Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 9th March 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson & Witty.

5 members of the public in attendance.

9.27 To accept apologies for absence:

Apologies were received from Dist Cllr Butters.

9.28 To confirm minutes of Monthly meeting held 9th March 2009:

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously agreed to be a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

9.29 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda:


9.30 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda:


9.31 Public Participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr. Cole advised that drains at the bottom of Bath Hill were blocked and of a rattling manhole cover in The Square.

Mr. Holland referred to the continuing poor state of Double Hill despite the repair of some potholes, leaving many unrepaired. This has been pursued by both the PC and District Councillor. AM

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

9.32 Planning:

(a) No new applications received.

(b) Decisions received

(i) 08/04649/TEL St Record Peasedown St John, Installation of 12 meter pole REFUSED

(ii) 08/04606/FUL The Byre Upper Twinhoe Erection of single storey extension, PERMIT

(iii) 08/04485/FUL Greenhayes, Wellow, Erection of timber framed greenhouse, PERMIT

(iv) 0900025/TCA The Manor House, High St. Work to trees. NO OBJECTION

(v) 09/00151/TCA St Julian's Well, Bulls Hill. Work to trees. NO OBJECTION.

c) Village signs

Cllr Betts asked for approval to install replacement village signs more in keeping with the rural nature of the parish advising funds were available from the millennium fund. It was agreed to pursue initial outlines for discussion at a future meeting. AM

9.33 Finance

The report for the month having being circulated with agenda, The RFO asked for approval. This was agreed unanimously.

9.34 Parish Plan:

(a) Cllr Colston updated members with progress on registration of the hall with land registry; the shop adjacent to the pub and 1 West End Cottages.

(b) Cllr Witty advised members of the very successful participation of students from Bath Spa University with the Youth Club, proposed spending on goalposts and a fundraising event scheduled for 4th April.

(c) Cllr Andrews advised of works to the cemetery and problems with B&NES not emptying the litter bins.

(d) Cllr Betts advised of progress in getting a wish list together from users of the village hall and playing fields so that a master plan could be formulated.

(e) Cllr Lewis advised of a progress meeting he had attended regarding the Play Pathfinder grant recently awarded, a related consultation exercise and of an incidence of graffiti in the play area.

(f) Cllr Halewood advised of the formation of a group of those who work from home in the parish.

(g) Cllr Watson expressed his frustration with lack of progress from the Highways department regarding the production of drawings and costings for the shared Space scheme. He agreed to enlist the help of Cllr Butters.

9.35 Draft Rules for B&NES Group of ALCA.

The Chairman asked for confirmation of the draft rules. This was agreed unanimously.

9.36 Allotments:

The Chairman updated members regarding lack of progress on obtaining a suitable site. It was suggested that income from the sale of an access to 1 West End Cottages could be used to purchase a suitable piece of ground. It was agreed to leave the matter in the hands of The Chairman and Cllr Pike.

9.37 Joint Waste Core Strategy Development Plan:

The Chairman gave a summary of the above document. It was agreed that he should prepare a suitable response.

9.38 Correspondence:

The Chairman referred to the correspondence between the Parish Council and the Police tabled at the last meeting and of further enquiries that had been made of the Police, The Ambulance Service and The Fire Brigade. He was able to reassure members that all three services were fully aware of the road closure programme and that measures would have been taken to overcome any difficulties encountered, however, these would have been reactive rather than proactive. Noting the disappointing response from the Police, it was agreed little further could be achieved.

9.39 Chairman's report:

The Chairman reported on items of interest from the recent Parishes Liaison Meeting.

9.40 Any Other Business:

(a) Cllr Witty raised the state of the road at the top of Bath Hill and was advised highways were already aware of our concerns.

(b) Cllr Betts enquired re the progress of issuing footpath maps. The Chairman promised to expedite matters.

(c) It was agreed that a litter pick of the lanes surrounding the village was needed. The Chairman will arrange and publicise. AM

9.41 Date of next meeting:

The date of next meeting was confirmed as Mon 20th April 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall. The meeting was closed at 9.06pm

AM 13.03.09