Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 13th November 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Elvin, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson and District Councillor Dawson from minute no. 06.135(iii), Clerk and 7 parishioners.

06.130 Apologies for absence. Accepted from Councillor Halewood

06.131 Matters arising from the Minutes and not on the agenda. Cllr Watson provided an update on traffic calming proposals following a meeting with Highways. It is confirmed that the funds available are insufficient to provide a comprehensive scheme for the village. . Highways are to visit and on December 14th Hamilton Baillie Associates will provide designs in more detail for inspection by members and will concentrate on West and North approaches to the village. B&NES Council will be approached to consider providing financial support for a comprehensive scheme, which could act as a model for the area in accordance with its sustainable transport plan.


06.132 Confirmation of the Minutes. The Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 9th October 2006 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

06.133 Declarations of interest on any matters on the agenda. Cllr Watson declared an interest in items 6(i) and 6(ii)

06.134 Pubic Participation. The Meeting was adjourned for public participation:

(i) Concerns were expressed about the safety of railings abutting the road at Honeysuckle Cottage. Cllr Martin explained that the railings and beech hedge were replacements for an old hedge and railings and so did not require planning permission. The concerns about safety would be forwarded to the Highways Department.


(ii) Concerns were expressed about the scale of the commemorative waymark on the cycle path. A letter will be sent to the planning department.


(iii) An inspection of the fencing is required for the childrens play area as part of it has fallen over.


06.135 Planning. Cllr Watson left the meeting.

(i) 06/03687/FUL Expiry: 19/12/2006 White Baines Bull's Hill Wellow BA2 8QS Replacement garage with studio accommodation above. SUPPORTED

(ii) 06/03622/FUL Expiry: 11/12/2006 Springhill House White Ox Mead Lane Erection of a stable yard for private use. SUPPORTED

Cllr Watson returned to the meeting. District Cllr Dawson joined the meeting at 8.30pm

(iii) 06/03390/OUT Peasedown St John Business Park. Outline planning application for new hospital. The Chairman advised members that the response objecting in principle to the application had been forwarded to BANES. It had been observed that a traffic monitoring exercise had been carried out last week with recording being taken at Hinton Charterhouse and the entrance to The Bath Business Park at Peasedown St John. Planning continued: It was decided that a local traffic survey would be carried out by volunteers at strategic times and that the Headteacher of St Julian be asked to raise awareness of the risks of speeding traffic with both children and parents. This item will be included in the Parish Newsletter.


(iv) Proposal for a Food store at Oddown. This matter had been raised by a local resident asking if the Parish Council should object to the proposal. to build a supermarket. It was decided to consider the proposal within the context of the local plan and raise concerns about the likely increase of traffic that that would impact of villages to the south west of Bath.


(v) Two tunnels proposed cycle route. In response to a suggestion from a local resident The proposal to continue the Midford cycle route into Bath via existing, disused tunnels was well received by members and it was decided to invite the planners to expand on the project at next month's meeting.


06.136 Finance. The Finance report was noted and November payments were approved. An item requesting purchase of dog ordure bins was deferred to next month. Costings need to include any changes to refuse collection cycles.


06.137 Parking off road at 1 West End Cottages. Cllr Colston provided a summary of the situation and a proposal to support the principle of granting permanent access to the garden and parking area from the village hall drive subject to appropriate arrangements and advice. The proposal was carried by a majority vote. An independent valuation of the benefit to the owner will be obtained.


06.138 Parish Plan. Cllr Humphreys updated the allocation of tasks, which will be circulated to members. Members of the working group involved in preparing The Plan and any other interested parties will be invited to join the specific groups addressing their area of interest. These groups will be charged with delivering the aspirations of The Parish as contained within The Plan. Each will identify a leader, targets and timetable for delivery of aims.


06.139 Meetings. No attendance required

06.140 Any other business

Cllr Watson is progressing the ideas produced via the Parish Plan and aiming to present a draft proposal for the recreation field.

Cllr Colston advised the AONB is correctly described in the local plan and the map contained in the Parish Plan supplied by BANES is incorrect.

Cllr Lewis advised the quarterly playground inspection has required replacement swings and grant funding is being pursued.

Cllr Lewis advised of a letter from The Magic Box Playgroup offering to pay for the resurfacing and resetting edgings of the Village Hall car park in return for allowing them to use the area for play in inclement weather. They offered to cover this activity under their own insurance. It was agreed to support this generous offer subject to satisfying the Parish Council the proposed works were thought to be robust and verification of the insurance arrangements.


06.141 The next Wellow Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 11th December 2006 at 8pm in the Wellow Village Hall and will be preceded by a presentation about the Two Tunnels project at 7.30pm

The meeting ended at 10.20pm.