Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 12th October 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson

9.102 Apologies for absence:

Received from Cllrs Andrews and Witty and Dist Cllr Butters.

9.103 To confirm minutes of meeting held 13th Sept:

The minutes of the meeting held 14th Sept 2009 were agreed as a true record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

9.104 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda:


9.105 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda:

Cllr Pike declared interests in items 9.106 2(b), (c) & (d)

9.106 Planning:

(1) Decisions received:

a) 09/02607/LBA Manor Court Cottage, High St, Wellow. External alterations to dormers etc. CONSENT

b) 09/02687/TCA The Maltings, Mill Hill, Wellow Coppice 2 Ash & pollard 4 Ash. NO OBJECTION

(2) New applications:

a) 09/03216/FUL & 09/03217/LBA Church Farm House, High St, Wellow. Internal and external alterations for the erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing 1970's extension. Cllr Watson suggested that the scheme was of poor quality with errors in detail and at variance to the setting but proposed that while not adverse to the idea of the proposal, we should record a vote it should be OBJECT IN PRINCPLE until a more sympathetic scheme be submitted. This was agreed unanimously.

Cllr Pike having declared interest in the following three items took no part. The applicant, Mr. G Coles was present and answered questions regarding detail of the following three applications which were interlinked:

b) 09/03235/VAR Home Farm, White Ox Mead. Variation of condition 9 of application 02/00765/FUL Cllr Lewis proposed a motion of SUPPORT. This was carried unanimously

c) 09/03238/FUL Under Hayes, White Ox Mead. Erection of a triple garage. Cllr Lewis proposed a motion of SUPPORT. This was carried unanimously.

d) 09/03239/FUL Under Hayes, White Ox Mead. Dismantle, relocate, extend and reclad existing agricultural storage building etc Cllr Lewis proposed a motion of SUPPORT. This was carried unanimously.

e) 09/03697/LBA Land and buildings to rear of 1-3 High St Wellow. Int and ext alterations to include conversion of barn, stables and forge to form 3 dwellings. The Chairman advised members of the response to the full application discussed at last months meeting. This identified the regrettable extension to Forge Cottage in the applicant's ownership asking for inclusion in the consideration of the application to address its unsatisfactory appearance, access problems and the proliferation of dormer windows in the barns. A conversation has been had with the case officer since this LBA has been received which contains more detail than had previously been available and she has agreed to accept a revised submission on this and the full application. Cllr Watson proposed a vote of OBJECT IN PRINCIPLE on the basis that the application was an over development of the site, two dwellings being more appropriate, access was poor, roof structures were unappealing, no detail of joinery or stonework was presented. This was agreed unanimously.

f) 09/03134/HEDGE & 09/03407/HEDGE Under Hayes, White Ox Mead. Removal of hedges etc. This application carried forward and added to from last month. To report on decision to OBJECT IN PRINCIPLE. The Chairman advised members of conversations had with the case officer on these two applications requiring an urgent response resulting in a note being circulated to members who endorsed the proposal to object in principle.

g) 09/03355/TPO Wellow Farm, Norton Lane, Wellow. Coppice trees. The Chairman proposed a vote of NO OBJECTION. This was unanimously agreed

h) 09/03449/TCA The Manor House, High St, Wellow Prune Norway Maple and Horse Chestnut. The Chairman proposed a vote of NO OBJECTION. This was unanimously agreed

i) 09/03450/TCA Manor Barn, Farm Lane, Wellow Prune Fraxinus excelsior and Birch The Chairman proposed a vote of NO OBJECTION. This was unanimously agreed

j) 09/03533/TCA St Julian's School, Wellow. Fell 2 Ash Members pointed out that the application detail was at variance to the site plan and it was therefore agreed to seek clarification.

9.107 Finance:

a) To approve the financial report for the month.

In the absence of the RFO the Chairman advised members it had not been possible to prepare a complete statement but this would be done as soon as possible. Payments for the month were unanimously approved. The Chairman pointed out that the fees charged for the external audit were considerably in excess of that of last year, this being due to holding funds in our account, primarily for the youth club. Cllr Colston, a member of the youth club committee, advised he would ask for them to repay the difference.

Cllr Watson advised members that the Wellow Residents Association has offered to transfer their current funds of approximately £790.00 no longer required, to the Parish Council. Cllr Halewood suggested it should be spent on a specific project i.e. traffic calming It was agreed to accept the offer and consider how it should be spent at a future meeting.

b) To note signing off of accounts for year ended 31 Mar 2009 by external auditors. The Chairman advised members that the year end accounts for 2008/9 had been signed off by the external auditors. Two comments on the accounts had been recorded by the auditor. One has already been actioned and the second is being considered by the Chairman and internal auditor.

9.108 Parish Plan:

Cllr Colston advised: a) Of a meeting to be arranged imminently to consider the introduction of a minibus service to the parish which would include input from Congresbury who had relevant experience.

b) Attendance at a parish planning seminar where nominated officers gave assurances of assistance in achieving parish plan objectives which seemed to be at variance with experience we have had on specific projects. Cllr Watson advised:

c) Of a site meeting held with B&NES regarding traffic calming and had responded to certain enquiries resulting. He would be chasing progress on the matter.

9.109 Community composting:

Cllr Colston on behalf of Cllr Witty had no substantial progress to report.

9.110 1, West End Cottages:

Cllr Colston advised of contact with the owner and it was agreed that as so much time had elapsed since the proposal had first been made a definitive answer was required for discussion at the next meeting.

9.111 Shop next to Fox & Badger: Cllr Colston and the Chairman advised of lack of progress on the matter. Cllr Colston was to chase the owners and the Chairman advised of a possible source of grant funding which may help resolve the situation.

9.112 Correspondence:

a) Letter from Avon & Somerset Police Authority re Community Policing Awards. It was agreed not to submit any recommendations.

b) B&NES Chairman's Community Awards. Last opportunity for nominations. The Chairman advised that he had received two nominations which he would be submitting.

9.113 Chairman's report:

a) BANES/ALCA meeting The Chairman reported of concerns expressed by parish chairmen regarding play ground improvements but has since learned that Wellow will be using a different contractor.

b) St Gregory's Sixth Form College The Chairman reported on a consultation meeting he had attended when proposals for a sixth form college were discussed. It is expected that an application would be submitted this month.

9.114 Any Other Business: The Chairman read out a letter from Mrs. C Holland suggesting that fallen leaves collected by the parish sweeper were a community resource and should be composted for the benefit of the whole of the community. It was agreed in principle that this was the case and a proposal how this might be achieved should be submitted.

9.115 Date of next meeting:

Confirmed as Nov 9th 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm

AM 14.10.09.