Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 18th May 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

9.56 To accept apologies for absence.


9.57 To confirm minutes of previous meeting:

The minutes of the monthly meeting held 20th April 2009 were agreed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman

9.58 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.


9.59 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda.


9.60 Public Participation.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr. Cole referred to Henley View being omitted from the fortnightly cardboard collection and that the drains had not been cleaned for some considerable time and had overflowed at the last rainfall. Cllr Butters agreed to chase. NB

Mr. Cole advised of the untidy state of the verge past Hungerford Tce. Cllr Halewood agreed to pursue. DH

The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

9.61 Planning:

(a) New applications: 09/01280/LBA The Manor House, High St Wellow. Internal alterations for the installation of a shower room. This had been circulated previously and it was agreed to SUPPORT the application.

(b) Notification of referral to Committee. 09/00305/EREG03 Odd Down Park and Ride. Proposed expansion by 230 spaces. The council noted that the application was being referred to committee.

9.62 Finance

To approve financial report for the month. The RFO had circulated the report in advance of the meeting and requested approval. This was accepted unanimously.

9.63 Parish Plan To receive updates from members.

1. Cllr Colston updated members on the lack of progress with the shop next to the Fox and Badger. He was asked to attempt to contact the agent yet again.

2. Cllr Witty updated members with: happenings at the Youth Club particularly with the provision of goal posts which were expected shortly: pursuing of fresh grants for various items including a Youth Worker: travel to school arrangements.

3. Cllr Watson updated members on progress with the shared space scheme and the intention to undertake two sample areas to evaluate the preferred materials.

4. Cllr Betts advised members that a meeting had been arranged for 9th June to finalise user requirements for improvements to the Village Hall and Playing Fields.

9.64 Car Boot/ Garage sales Cllr Witty suggested that funds could be raised for funding of the previous item by holding car boot and garage sales. Members cautioned against the idea of car boot sales in light of previous experience and the financial arrangement with the Parish Council for their discontinuance. It was agreed that the Parish Council had no jurisdiction over garage sales which were a matter for individual householders.

9.65 Chairman's report The Chairman reported on a meeting he had had with the new Highways Services Manager regarding the state of highways in the parish being encouraged by the response received. The Officer accepted that insufficient money was spent on highway maintenance and was looking at ways of increasing funding.

9.66 Any Other Business.

1. Cllr Colston advised members of the current situation regarding the sale of an access to 1 West End Cottages with e owner having (temporarily) removed to France and let the property to another party. It was agreed to seek a definitive statement from the owner by the next meeting so that a decision could be taken on the way forward.

2. Cllr Halewood asked if it would be possible to get a statutory 20mph limit in the village and Cllr Butters advised of several villages in the area that had achieved this and promised to forward details.

3. Cllr Pike updated members with happenings with the field opposite the Prince of Wales and was expecting a further update from The Enforcement Officer this week.

9.67 Date of next meeting.

The date of next meeting was confirmed as Mon 8th June 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.31pm.

AM 22.05.09