Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Clerk: Mrs A Rhys Roberts, Honeybatch, Wellow. Bath BA2 8QG Tel: 01225 833102 E-mail: angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 12th November 2007 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Pike (from 8.05pm), Martin (Chairman), Watson, Witty. Clerk and 10 Parishioners.

7.114 Apologies for absence

District Councillor Butters and Cllr Lewis

7.115 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held Monday 8th October 2007, were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

7.116 Matters arising


7.117 Declarations of interest

Cllr Halewood declared an interest in agenda item 6 d2/3

7.118 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

7.119 Planning Applications

(a) 07/03314/FUL 4 Weavers Orchard, Wellow BA2 8BP. Provision of dormer windows to rear roof slope. The Chairman advised that Mrs Horler had informed him that there was a restrictive covenant on 4 Weavers Orchard, which prevents any further development. The Chairman has spoken to the case officer who advised this was not a matter which should be considered in discussion of the application. A letter of objection from Mr & Mrs Horler was noted. Cllr Watson proposed that the application should have the Council's support subject to agreement of detailed plans of the work. This motion was carried by the Council.

(b) 07/03221/AGRN Weavers Farm, High Street, Wellow BA2 8QG. Stable Block. It was decided that the application is lacking in detail and more information is required, so the Planning Department would be contacted. Cllr Watson proposed that the application be supported subject to confirmation of use of building and detail of construction. This motion was carried by the Council.

(c) 07/02400/FUL Car Park, Station Road. Community Composting. The Chairman advised that following more examples of polarisation in the Parish that had further raised his concerns he had met with or talked to via telephone the two remaining members of The Composting Committee. Arising from these discussions which were both full and frank, he was particularly concerned with two matters: an allegation that he had refused access to letters of support received by the Parish Council and that he had been unfair to them at the time the application was discussed. The Chairman read from his notes of both discussions. He has been advised that at no time was a request made for access to letters of support but the applicants did feel unfairly treated by the Chairman both in what he said at the meeting and the subsequent response to BANES. Apparently this has been verified by someone who was at the meeting. The Composting Committee feels the Parish Council has been biased and that the offer of working together to achieve an outcome satisfactory to all had been an empty one. Concerned with the gravity of this statement the Chairman offered the address of The Standards Board for England to the applicants but in return they have advised they do not wish to make a complaint. The Chairman advised that he took this matter extremely seriously and requested if members believed he had been unfair to the applicants, this was now the time to table a vote of no confidence in him and should it be carried, he would immediately stand down. This offer was not taken up and members expressed their full support of the Chairman. From the floor, The Parish Council's Internal Auditor advised that as someone who had been at the meeting he felt that the Chairman had been scrupulously fair, both in his treatment of the applicants and his summing up of the situation.

It was agreed the matter should not be taken any further until the report from the Case Officer, was received.

The Chairman then referred to a letter posted on the BANES Planning website for this application where it stated that a member had a declarable interest and should have refrained from voting on the issue. He advised that based on previous advice received in similar circumstances he felt it was entirely appropriate for the member in question to participate. However, concerned to ensure the veracity of this opinion he had spoken both to The Standards Board for England and The Monitoring Officer and the advice received confirms that view.

(d) Notification of proposed works to trees in the conservation area: -

1. PLW/546/CA8159 Oxleaze Wellow. Approved. The Chairman and Cllr Lewis will look at the fir tree to be felled and respond.

2. PLW/546/CA8077 Homelea Cottage, Wellow. Approved

3. PLW/546/CA8078 Box Bush Cottage, Wellow. Approved

7.120 Finance

a. Payments due received unanimous approval.

b. The November reconciliation was approved.

c. The banking forms were duly signed by the Councillors.

7.121Traffic Calming

Cllr Watson was concerned that Hamilton-Baillie had not been forthcoming and time was running out; the money allocated would have to be used by a specified date of which he was unsure but undertook to find out. It was agreed that Cllrs Colston, Halewood and Watson would get together and plan a strategy to get the traffic calming plans moving quickly. AC, DH, MW

Cllr Betts reported that she had had a reply from the Police that they will be providing training in the use of a speed gun to be used in the village.

7.122 Parish Plan

The Chairman requested a progress report from members

7.123 Christmas Tree - arrangements for event It was agreed Mr John Rose would be approached to see if his band would play for the singing of carols around the Christmas Tree on The Batch. AM

7.124 Any Other Business

7.125 Date of next meeting

It was confirmed that the next Wellow Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday, 10th December 2007 in the Village Hall at 8pm.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.