Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 16th May 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Elvin, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson. District Councillor Dawson, Clerk and 7 parishioners.

62/06 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Councillor Halewood

63/06 Minutes of meeting held on 24 April 2006

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

64/06 Matters of report arising from the minutes and not on the agenda


65/06 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda


66/06 Public Participation - the meeting was adjourned for public participation and the following items were discussed for action:

· Request to empty bin at church gates on a regular weekly basis

· To note continuing problem of speeding cars in the village · Request to cut back vegetation on verge opposite the Chapel


· Continuing danger of cars inappropriately and dangerously parked on the corner of The Square and Bath Hill near the phone box. Intervention of the Community Policeman will be requested.


The meeting was reconvened

67/06 Presentation from Dan Carey (Public Transport Officer Bath and North East Somerset Council) and Delyth Morris (Community Transport Officer) on changes to the bus service and the proposed Fare Car Scheme The presentation set out details of the changes and provided opportunities for questions and answers. The 757 service will be discontinued in late July and replaced with a combination of a Wednesday shopping bus, a Fare Car running on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at scheduled times into Bath and a Dial a Ride to Bear Flat at school run times. There will be no late afternoon, evening or weekend service provided. The Parish Council deplores the removal of the bus service and the replacement arrangements. A full review of the new arrangements was promised by the BANES representatives and will be shared with the Parish Council.

68/06 Planning

To note planning applications:

a) 06/01302/FUL New Willow Farm Littleton Lane Wellow Modifications to final landscape and levels on completion of landfill activities to create 2 level areas for leisure activities and new pond.

b) 06/01301/FUL New Willow Farm Littleton Lane Wellow New pond. Further details of the schemes were given by the applicant who then answered detailed questions. It was proposed and unanimously agreed that both applications should be supported.

69/06 Finance

(i) The financial report was received and receipts and payments were approved.

(ii) The end of year accounts were approved for submission to internal audit.

70/06 No.1 West End Cottages.

Cllr Colston reported: Further advice about the request for off street parking has been obtained. It was decided that an outline proposal which includes preliminary lease and purchase costs would be prepared for the next meeting.


71/06 Village Hall Car Park.

Cllr Lewis reported: Loose setts need replacing and resetting but do not present a high risk for car park use. It was decided to postpone repairs until after the outcome of consultation in mid June to prepare a more long term scheme for improvement of the playing field area. Magic Box PreSchool is considering putting an additional security gate on the driveway and their proposals would be welcome.

72/06 Playground Equipment.

Cllr Betts reported:

The monkey bar frame has been removed because it was unsafe. It was decided to postpone replacement until after the outcome of consultation in mid June to prepare a more long term scheme for improvement of the playing field area.

73/06 Speed Cameras

Cllr Betts reported that further advice about the use of hand held speed cameras was being sought from the police.

74/06 Any other business

· Cllrs Watson and Lewis agreed to organise a Wellow cricket team.

· Cllr Elvin requested that a feasibility study for a community composting scheme on the car park area be an agenda item at the next meeting

· The community policeman will be invited to drop in for tea at the village hall on Tuesdays and at the village shop.

75/06 Date of next meeting will be Monday 12 June 2006

The meeting closed at 10.15pm