Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 15th November 2004 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson

In attendance: Sue Wordsworth (Clerk) and six parishioners

2004/180 Apologies for absence

Cllrs Humphreys and Dawson

2004/181 Minutes of meeting held on 18 October 2004

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

2004/182 Matters arising and not on the agenda

There were no matters arising

2004/183 Declarations of interest


2004/184 Public participation

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr Alan Taylor said that there have been two recent occasions when traffic has been 'gridlocked' outside his house because of parked vehicles causing congestion. He suggested several solutions to the parking problem. It was noted that although there is a right to park along the street, traffic jams are an ongoing problem, which will be looked at in depth during the consultation process of the Parish Plan.

Mr Stewart Cole said that the resurfacing work on Farm Lane was excellent and that praise was due to the contractors. He also asked that the weeds on the raised pavement opposite the school be tidied and that something should be done about the Sweeper vehicle, which hasn't apparently visited since September.

Action AM

2004/185 Planning

The Chairman updated the meeting on events since the last PC meeting regarding Barn no 2 at Weavers Farm. He mentioned particularly the lack of action by the Planning Authority and unsuccessful attempts to arrange a meeting with them. A site meeting has now been arranged for Thursday 18th November where, it is hoped the Planning Authority will rule on the matter and the situation can be satisfactorily resolved.


(a) 04/03442/LBA Barn Weavers Orchard Wellow. Cllr Watson advised this was merely a resubmission of the previous full application in response to this council's view that an application for listed building consent was required. It was felt that the previous comments would still apply.

Decisions Noted:

(a) 04/02517/FUL Norton Lane Farm, Norton Lane, Wellow. Agricultural livestock building. Permitted.

(b) 04/02515/FUL Norton Lane Farm, Norton Lane, Wellow. Conversion of barn to form ancillary disables accommodation and associated works. Permitted.

(c) 04/02732/FUL Blacksmiths Cottage (previously known as St Bedes) High Street Wellow. Conservatory. Permitted.

2004/186 Hinton Hill

Following pressure from The Parish Council and B&NES, a grant of £490,000 has been obtained from The Government Office for The South West to repair the road. It is planned that there will be two weeks of drainage works in January 2005 and the remaining work will be completed in the summer. This will take seven weeks with a closure period of three weeks. It was noted that any road closure will affect local farmers and trade in the village shop, a letter will be sent to the council about this and asking that any closure be minimised.

Action AM

2004/187 7.5 tonne weight restriction relating to Peasedown Industrial Park

Further information is required to inform the Parish Council who have been asked to approve the area of restriction.

Action AM/GL/GP

2004/188 2005/2006 B&NES Transport Capital Programme

Bids for capital works are to be coordinated by Cllr Watson

Action MW

2004/189 Traffic Calming

Cllr Halewood has been advised that £47,500 for traffic calming is now due from the developers of Wellow Vale Industrial Park. The traffic calming and roads group working on the Parish Plan will formulate suggestions on how this may be most effectively spent.

Action DH

2004/190 Grant aid for children's play equipment

A survey of the existing play equipment will be carried out and the offer of grant aid followed up.

Action GL

2002/191 Financial Report

a) Bank statement.

(i) £7938.70 Current Account

(ii) £ not available Reserve Account

(iii) £ 145.36 Wellow 2000 Current account

(iv) £1972.08 Wellow 2000 Reserve Account

b) Payments due and agreed

(i) £ 250.00 Mr L Layzell (oak notice board cabinet)

(ii) £1086.88 Mealing Surfacing Ltd (repairs to village hall drive)

(iii) £ 192.44 Mr S Cole, street cleaning Nov

(iv) £ 129.89 Mrs S Wordsworth, clerks salary etc

c) Receipts

(i) £191.57 B&NES street cleaning

d) Parish Plan

(i) £2385.56 Account

2004/192 Correspondence


2004/193 Meetings

The Chairman reported on the main points of the Parish Cluster meeting of 8th November, highlighting particularly:

· The devolved powers procedure, which, it is claimed, is working well.

· Lack of enforcement.

· Travellers at The Fullers Earth site.

Campaign to Protect Rural England AGM 27 November 2004

B&NES Primary Care Trust draft document 17 December 2004

2004/194 Any other business

1. Cllr Elvin confirmed offers of equipment for use in an emergency within the parish were being received and coordinated by Martyn Smith.

2. Following discussions with B&NES regarding leasing the car park to The Parish Council, Cllr Halewood was requested to prepare a list of options for the next meeting.

Action DH

3. Cllr Elvin advised that The Burial Board needs a secretary and this post, which attracts a small salary, will be advertised in the next newsletter.

4. The Chairman advised of a request to write to the owners of the shop next to the pub asking for it to be repaired and maintained. This was agreed.

Action AM

2004/196 Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held Monday 20 December at 8 pm in the village hall.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm