Wellow Parish Council


Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159



Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 10th October 2011 at 8pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Caudle, Clarkson, Prentice, White and Witty. District Cllr Butters also attended.

Seven members of the public in attendance.




11.122              To accept apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Doman and Wheeler


11.123              Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in September 2011 minutes



11.124              To confirm minutes of meeting held on September 12th 2011.

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on September 12th 2011 were approved unanimously.


11.125              To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.



11.126              Election of Chair and Vice-Chair


                        In view of the fact that two councillors had tended their apologies, the Chairman

                        suggested that this item be deferred until the November meeting.  This was agreed.




11.127              Planning


1.       New applications



a.        11/03923/TCA:  Manor Stables, Farm Lane, Wellow. Fell London plane tree and replant



Cllrs Clarkson and Caudle said that they had inspected the tree concerned and that they had no objections.  Cllr Betts said that, from a health and safety point of view, the tree should be removed. It was unanimously agreed to support the application.


b.      11/04002/TCA Tumble down Cottage, Wellow. Pollarding of apple trees, ash and field maple



The Council voted unanimously to support the application.




c.       11/03806/TCA Holly Tree House, High Street, Wellow. Crown thin by 25% Norway maple and crown thin by 20% weeping willow.



The Council voted unanimously to support the application.


d.      11/0403/TCA The Manor House, High Street, Wellow Various tree works


Cllr Witty asked for confirmation that the trees in question were to be trimmed rather than removed.  Cllr White said that Jane Brewer from B&NES had no objection to the proposals.  The Council voted unanimously to support the application.


e.       11/03705/FUL Bourne Farm, Double Hill, Shoscombe  Extension to existing agricultural slurry lagoon


Cllr Caudle said that the proposed extension was well away from the footpath there and so she could see no objection.  The proposal was agreed to unanimously.



2.       Other planning issues


a.        Blacksmith’ Cottage


The Chairman read out the response from the owners of Blacksmith’s Cottage regarding their solar panel.


It was agreed that this matter had been resolved and was now closed.


b.      Trekking Centre


The Chairman said that she had not been able to follow up the suggestion that Frank Shellard be invited to address the Council.


Cllr Caudle updated the Council regarding the agricultural application and explained that B&NES had ruled that planning permission would need to be sought.


It was mentioned that we should refer the question of the layby to District Cllr Butters.


Cllr Witty mentioned the village walk and it was agreed that we should meet at the Fox and Badger at 9.30 am on Saturday, October 15th.


c.       Vegetable growing opposite Ford Farm


It was agreed that, as Cllr Doman had tended his apologies, this item would be deferred until the November meeting.


d.      Forge Cottage


It was agreed that the Clerk would ascertain whether or not planning permission would be required for the newly created parking space.                                   GW




11.128              Village Wear and Tear



New items


The Chairman said that we should address the problems with the drains at the east end of the village after the proposed walk,

The verges outside Weavers Orchard should be cut but Cllr Clarkson said that her husband cut them once a month anyway,

Cllr Witty expressed concern that the road beyond the former stoneworks was narrowing and suggested that we inspect it.  Cllr Betts said that it was more than likely that the stretch of road in question was in the parish of Combe Hay.  The Clerk was asked to contact the Parish Clerk at Combe Hay accordingly,                   GW

Reference was made to a possible unstable tree near Combe Hay.  The Chairman said that she would get in touch with Geoff Pike about it,                                       HA

Stuart Cole, from the floor, mentioned a loose gate at the play area.  Cllr Betts said that she would have a look at it,                                                                                  SB

It was reported that some tiles had been removed from the hut in the cemetery.

Cllr Betts agreed to look at the beech tree on the playing field.




11.129              Finance


·         Outstanding payments were approved and the cheques and invoices duly signed.

·         The financial report for October was approved.

·         The Clerk said that the external audit had been carried out by Mazars and that our accounts had been found to be in order

·         It was agreed that the playing field maintenance contract for 2011 to 2012 would be approved after it had been checked by Cllr Betts

·         It was agreed that the reserve account should be discussed as an agenda item in November

·         The Clerk was asked to obtain a list of Council owned land from the previous Chairman                                                                                       GW




11.130              Broadband


District Cllr Neil Butters read an email he had received from Helen Moore at B&NES re broadband.  He said that broadband issues would be discussed at the next cabinet



11.131              Parish Forum


                        It was agreed that Cllr Wheeler be asked to attend parish Forum meetings.          HA


11.132              Jubilee


                        The Chairman said that a sub-committee should be elected to plan the Jubilee

celebrations.  Cllr Betts said that there would be a public meeting in January. 


The possibility of having a beacon was discussed but Cllr Witty suggested

illuminating the church and ringing the bells instead.  A beacon would have to be

purchased and they were expensive, around £300.


Richard Holland would be asked to publicise these decisions and Cllr Witty agreed to provide him with the details.                                                                         MW




11.133              Tree Planting Grant


Cllr Prentice suggested possible sites for tree planting.  He suggested the playing field, the car park and the field behind the church.  The Clerk was asked to email the organisation behind the tree planting to update them.  He was asked to enquire whether the project was linked to the Jubilee.                                                      GW


11.134              Firework Display


Cllr Betts reported that the school’s PTA had asked for permission to hold a firework display on November 4th.


She said that this was a courtesy request but there were no objections and so Cllr Betts agreed to follow it up.  She pointed out that local farmers and the residents whose properties back on to the playing field would need to know.







11.135                 Park and Ride Consultation


The Chairman referred to a letter received from B&NES.


It was asked whether the Park and Ride at Odd Down could run on Sundays.  At

present this only happens around Christmas time.  District Cllr Butters said he would

bring this up at the transport meeting to be held on October 11th.


Cllr Witty said that Roger Symonds at B&NES would see whether the village minibus

could be funded to provide a service to the Park and Ride on Friday and Saturday



The Chairman would follow this up and copy to District Cllr Butters.                     HA


11.136              Chairman’s Business Awards


Cllr Witty agreed to follow this up                                                                       MW


11.137              Britain in Bloom


Cllr Prentice agreed to follow this up                                                                  HP


11.138              Parish Plan


a.       Neighbourhood Watch – deferred to November


b.      Village Tidying


Mike Clarkson, from the floor, asked whether this could be done before Christmas rather than in the spring.


Cllr Prentice said that the central part of the village was clean and tidy and that we should concentrate on the edges.


Cllr Clarkson said that she had cleaned the phone box and that her husband would paint it.  The Chairman said that we should check with BT before doing anything. 


Cllr Prentice said we should look into making the phone itself operational.


It was agreed that Village Tidying Day should be on November 19th and that we should meet outside the pub at 10am.  Cllr Wheeler would be asked to organise it but the Chairman agreed to put a note in the Parish News.                                   HA


Cllr Witty agreed to provide details to Richard Holland so that he could put the details on the website.                                                                              MW


c.       Petanque Piste


Cllr Betts agreed to send all the necessary details to District Cllr Butters by October 15th. District Cllr Butters said he was sure that the £500 grant would be forthcoming.                                                                                 SB


d.      Village shop


Cllr Witty said that she had attended a one-day workshop re grants but wouldn’t know any more until the spring.


She said she was due to attend the Village SOS Road Show with Erica Smith in Bristol.


The problem with improving the shop is that we do not actually own it and so asked for other suggestions.  Cllr White asked whether any grants could be used for the bus.


The Chairman pointed out that the volunteers at the shop are not keen to be involved and that there are no younger volunteers.

Cllr Prentice suggested that we apply for any grants anyway – we could always refuse them if necessary.  Cllr Caudle agreed and this suggestion was passed.


e.       Traffic calming signage


Cllr Betts asked whether the Council wished to continue its efforts to upgrade traffic calming. It was agreed that Cllr Wheeler should contact the police about it.


Cllr Caudle said that we should get on with the signage. She wondered whether we could use the logo which is on the village bags.  It was agreed to make this an agenda item in November.                                                                             GW


f.        Core Strategy



District Cllr Butters highlighted one or two items from the core strategy with reference to Hicks gate and Brislington.


None of the councillors expressed any desire to follow up B&NES proposals in any detail.



11.139                     Any other reports


                               Cllr Witty asked about empty properties.

                               The need for snow patrols was mentioned.



11.140                      Next Meeting


       The next meeting was confirmed as Monday, November 14th at 8pm in the

                                Village Hall.  The meeting closed at 10.20 pm.








Geoffrey White

Parish Clerk

October 16th 2011