Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 9th October 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson. Clerk and 6 parishioners.

06.118 Apologies for absence. Accepted from District Councillor Dawson

06.119 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda. None

06.120 Confirmation of the minutes.

The minutes of monthly meeting held on 11 September 2006 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman

06.121 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda. None

06.122 Public Participation. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation:

· The brambles which were overhanging the footway near the vicarage at the east end of the village have been cleared and a letter of thanks will be sent.

· B&NES Council to be contacted to deal with blocked drains and grates at Farm Lane and at the Stoney Littleton turning. SW

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

06.123 Planning. To note planning applications:

(i) 06/03254/Ful. The Old Barn. Upper Twinhoe Alterations to access and landscaping. More information needed

(ii) 06/03990/OUT Plot C, Foxcote Ave. PSJ. New hospital and landscaping. Prior to the meeting, the members of the Parish Council had received a presentation from the planning consultants, architect and medical professionals on the proposal. As not all members had the opportunity to study the written submission prior to the meeting and a public exhibition is to be held 19th October the decision on how to respond will be taken after that date.

(iii) 06/02784/FUL Village Hall High Street Wellow BA2 8QQ Alterations to main north facing entrance and south facing fire exit doorways and provision of toilet for disabled persons. PERMITTED

(iv) The Batch. The Chairman gave a summary of the background to The Batch to date and of recent events which include the meeting arrangd by B&NES Council which attempted to find a resolution between the developers and the parish councillors. The outcome was that the developers were to submit a plan for addressing the discrepancies between the agreed s106 agreement and what had been carried out or.face prosecution and enforcement. It had been recommended by BANES that this presented an excellent opportunity to incorporate some or all of the suggestions made by the Parish Council. Subsequently, The Parish Council had written confirming that the 8 tons of granite setts were still available and offering to contribute to the cost of installing them but has not received a reply. On pressing B&NES Council for progress on the matter, the Parish Council had been informed that the developers were considering submitting an application on The Batch to include it as residential curtilage. A copy of an email from the Development Control Manager to the developer's architect was read out stating that in his opinion the was little or no chance of such an application succeeding given the strength of local feeling. Subsequently, a letter has been received by B&NES Council from the developers stating that it is their intention to carry out remedial work to meet the original s106 specification. This will be done within three months of the date of the letter i.e. by 15th December 2006. Commenting that this was a missed opportunity to incorporate the landscape designs of the parish council, the Chairman asked Cllr Watson to attempt to dispose of the 8 tons of granite setts at the best possible price to minimise the financial impact on the council charge payers of the parish.

06.124 Finance.

Payments were approved. The annual audit has been signed off by the external auditor. The statement of accounts and external auditor's report are available for inspection and the public have a right to obtain copies of these documents from the parish clerk. A request to donate to the Midsomer Norton Park and Ride was declined

06.125 Parish Plan. Members were invited to become involved in the action plan for implementing key areas of the Parish Plan. It was noted that there is a grant of £2500 being made available to pump prime the actions and quick wins and members were asked to consider where this money could be used most effectively.

06.126 Meetings.

To confirm attendance at the following meetings:

Avonside Calor Village of the Year - 2006 award ceremony Sat 4th November - declined but feedback will be requested. AE

Police Parish Forum - declined

06.127 Hinton Hill. It was noted that the confirmed start date for the works was 9th October 2006 and that the contract is for a 12 week period including a 3 week closure from 13th November 2006. This item will go into the parish newsletter.

06.128 Any other business

· There is a meeting to progress the traffic calming proposals with Hamilton Baillie Associates and BANES on 10th November. In the light of the new developments at the Peasedown Business Park the Parish Council will request an outline proposal and budget for a full traffic calming proposal for the village for which further funding would be required. MW

· The highway at the Combe Hay bridge is in urgent need of repair, the action minuted last month needs to be followed up SW

· The Parish Council has been awarded a grant of £3400 to purchase and install a climbing frame for the children's play area. Further quotes are needed to satisfy the grant requirements GL

· Following completion of the Wellow Parish Plan there has been no response from B&NES council and this matter will be referred to the District Councillor. AC

· A number of responses have been received about the proposed composting scheme at the car park at the end of Station Road. Cllr Elvin advised the meeting that Mrs Horler, weavers Farm had offered a site for allotments. This was noted by the meeting.

06.129 Next meeting

The next meeting of Wellow Parish Council will be held on Monday 13th November 2006 at 8pm in the Wellow Village Hall.