Wellow Parish Council


Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 14th June 2010

at 8pm in the Village Hall


Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin, Pike, Watson and Witty. Dist Cllr Butters

Six members of the public in attendance.




10.069             To accept apologies for absence.



10.070             Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in April 2010 minutes.



10.071             To confirm minutes of meetings held on May 10th 2010

It was unanimously agreed that these were true and accurate records of the APM, AGM and monthly meeting and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.


10.072             To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.



10.073             Planning

1.       Decisions received:

09/04335/FUL.  Field Parcel 7715. Provision of an agricultural track (Part Retrospective)    PERMIT


The Chairman declared that he was not happy with this decision.  The original case officer had indicated that he was against the application but he had been replaced and the new case officer had issued permission under delegated authority.


The owner of Ford Farm, a member of the audience queried whether a new track was needed.  The Chairman said that he was in possession of B&NES report on the matter which stated that “all criteria had been met”.







It was suggested that we ask for a judicial review but the Parish Council does not have sufficient funds to embark on such a course of action. It was suggested that we write to the Chair of the Planning Committee in order to try and ensure that this does not happen again. Cllr Halewood said that we had written before but that our letter had been ignored. In respect of the current matter B&NES appear to have disregarded the Parish Council’s view. Cllr Andrews suggested that B&NES had not followed procedures and the Chairman asked whether it was Council’s wish that he write to B&NES.


It was agreed that he should and it was further suggested that the letter should be copied to the Chief Executive. The chairman agreed to write.                 AM


2.      New Applications

None received.


3.      Updates

Briefing from Nigel Whitehead of wpb Consultants


Mr. Whitehead explained that he was acting for Mr. Derek Barratt and that he was not seeking any endorsement or opinion from the Parish Council.  He felt that, as a matter of courtesy, he wanted to keep the Parish Council informed of any developments regarding proposed changes to the Housing Development Boundary which could affect Manor Lodge, Manor Farm Barn and Manor Barn in Farm Lane. A map was circulated which showed the proposals. It is likely to take some years before any changes are made


The Chairman thanked Mr. Whitehead for his input and advised he had been in touch with B&NES over procedures relating to such proposals. On receipt of a formal application, B&NES will seek views of the PC.


10.074             Highways

Cllr Pike said that he would inform the Clerk if any issues arose regarding potholes in White Ox Mead.


10.075             Finance

The financial report was unanimously approved.


10.076             Parish Plan

                        Updates were received on:

(a) Traffic calming

Several issues were highlighted by the Chairman.  Incorrect materials were being used but Atkins, the contractor has had difficulties in obtaining the correct materials but is trying to resolve the problem.  As a result, work on the traffic calming has stopped. The Chairman questioned why they had started in the first place. District Cllr Butters said that the contractor would be reprimanded for failing to work to the agreed arrangements.




Concerns were also raised about the signage giving warning of road closures as there was an indication that several roads would be closed at once and no diversions indicated. 


The Chairman reported that agricultural vehicles were having difficulty turning out of Mill Lane on to the High Street because of cars parked near the junction.  He said that he had been in touch with B&NES about this and that a site meeting had been arranged for the following day.


Cllr Watson said that the gate at the western end of the village was too far out and that he had been in touch with Highways about it.  Cllr Halewood asked whether we should write to the Local Council as, because the gate is too far out, cars can accelerate after having passed it. Cllr Lewis felt that the calming measure would be effective once the signage had been added.


It had been suggested that some of the signage should be redesigned and the Chairman asked whether this was really necessary. Cathy Beale is already stylizing the Wellow logo and, after some discussion Cllr Halewood agreed to email local artists with a view to asking them to submit new designs in time for the next Parish Council meeting. Any new signs would replace the ones which B&NES would erect anyway.                                                                        DH



(b) 20 mph speed limit

The Chairman said that it is our intention to request enforcement of the 20 mph limit which will become mandatory rather than advisory on completion of the traffic calming works.  He has been in touch with the Community Police Officer, PC Louise Jones, about this. She has already indicated that, once the traffic calming measures are in place, strips will be placed across the road to assess any changes in speed. She has also asked Community Speedwatch to make contact. Cllr Halewood said that “Twenty is plenty” stickers are available from the shop at Freshford for £2 each.  The Chairman indicated that we should look into sourcing our own, if necessary, rather than buying them retail.


(c) Community minibus

Cllr Witty reported that the whole process appears to be delayed but that she would get an update from Peter Downey and Rosemary Todd who are the Chair and Secretary of the Minibus Committee. The Chairman reminded Cllr Witty that ALCA had asked for a press release for their use.


(d) Play area

Cllr Lewis said that he was due to have a site meeting with the contractors at 9am on June 17th and would be a position to update the Parish Council afterwards.  Cllr Betts indicated that she would be able to attend too, particularly if Cllr Lewis was unable to.


It was suggested that there should be signs in the play area to indicate which rides were suitable for different age groups.


10.077             1, West End Cottages

Cllr Colston advised members that he would follow up any developments as soon as possible.


10.78               Correspondence

(a) Baggeridge Farm Track.  Problems associated with this were noted as this is something which B&NES are dealing with.

                        (b)  The accounts from the Burial Board were noted.

                        (c)  The date of the Police Open Day, June 20th, was noted.  There were no                         volunteers in respect of informing the police of incidents of unruly behaviour.


10.079             Chairman’s Report

The Chairman advised

(a) Police liaison arrangements have been replaced by surgeries at the Village Hall.

(b) Of attendance at the ALCA AGM

(c) The Parish Mapping Scheme was to be enhanced and that a meeting was scheduled for July 14th.  He suggested that both the Clerk and he would attend.

(d) It will be necessary to find a new contractor to cut the grass on the playing field as the current company is unable to continue.


10.080             Any other business

(a) Cllr Betts asked District Cllr Butters about the granting of planning permission.  DC Butters replied that there is pressure to restrict the numbers of planning applications going to committee.


In response the Chairman suggested that he and Cllr Watson should look at all planning applications with a view to requesting a referral to appeal should it look likely that the application is one which the Parish Council would not support. DC Butters said that any such requests would have to be made via him.

(b) Cllr Colston reported that there is the possibility of an “amended deal” with regard to the shop attached to the Fox and Badger,

(c)  Cllr Watson mentioned the crop circle that has appeared nearby.

(d) District Cllr Butters said that he would be approaching Combe Down to act on his behalf if he is away.


10.081             Date of next meeting

Agreed as Monday July 12th 2010 at 8pm in The Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.38pm.