Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 12th May 2008

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.


Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, and Witty, District Cllr Butters and 6 parishioners.

8.48 Apologies for absence.

Cllrs Halewood and Watson

8.49 To confirm minutes of meeting held 14th April 2008

The Chairman reported that he had not been in receipt of any minutes for the previous meeting and would attempt to prepare some for circulation amongst members for their amendment.

8.50 Matters arising

Consequent on the above there were none at this time.

8.52 Declarations of interest

The Chairman declared a prejudicial interest in item 8.54 Knights Barn.

8.53 Public participation

Mr Cole advised of numerous areas around the village requiring grass cutting It was reported that stile to the meadow at the bottom of Mill Hill needed repair and access to and from the playing field at the west end was not easily accessible due to encroachment of stinging nettles. AM

8.54 Planning

New applications:

1. 08/01227/FUL Knights Barn, Wellow. Change of use of the garage from residential to mixed use of retail and light industrial. Erection of a rear extension to Knights Barn Cottage and garage and provision of glazed pergola to rear of main house. Change of description to include holiday let after light industrial.

The Chairman left the room for this discussion. Members had been in receipt of clarification of light industrial use following reservations expressed at the last meeting. While there was general approval for the proposal as a whole the light industrial classification still gave cause for concern. It was therefore proposed to OBJECT in PRINCIPLE to the application as it stands but be minded to SUPPORT if a single use restriction could be imposed. This was carried unanimously. The Chairman rejoined the meeting.

2. 08/01364/LBA

3 High St. Wellow. External alterations to include removal of part of stone boundary wall. Members were unsure of exactly what was legitimately to be taken into consideration as the proposal was for a "much needed parking site" when there have been around 12 parking spaces available here for many years. The application site was contained within a red line, which is only part of the whole site. It was agreed to seek guidance from the case officer.

Decisions received

1.Index No CA 8509 Court Farm House, Wellow. Permission for works to trees.

8.55 Finance.

The Chairman reported that it had not been possible to reconcile the accounts, as bank statements were not to hand. A list of payments due for the month were approved unanimously.

8.56 Parish Plan Updates:

8.57 Closed churchyard

Following an undertaken given by the Chairman at the last meeting he tabled a situation report (attached to these minutes). The approach suggested was endorsed unanimously.

8.58 Consultation documents received from B&NES;

The following draft consultation documents have been received from B&NES: Locally Important Buildings Supplementary Planning Document and Existing Dwellings in the Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document. The Chairman gave a summary of both documents proposing unreserved acceptance of both. This was carried unanimously.

8.59 Correspondence

8.60 A.O.B

8.61 Date of next meeting

Confirmed as Mon 9th June, 8pm in the Village Hall

The meeting concluded at 9.42pm.