Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 16th May 2005 at 8pm.

59/05 Apologies for absence

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Dawson, Halewood, Humphreys, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson. Apologies were accepted from Cllr Elvin (Holiday).

In attendance: clerk and 16 parishioners

60/05 Minutes of meeting held on 18 April 2005

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

61/05 Matters of report arising and not on the agenda


62/05 Declarations of interest


63/05 Public participation

The planning and design of landscape work to The Batch was discussed and it was resolved that The Parish Council would pursue changes to make this community area more in keeping with the village. It was noted that the developers had carried out the landscaping in accordance with plans agreed with the local authority. Any costs involved in further works would be borne by The Parish Council subject to the agreement of The Millenium Committee.

The repair of potholes at the top of Bath Hill needs to be chased. SW

64/05 Planning

a) It was noted that there were no new planning applications or planning decisions made within the parish.

b) The resubmission of the application from The Cottage, The Square, Wellow for a conservatory has been heard and the recommendation of The Planning Department not accepted. Thanks have been received from the applicant for the support received from The Parish Council.

65/05 Finance

Payments and receipts were approved. Full details are available from the clerk subject to reasonable notice.

Cllr Lewis gave a report on the insurance policy and concluded that cover was adequate and it was decided that the current schedule be continued apart from removing cover for a non existent mower. It was noted that the schedule does not cover playground equipment. GL

66/05 Transport Capital Programme

Cllr Watson produced sketches of traffic calming proposals for discussion. Following open discussion it was decided Cllr Watson would contact a traffic consultant to give the proposals further consideration. An assurance that any proposals would take account of all road users, in particular, farm vehicles was given by The Chairman. It was noted that soft verges could become damaged by heavy vehicles and the benefits of using monoblock paving would be considered. MW

67/05 Playground improvements

Cllr Lewis proposed that a post and rail fence be erected at a cost of £63.78 to deter children from running into the swings. The proposal was fully supported and it was agreed that Cllr Lewis would set up a task force to complete the job. GL

68/05 Packhorse Bridge maintenance

Cllr Betts reported that B&NES Council were responsible for the repair and maintenance of the bridge and that work would be carried out this summer to make necessary repairs, paint it and remove vegetation. Cllr Betts will be asking that when the maintenance work is scheduled there is appropriate consultation with neighbouring residents. Further enquiries are necessary to find out when maintenance work on the railings of the raised pavement are due. SB

69/05 Car Park area

Cllr Halewood advised that B&NES Council may offer a long term lease and he will make further enquiries about this. DH

70/05 Public Access to Community Heritage

Cllr Humphreys agreed to have an exploratory discussion about the invitation to be represented on the steering group of this project. RH

71/05 Meetings

Cllr Martin to attend the Parish Cluster Meeting on 18 May 2005

72/05 Any other business

Cllr Lewis asked if it was known who owned the bark chippings piled on the village hall grounds and it was decided to use them for the playground.

Cllr Colston advised that 2 out of 3 households had responded to the Parish Plan questionnaire and he thanked those who had taken the trouble to respond. The results would be compiled to produce and issues and actions paper.

Cllr Betts plans to provide a dog bin for the half moon basket on the village hall drive. The bin will be emptied by the Cleansing Department.

Cllr Dawson said that the repairs on Hinton Hill were now scheduled to be carried out in September in order to avoid the grain harvesting season.

73/05 Date of next meeting

The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held at 8pm on Monday 20 June 2005.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm