Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 8th June 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

In attendance: Cllrs. Colston, Witty, Andrews, Watson, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Betts. District Cllr Butters and seven members of the public.

9.67 To accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Halewood and Lewis

9.68 To confirm minutes of: Monthly meeting held 18th May 2009, Annual Parish Meeting & Annual General Meeting

The minutes of the above meetings were agreed as a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman

9.69 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.


9.70 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda.


9.71 Public Participation.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr. Cole enquired whether the Parish Council were advised in advance that B&NES were weed spraying in the village as he was adverse to some sprays and that Little Hill needed cutting. AM

9.72 Planning:

New applications:

(a) 09/01485/LBA & 09/01717/FUL Wellow Farm House, External alterations for the removal of timber fence above boundary wall and replacement with natural rubble stone to replace existing. Cllr Watson suggested that the proposal was out of keeping with the conservation area being too tall and oppressive. He proposed that the Parish Council Object in Principle but after discussion it was agreed that subject to a reduction in height and confirmation of the pointing method we would be happy to support. This was carried by majority vote.

(b) 09/01674/FUL Upper Twinhoe Farm, upper Twinhoe. Conversion of barn into holiday accommodation. Cllr Watson proposed that as the application was in keeping with the area in which it was located, sympathetically treated and created a new business in the parish that the application be Supported. This was agreed unanimously.

Notifications received:

(a) 09/000305/EREG03 Car Park, Odd Down Park and Ride. Extension by 230 spaces and associated landscaping. PERMIT

9.73 Finance

The RFO having circulated the financial report requested members to approve it. This was agreed unanimously. Year end accounts have been agreed subject to satisfactory internal audit. The RFO advised that accounts had been received from the Joint Burial Board showing a satisfactory state of affairs. It was agreed to circulate amongst members.

9.74 Parish Plan

(a) Cllr Witty advised that a successful funding appeal to the FA who had agreed to pay 50% with the remainder coming from the Youth Club has resulted in new goal posts being provided on the playing field. Installation was expected imminently.

(b) Cllr Witty advised of the planned garage sale and reassured members that the police would be asked to attend.

(c) Cllr Witty advised of a grant funding application for a community mini bus. Cllr Betts advised that there was potential duplication from the village shop applying to the fund. It was agreed that the shop committee be approached for clarification. In further discussing the item it was revealed that most other parishes in the ward had a bus service. Cllr Butters agreed to pursue reasons for withdrawal and to explore avenues for provision.

(d) Cllr Watson advised that a meeting had been arranged with Highways to discuss the trial areas and expressed regret that offers of help from another source could not be taken up as Atkins had the contract for all highway works. Cllr Colston agreed to ask Cllr Halewood to pursue with his contacts whether they would be prepared to supply assistance in the form of materials to be installed by the nominated contractor.

(e) Cllr Betts advised of a meeting 9th June, to finalise proposals for the village hall.

9.75 Chairman's report

The Chairman advised of items of interest at a meeting of the B&NES ALCA Group at Englishcombe.

9.76 Any Other Business.

(a) Cllr Colston advised of further discussions with Criterion Asset Management re the shop next to the Fox& Badger. It was agreed that the Chairman should pursue with the Historic buildings dept at B&NES.;AM

(b) Cllr Colston advised of progress regarding access sale at 1 West End Cottages and first registration of the playing fields.

(c) Cllr Pike advised that the hedges on Stoney Littleton lane needed cutting following a recent report of damage to a vehicle. AM

9.77 Date of next meeting,

Confirmed as Mon 13th July 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.26pm.

AM 11.06.09