Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 9th June 2008

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Draft, subject to confirmation at the next meeting

Present: Cllrs, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, and Witty, District Cllr Butters (from 8.48pm) and 6 parishioners.

8.62 Apologies for absence:

Cllr Andrews absent.

8.63 To confirm minutes of:

a) Annual Parish Meeting

b) Annual General Meeting

c) Monthly Meeting 14th May 2008 The minutes of the above meetings were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

8.64 Matters arising:


8.65 Declarations of interest:


8.66 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

a) Mr Cole raised the subject of two elder trees growing outside of Willow Barn posing a threat to overhead cabling. AM

b) Mr Cole expressed concern over the state of Combe Hay Bridge and was advised by the Chairman that some work had been carried out to fill in pot holes but that resurfacing was required and the job had been added to a list requiring funding but would have to compete with others. The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

8.67 Planning:

New applications

a) 08/01364/LBA 3 High St, Wellow BA2 8QH. External alterations to include removal of part of stone boundary wall. The Chairman advised that following the last meeting, advice had been sought from the case officer and subsequently members had expressed a wish to SUPPORT the application.

b) 08/01604/CLEU The Wellow Trekking Centre, Little Horsecroft Farm, Ford Rd, Wellow. Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Use for the stationing of a mobile home. Members expressed concern that there were numerous caravans around this site for which permission did not exist. Given that, it was proposed by the Chairman that we merely comment to the effect that we express our concerns regarding the proliferation of unauthorised caravans on site and as far as this particular application is concerned we note the numerous sworn statements in but are in no position to verify the claim of continuous occupation for a period greater than ten years. This was unanimously approved.

Decisions received:

The following decisions have been received from B&NES;

a) 07/00464/FUL Use of former railway line as a shared pedestrian and cycleway, new access ways with associated engineering works and regrading of land: PERMIT

b) Honeysuckle Cottage, Bulls Hill, Wellow. Erection of new metal railings/hedge and gate to match existing: PERMIT

c) 08/01258/FUL Village Hall, Wellow. Provision of an external, standard metal shipping container: PERMIT

8.68 Finance

a) To appoint Responsible Finance Officer: The Chairman reported that following the last meeting, he had spoken to ALCA regarding the positions of Chairman and RFO being held by the same person and the advice received was that it was to be strongly discouraged. Cllr Andrews had volunteered at the last meeting to undertake the role if no one else was prepared to do it and in her absence, it was agreed to ask her to undertake the role.

b) To receive financial report for the month. The Chairman presented a list of payments received and to be paid. This was unanimously approved.

c) Electronic banking The Chairman reported that he had downloaded forms for the establishing of electronic banking and drew member's attention to the fact that one person would now be in control of banking but it would be possible for others to be added to the list of authorised users. This was supported by the meeting.

8.69 Parish Plan

To receive updates from members

a) Cllr Witty reported on progress with the formation of the Youth Club advising there were still places left on the first aid course 11th June and tickets were now on sale for the launch event 20th June. Offers of help in erecting and dismantling tents would be much appreciated.

b) Cllr Watson advised that engineering drawings were being prepared by B&NES and he was looking for extra funding from other sources. He would check on progress tomorrow before liaising with Cllr Halewood on an approach to other parties. Cllr Betts was asked to approach B&NES to get them to present the results of the recent traffic study in a more user friendly way.

c) Cllr Pike advised arrangements were now in place for the use of the cemetery extension.

8.69 Closed Churchyard

The Chairman advised members that since his last report he had had a meeting with B&NES and subsequently had found the necessary proof of handing over responsibility for the closed churchyard. He had confirmed this in writing to B&NES and was awaiting a reply.

8.70 AOB

a) Cllr Betts advised that the village had been entered into the Best Kept Village competition. She will arrange to liaise with the Hort Soc on promoting the event and will also arrange for a piece in the newsletter.

b) Cllr Betts also advised of the many facilities that exist within the parish for the older generation feeling that they were reasonably well catered for.

c) Cllr Betts enquired regarding progress with the installation of a track alongside The Brook and was advised it was in the hands of B&NES Enforcement team.

d) Cllr Colston advised the matter of 1 West End Cottages was being handled on our behalf by Thring Townsend.

e) Cllr Pike expressed dissatisfaction with the interpretation of agricultural machinery relating to a field on the edge of the parish opposite The Prince of Wales and advised shooting is taking place regularly at weekends, particularly on Sundays. The Chairman advised he would as the enforcement officer to speak to him directly.

f) Cllr Martin advised of an enquiry made of him regarding whether planning permission was required for the works carried out outside of The Granary in Station Rd. Consequent upon his enquiry to B&NES he had been advised that the freehold of Station Road was owned by B&NES and any works would require their permission. As this may have an implication for other properties in Station Road he had asked to be advised of what action B&NES may take before carrying out any so that he could advise other property owners. He has been advised B&NES have already set something in motion.

8.71 Date of next meeting

Confirmed as 14th July, 8 pm in the village hall

The meeting closed at 9.08pm

AM 10.06.08