Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Angharad Rhys-Roberts, Honeybatch, Railway Lane, Wellow, Bath BA2 8QG Tel 01225 833107, E-mail angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 12th March 2007at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis (Vice Chairman), Pike and Watson. District Councillor Dawson, Clerk and 10 Parishioners.

7.21 Apologies for absence Councillors Elvin and Martin.

7.22 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda


7.23 Declaration of interest

Cllr Halewood declared an interest in the planning application, agenda item 6, The Cottage, Canteen Lane.

Cllr Lewis declared an interest in the footpaths, agenda item 10.

7.24 Public Participation

The meeting was adjourned for public participation

7.25 Planning.

To note planning application. (a) 06/03879/FUL The Cottage, Canteen Lane, Wellow, SA2 8PY. Erection of a first storey rear extension. APPEAL

The council have supported the application in the past and will therefore review the details of the appeal and respond accordingly.

7.26 Finance

(a) The payments were approved

(b) It was noted that the monthly reconciliation did not balance this month and will be reconciled for the next meeting.

7.27 Update on insurance claim and quotes for the village hall drive from the Vice-Chairman

Terms of the insurance policy did not cover vegetation, therefore the council will have to foot the bill of the tree clearing. Quotes have, all bar one, been received for the extra work required on the trees adjacent to the village hall drive, these will be discussed at the next meeting. Cllr Watson requested that the insurance policy should in future, if possible, cover vegetation.

7.28 Wellow conservation area - character appraisal

Cllr Watson reported that he had met Jessica Hunnisett to discuss the draft proposal. Please would the councillors read the Consultation Draft and answer the questionaire which has to be returned by 30 March. There is a copy of the draft in the village shop so everybody can comment on the proposals. Cllr Watson is keen to include the eastern boundary - large area of green woodland and canal, as well as St. Julian's Well There is a 25% increase in the conservation area which is good for the village. Cllr Halewood commented that he thought the west end of the village and Manor Close should be included in the consevation area.

District Councillor Dawson left the meeting at 8.35pm

7.29 Bridleways and footpaths

(a) The Upper Hayes bridleway is already being used by people and horses and the council support the change of route to the edge of the field.

(b) The council voted to support the route of the Weaver's Farm footpath, if the extension to Popes Lane is included.

7.30 Update on the Centres of Clinical Excellence

Cllr Watson reported that negotiations continued to take place. Planning permission had been granted. Alan Baxter Associates should soon have the drawings available for the traffic calming scheme. Cllr Halewood asked what the time scale is, and insisted that the pressure must be kept up. Cllr Watson requested that a sub-comittee be formed.

7.31 1 West End Cottages

After a lot of discussion Cllr Betts proposed that the Parish Council should not sell the right to vehicular access in perpetuity to 1 West End Cottages, but leaving open the option to negotiate an annual rental agreement to allow a vehicular right of way.

This motion was carried by a vote of 3 in favour, 2 against, and 2 abstaintions. Cllr Halewood suggested to not grant rights in perpetuity, but on an annual basis only.

7.32 Disabled parking place for 3 Manor Close

Council all in agreement.

7.33 Meetings:

To confirm attendance at the following meetings:-

7.34 Any other business

7.35 Next Meeting

It is proposed that the next meeting will be on Tuesday, 10th April 2007 at the Wellow Village Hall. Monday, 11 April is the Easter Bank Holiday.