Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 21st November 2005 at 8pm.


Councillors Colston, Betts, Elvin, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson. Clerk and parishioners.

123/05 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Councillor Humphreys and District Councillor Gitte Dawson

124/05 Minutes of meeting held on 24 October 2005

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

125/05 Matters of report arising from the minutes and not on the agenda


126/05 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda


127/05 Public Participation - the meeting was adjourned for public participation


The meeting was reconvened

128/05 Planning

(a) To consider new applications (none) and note decisions received:

(i) 05/02988/FUL Cranborne Station Road Wellow. Two storey and single storey extensions. PERMITTED

(ii) 05/01913/FUL Springhill House White Ox Mead Lane. Single storey extension after demolition of existing and change of use of strip of agricultural land for pedestrian access. PERMITTED

(b) It was decided to reply to B&NES with the response that the Delegation Scheme for Development Control Planning Applications was largely acceptable. AM

129/05 Finance

(i) The request from Wellow Village Hall Management Committee for an increment to the annual grant from £1650 to £1700 was given due consideration and full support.

(ii) The amended finance report was received and receipts and payments approved.

130/05 Improvements to the area next to the Packhorse Bridge

It was decided that an improvement scheme would be drafted in rough sketch form taking account of the need to deter horses from damaging the planting and the risk of flooding. This will be presented to the next meeting. MW

131/05 Traffic Calming Scheme

Costs for initial proposals from 3 consultants have been received and compared. Following the presentation immediately preceding this meeting which was well received by the Parish Council and members of the public present it was proposed by Cllr Watson that Hamilton Baillie Associates should be invited to firm up a properly priced and costed feasibility proposal to a sketch scheme stage for an agreed sum less than £3000. This was unanimously supported by members. Cllr Watson will draft a formal letter for transmission by the Clerk to the selected contractors with a copy to B&NES Highways Department. MW

132/05 Joint Local Transport Plan

The Council was briefed on the significance of the potentially major developments contained in the 'Bath Package' and it was agreed to reply to the survey questionnaire. AM

133/05 Any other business

· Parish Plan funding is in place and time extensions agreed

· To find out when Highways inspection of potholes is due and request that it is brought forward particularly to deal with Stoney Littleton Lane. SW

· To note that the Regional Spatial Strategy includes a provision to build 15400 new houses, that these could intrude onto green belt land and that this Council would resist such proposals.

· To note the summary for consultation of Bristol International Airport and respond AM

· It has been noticed that the work to repair Hinton Hill has not started on schedule. The Council has not received any new information from B&NES about dates and schedules. Cllr Martin to pursue. AM

· Cllr Pike thanked members for the kind wishes of members following his recent hospitalization.

134/05 Date of the next meeting is Monday 19 December

The meeting closed at 9.37pm