Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 15th March 2004 at 8pm.

 Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson

In attendance: The Clerk and four parishioners

2004/042 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Halewood

2004/043 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 23rd February 2004 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were signed by the chairman.

2004/044 Matters arising

Cllr Watson raised the question of excess/unnecessary signage and it was agreed that councillors would take photographs of signs they considered unnecessary to be brought to the next meeting so that a schedule can be prepared and submitted to B&NES requesting removal. Cllr Betts asked if it were possible to have a further 20mph sign on the stretch of road between the shop and Littleton Lane where drivers often speed up to leave the village. Cllr Watson will consult with Neil Terry, B&NES.

Action: Cllr Watson

2004/045 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest

2004/046 Public participation

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

In response to an enquiry from Ms Cole, regarding the waste bin at the bottom of the village hall drive which has still not been replaced, it was explained that B&NES are waiting for their new budget due on 1st April before they replace the bin.

Mr Cole advised the path leading to the church has become pitted and potholed, also the path near to the school is breaking up. Cllr Martin to investigate prior to requesting B&NES to repair any damage.

Action: Cllr Martin

2004/047 Cllr Dawson report

Cllr Dawson was not able to attend the meeting.

2004/048 Planning Applications

(i) Application 03/03130/FUL, Willow Farm, Wellow, Bath BA2 8PU. Change of use of farm buildings for Sui Generis use (for the recycling of waste materials) (Resubmission)

Cllr Watson has been advised by B&NES Council that this resubmission would not go before committee until, at the earliest, April and by that time the appeal on the original application will have been heard.

(ii) Notification of proposed works to trees subject to a tree preservation order in the Conservation Area. Windy Ridge. There was no objection to this application and the vote was carried in favour.

2004/049 Appeals

Planning Inspectorate Appeals Ref: APP/FO144/A/03/1134971.

Appeal Ref: 0300092RF

Application Ref: 02/02011/FUL.

Willow Farm, Wellow, Bath BA2 8PU. Change of use of farm buildings for sui generis use (for the recycling of waste materials) (in accordance with plans received 30 September 2003) Cllr Watson advised the meeting that the site visit would take place on 24th March at 3.30pm. Interested parties who have been advised by the Inspector may attend the meeting. They will be required to wait outside the appeal site and introduce themselves to the Inspector on his arrival. The conduct of the site visit will be entirely at the discretion of the Inspector. The Inspector will not be able to discuss the case with anyone. Cllr Watson will confirm the arrangements with Chris Herbert and ascertain who is entitled to attend.

Action: Cllr Watson

2004/050 Parish Sweeper

Cllr Martin updated the meeting regarding a visit from B&NES last week where we were given a copy of the new scheme detailing the requirements for participation. It was his view that they were so onerous as to call into question whether we can continue to participate in the scheme. He felt that other parishes would feel the same and knew already of one that indicated to B&NES that they were withdrawing.

Cllr Martin is to speak with Cllr Rosemary Todd and other parish councils to seek their views. It was proposed that the parish council write to B&NES stating that we are exploring all options but expressing deep concern that the scheme is unacceptable as it stands and stating that we will be raising the issues with our District Councillor & Cllr Rosemary Todd

Action: Cllr Martin

2004/051 Parish Plan

Cllr Colston reported that a meeting was held last week and another meeting will be held this week prior to completing the proposal by the end of the month.

Action: Cllr Colston

2004/052 Ray the Postman

Cllr Elvin advised that he has arranged for a presentation for Ray to be held in the Fox & Badger on Wednesday 17th March and asked interested parties to attend at approx 8.30. The presentation will take place at approx. 9 pm.

2004/053 Best Kept Village

Cllr Elvin advised members of his disenchantment with the competition, particularly the inconsistencies in marking. It was decided not to enter the competition this year but to enter into dialogue with the Horticultural Society in an attempt to raise the profile of the competition and re enter next year.

Action: Cllrs Elvin & Betts

2004/054 Playground

Following a serious problem with dog fouling in the playground CllrBetts has requested and agreed with the Dog Warden that signs for the playground will be constructed. It was agreed that a note be placed in the newsletter requesting people to be considerate when walking their dogs and totake a plastic with them for disposal of any mess. It was further agreed that a naming and shaming policy should be introduced to try to eliminate this problem.

Cllr Lewis has replaced the old swings with the new ones and the whole playground will be painted soon, weather permitting.

2004/055 Construction Work on The Colliers Way (National Cycle Network)

A notice has been received describing the work which is being carried out for the National Cycle Network. Cllr Watson will attempt to find out progress regarding the Wellow link.

Action: Cllr Watson

2004/056 Field to rear of Church

Complaints have been received regarding the electric fence obstructing the public path and the ‘skittish’ racehorses in the field. It was proposed that the tenants of the land be consulted and advised of the complaints to see if a suitable solution can be found.

Action: Clerk

2004/055 Financial Reports

A. Bank Statements

(i) Current Account . £1929.21

(ii) Reserve Account ‘Wellow 2000’ £1952.55

(iii) Reserve Account £7747.05

B. Payments

(i) Mr S Cole £181.12

(ii) Mrs S Humphreys £157.74 (includes £5.00 telephone post and the cost of a protective yellow jacket for Mr Cole)

(iii) Community Action £10.00 magazine subscription.

2004/056 Circulation

CPRE Countryside Voice, Local Investigation of Allegations of Misconduct

Consultation Documents, TAWM News, Community Action Spring Issue,

Supported Lodgings Scheme, .Playground Equipment.

2004/057 Meetings

(i) Parish Cluster Meetings for 2004. Wellow Village Hall

Monday, 22nd March 2004, 6.00-8.30pm.

Monday 23rd August 2004, 6.00-8.30pm

ALCA Meeting Wednesday 3rd March 7.30 Conygre Hall, Timsbury

Cllr Martin reported that Eamon Flanagan is leaving B&NES to be replaced by a business manager and David Davies is to concentrate on more professional planning.

2004/058 Any other business

Cllr Elvin suggested that a sign for Railway Lane should be placed on the pub wall below the window. To be discussed at the next meeting. Cllr Elvin cannot attend the meeting next month but will advise regarding the signs.

Cllr Humphreys suggested that a note be placed in the newsletter asking all residents to adhere to the 20mph limit.

2004/059 Date of Next Meeting

19th April 2004 at 8pm in the Village Hall

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.04pm