Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 17th May 2004 at 8pm.

 Present: Cllrs Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis and Martin (Chairman)

In attendance: Cllr Dawson, the Clerk and 9 parishioners

2004/083 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Betts, Pike and Watson

2004/084 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19th April 2004 were confirmed as a true and accurate record.

2004/085 Matters arising

(i) Willow Farm - floodlight. BT had condemned the pole on the grounds of Health & Safety since a floodlight had been placed on the top without the knowledge of BT. BT requested that Mr Phillips remove the light which has not been done. The matter is with BT's legal dept. In the Appeal document the light had been described as being there on a seasonal basis to assist with lambing. Since lambing is now complete, it was agreed that the Parish Council should write to Mr Phillips requesting that the light be turned off. Action: Cllr Martin

(ii) Henley View Gardens. Cllr Colston had contacted Somer Housing. They have undertaken to investigate the matter of ownership.

(iii) Green Space Strategy. Cllr Colston had responded mentioning that the playing field and possibly the cemetery should be included. A copy of the document is to be given to the clerk.

2004/086 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

2004/087 Public participation

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr Cole said that there was a hole in the road by the trees near the school. To be investigated. Action: Cllr Martin

2004/088 Planning Applications

(i) Application 04/01058/FUL, The Signal Box, Railway Lane, Reinstatement of access link connecting the Signal Box with later extension and retention of the latter as built. Cllr Martin read out the response and advised of various contacts between himself, Cllr Dawson and the BANES Planner involved who had explained that the application was to reinstate permission which had existed previously but which had been spent. It was agreed that no further response was required. Cllr Dawson advised that regulations are changing to improve the time taken for applications to move through the planning system. It is proposed that the planners should decide 90% of all applications. To help to speed the process, it is suggested that Parish Councils should talk to the planners to ascertain their views before coming to a decision.

(ii) Notification of proposed works to trees in the Conservation Area. 'Willow Barn', Wellow. These proposed works were approved.

(iii) Notification of proposed works to trees in the Conservation Area. 'Holly Tree House', Wellow. These proposed works were approved.

(iv) Notification of proposed works to trees in the Conservation Area. ' Wellow Farm', The Square. These proposed works to trees were approved.

2004/089 Decisions

St Julian's C of E Primary School. Approval of works to trees in Conservation Area

2004/090 Appeals Planning Inspectorate

Appeals Ref: APP/FO144/A/03/1134971. Appeal Ref: 0300092RF Application Ref: 02/02011/FUL Willow Farm, Wellow, Bath BA2 8PU. Change of use of farm buildings for sui generis use (for the recycling of waste materials) (in accordance with plans received 30 September 2003).

On 10th May the Appeal was dismissed. It was agreed that a letter would be sent to Mr Phillips suggesting that he or his representative meet with a representative from the Parish Council to discuss options for Willow Farm. Action: Cllr Martin

2004/091 Weavers Farm

The demolition of the Implement Shed at Weavers Farm had caused great consternation amongst the village residents. Cllr Martin advised of the reaction of the local planning authority and possible courses of action. Mrs Horler explained that during building works, the beams in the roof had been removed and this had caused the walls of the building to become unsafe. Mrs Horler said that for safety reasons the building had been demolished. It is the intention of Mr & Mrs Horler to apply for planning permission to rebuild the shed. Deploring the demolition of the Implement Shed, the Parish Council agreed to await the submission of a new application before making a decision.

2004/092 Community Emergency Guidance

A document had been sent to Cllr Martin relating to Community Emergency Guidance. The purpose of this is to have a central source of knowledge within the village that could be accessed in the event of an emergency situation. The document is to be circulated for comments. Action: Cllr Humphreys

2004/093 Parish Sweeper Scheme

The scheme has now been finalised and has been achieved with the assistance given by Anneleise Smith on Health & Safety and Shirley Hurdle on Employment matters.

2004/094 Parish Plan

The necessary funding has now been promised by the Countryside Agency and congratulations were expressed to the people involved in the configuration of the plan. In order to complete the plan in the timescale a larger team will be required.

2004/095 Wellow Car Park

Cllr Halewood has details from the land registry, which will be circulated to the council for consideration.

2004/096 Parish Notice Board

The current notice board is in need of replacement. Quotations have been obtained and it was agreed to go ahead with Mr Layzell's quotation.

2004/097 Annual Review of Supported Bus Services

The 757 Bus Service is to be improved. The current 40-minute journey time to Bath is to be cut to 30 minutes by eliminating the trip into Southstoke village. The new service will commence on 7th June and the new timetable will be published soon.

2004/098 Rights of Way Enforcement Policy

Details to be circulated

2004/099 Cotswolds

Conservation Board Details to be circulated

2004/100 Financial Reports

A. Bank Statements

(i) Current Account £4964.20.

(ii) Reserve Account 'Wellow 2000' £1957.72

(iii) Reserve Account £7793.76

B. Payments

(i) Mr S Cole £226.40

(ii) Mr C Kyte £96.22

(iii) Mrs S Humphreys £ 129.89 (includes £5.00 for postage and telephone)

(iv) Village Hall first payment from precept £825.00 (v) Shop Total first payment from precept £300.00 (vi) Allianz & Cornhill £273.42

(vii) CPRE Membership Renewal £25.00

C. Receipts

(i) Street Cleaning Fund £191.57 .

D. Annual return from Mazars. In the process of being completed. Action: the Clerk

2004/078 Correspondence

(i) The Mechanical Sweeper is due to commence on 18th May on a fortnightly cycle.

(ii) Information on the Parish Census will be circulated.

(iii) 'Batscapes' information to be circulated. 2004/079 Circulation Community Transport, Rethink Rubbish, Cam Valley Wildlife Group Newsletter, B&NES Flower Show, T.A.W.M. News, Winged Fellowship Trust, ALCA Newsletter

2004/080 Meetings

(i) Parish Cluster Meetings for 2004.

Wellow Village Hall Monday 23rd August 2004, 6.00-8.30pm

2004/081 Any other business

Roadside Nature Reserve. Andy Elvin reported that he had been in touch with the Roadside Nature Reserve body and had added two other sites to their list, one being the long verge near Hassage Hill, the other being the left side of Hinton Hill.

Substation. Gates to substation are in need of renovation. Cllr Colston to get in touch with SWEB regarding repair. Quiet Lanes. No response has been received regarding

Quiet Lanes. Cllr Humphreys suggested signs constructed in wood might be more appropriate than the normal metal road signs.

Playground checks and grass cutting. Cllr Lewis offered to carry out the weekly playground checks whilst Mr Kyte is in hospital. Cllr Martin asked if there were any volunteers to undertake the grass cutting at the church on a temporary basis.

Cllr Humphreys expressed his appreciation to the organisers of the Fashion Show held last weekend. This was an excellent village event which raised money for both the village hall and the church.

2004/082 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 21st June 2004 in the village hall. The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.12pm