regarding this application.

(iv) 04/02099/FUL Land between A367 Wellow Lane and Eckweek Lane, Peasedown St John. The council objected in principle to this application.

(v) 04/02159/VAR Land between A367 Wellow Lane and Eckweek Lane, Peasedown St John. The council objected in principle to this application.

(vi) 04/02602/FUL Land between A367 Wellow Lane and Eckweek Lane. Peasedown St John. The documents relating to this application were not available at the meeting. It is the council's view that we continue to oppose this application based on the two previous applications highlighting light pollution, screening, traffic turning right from Wellow Lane into the site and traffic calming in the village. The council is also concerned to receive the agreed £50,000 from the Section 106 agreement. Action: Chairman

(vii) 04/02732/FUL Blacksmiths Cottage. Conservatory. This was supported.

(viii) 04/02852/FUL The Cottage, High Street, Wellow. Rear Conservatory. This was supported. The Chairman requested that documents are circulated promptly as we are now working to a reduced timescale imposed by B&NES.


(i) 04/01940/FUL Knightsfield, Wellow. Erection of first floor extension, single-storey extension and front porch. Permitted.

2004/146 Parish Plan A letter has been received from Dan Norris congratulating the team on receiving the grant. The next meeting of the Parish Plan committee will be at the end of the month. Cllr Halewood made an appeal for more people to give their assistance on the steering committee.

2004/147 Hinton Hill Hinton Charterhouse Council has corresponded with B&NES requesting a report of the progress on the repair to Hinton Hill. This council will write to Dan Norris seeking his assistance. Action: Chairman

2004/148 Community Emergency Guidance Cllr Humphreys reported that the work involved to complete this document is onerous and suggested that a volunteer outside the council would be a better solution to the problem. Cllr Dawson said that Hinton had constructed their village emergency manual and she would make enquiries. Martin Smith volunteered to help and will discuss the details with Cllr Humphreys.

2004/149 Wellow Car Park Cllr Halewood will construct a final proposal to progress the options based on a long lease for the car park and the adoption of Station Road. Action: Cllr Halewood

2004/150 Review of Park and Ride Bus Services The Council has already responded to a previous request for suggestions.

2004/151 Parish Appointments Cllr Pike has completed the application forms for Appointment to the Conservation Board in the Chilterns & Cotswolds AONBs. The Council expressed a wish to have an AONB sign in the village. This is to be investigated. Action: Cllr Pike

2004/152 Clerk Discussions have been held with Mrs Sue Wordsworth regarding the role of clerk and she has attended the meeting to gain knowledge of the workings of the Council following which she will make a final decision.

2004/153 Community Policeman/20mph Cllr Betts has arranged a meeting with PC Chapman and will report at the next meeting.

2004/154 Waste Collection The waste bins in the Car Park have not been emptied for 4 weeks. Action: Clerk

2004/155 Consultation Papers The response to the followings Papers is to be dealt with by The Chairman: Consultation papers for 'Review of the Regulatory Framework Governing the Political Activities of Local Government Employees' and 'A Model Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees' Action: Chairman

2004/156 Inter Village Quiz It was agreed a team is to be entered into the quiz and organised by Cllr Elvin. Action: Cllr Elvin

2002/157 Financial Report

A. End of year Accounts 2003/2004.

The accounts have been examined by Mr Richard Holland the Internal Auditor and approved by the Council. The Chairman will sign off prior to forwarding to the external auditors.

B. Bank Statement

(i) Current Account £5523.94

(ii) Reserve Account £7824.35

(iii) Wellow 2000 Current Account £145.36

(iv) Wellow 2000 Reserve Account £1957.72

The Wellow 2000 account was set up for the Millennium and was run by a management committee consisting of J Morphew, A Weale, C Hurdle, A Taylor. The clerk to request the status of the account from Mrs J Morphew (treasurer) with a view to identifying a use for the fund for the benefit of the village.

C. August /September Payments agreed

(i) Mr S Cole Street Cleaning £181.12 (Aug) £181.12 (Sept)

(ii) Mrs S Humphreys Salary £124.89 (Aug) £124.89 (Sept)

(iii) Diane Franks (Website) £27.43 (Aug)

(iv) Richard Holland (Internal Auditor) £30.00

(v) Data Protection £35.00

(vi) Ms J Earp (Closed Churchyard) Grass cutting £151.41 plus expenses £15.97

D. Receipts

(i) B&NES Street Cleaning refund £191.57(Aug) £191.57 (Sept)

E. Parish Plan

(i) Account £2385.56

2004/158 Meetings

(i) Parish Cluster Meetings - proposed dates 21st March 2005 and 22nd August 2005 although the August meeting is currently being questioned.

2004/159 Any other business

Cllr Lewis expressed sadness at the passing of Gordon Hewlett who will be greatly missed. Cllr Lewis wished to express thanks for all the excellent work carried out by Gordon in relation to the village, the coal canal, the history archives and many other projects that were enthusiastically pursued by Gordon. This was wholeheartedly endorsed by the meeting.

2004/160 Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held Monday 18th October at 8 pm in the village hall. The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm