Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Clerk: Mrs A Rhys Roberts, Honeybatch, Wellow. Bath BA2 8QG Tel: 01225 833102 E-mail: angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 10th March 2008 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson and Witty, Clerk and 7 Parishioners.

8.25 Apologies for absence

Cllr Andrews & District Councillor Butters

8.26 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held Monday 11th February 2008 were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

8.27 Matters arising


8.28 Declarations of interest


8.29 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

8.30 Planning Applications:

New applications:

a) 08/00334/FUL Parcel 6030 Dunkerton Hill, Dunkerton BA28BW. Erection of three stables, hay barn and tack room and change of use of land for grazing. Cllr Lewis proposed the application be objected to in principle, largely for the reasons given in the previous application for a caravan site. This was carried unanimously.

b) 08/00433/FUL. Fullers Cottage Railway Lane Wellow BA2 8QG.Erection of a new double car port with store, alterations to external steps and alterations to dormer windows. Cllr Lewis proposed the application be supported subject to a condition that the tiles on the proposed garage be second hand and the timber boarding be waney edged. This was carried by a majority vote.

c) 08/00608/FUL. Manor Farm, Farm Lane Wellow BA2 8QU. Erection of a stable and tack room. Resubmission. The Chairman referred to the reasons for resubmission and pointed out the supporting case document from the applicant's agent contained the same errors as in the previous application despite an assurance being on record that they would be corrected. Any motion to support should therefore address this issue by conditioning it on being solely for private use. Cllr Colston proposed that given this application was for the same as the previous one supported by this council but reduced in scope we should maintain consistency by supporting it. This was carried unanimously.

8.31 Finance report

The RFO in the absence of bank statements was unable to provide reconciliation. Payments due were carried unanimously.

8.32 Parish Plan

8.33 Correspondence

8.34 AOB

8.35 Date of next meeting

Confirmed as Mon 14th April, 8pm in the village hall.