Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 11th June 2007 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Andrews, Betts, Colston (arrived 8.08pm), Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Watson and Witty. Clerk and 12 Parishioners.

7.61 Apologies for absence

District Councillor Neil Butters and Cllr Pike

7.62 Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held 14 May 2007 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

7.63 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda


7.64 Declaration of interest

Cllr Lewis declared an interest in agenda item 7.d

7.65 Public Participation

The meeting was adjourned for public participation Mr Cole reported that there were stones loose on the pavement by the church. ARR

Mr Cole also reported that by the entrance to Church House field there was a rough piece of ground that needs to be looked at. AM

The meeting was reconvened.

7.66 Presentation from the Wellow Community Composting Committee.

Ms MacInnes, Mr Chivers and Mr Elvin representing the organising committee gave a presentation on the proposed community composting scheme for Wellow. Many of the councillors and parishioners asked questions regarding the scheme. The committee is now going to submit their plans in a formal planning application. The Parish Council will respond to the proposals when it is submitted.

7.67 Planning.

Decisions received:

(a) 07/01062/FUL Parcel 6030 Dunkerton Hill, Dunkerton BA2 8BW. Change of use of land at Dunkerton Hill for caravan/camping site for six months each year (Easter-30 September) REFUSED

(b) 07/008/FUL Weavers Farm, High Street, Wellow BA2 8QS. Extension of track from bungalow /farm through site of original farmyard to new cul-de-sac. REFUSED (

c) 07/00571/FUL Honeysuckle Cottage, Bull's Hill, Wellow BA2 8QS Replacement of metal railings and 2.5 m mixed hedge with cast iron railings and 1.4 m beech hedge. PERMITTED

New applications:

(a) 07/00471/FUL Weavers Farm, High Street, Wellow, BA2 8QE. Extension to existing bungalow to create a utility room. SUPPORTED

(b) 07/01072/LBA Fox and Badger Inn, Railway Lane, Wellow BA2 8QG Internal alterations to include the removal of existing partition wall and blocking of internal door. SUPPORTED

7.68 Finance

(a) The payments were approved.

(b) The monthly reconciliation was approved.

7.69 Traffic calming scheme

Cllr Watson reported that he has asked Ben Hamilton Baillie to examine the draft proposals from Alan Baxter Associates in an attempt to ensure the shared space concept has been properly utilised. This input will be used as a basis for further negotiation with ABA. MW

Cllr Halewood requested a proposal be put forward immediately to curb the traffic that is driving too fast through the village. The Community Police Officer will be approached to discuss the problem. A co-ordinating group will be put together and a note will be written in the newsletter to ask if anybody has any good suggestions to curb the speeding traffic. DH

7.70 Any Other Business

1. Cllr Colston will report on the progress of the Parish Plan and 1 West End Cottages at the next meeting. AC

2. Cllr Betts stated that there were many potholes that needed repair in the roads. She will undertake a survey and pass the information to the Clerk. ARR

3. Cllr Witty requested that doggy bag dispensers be supplied in the village. Cllr Betts stated that the open top bins can be used for dog waste. There are three bins in the village, at the shop, in the Square and the church.

4. The Chairman read a letter from BANES regarding Zero Waste Week. It was agreed to include details in the newsletter.

7.71 Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next Wellow Parish Council will be held on Monday, 9th July 2007, at 8pm in Wellow Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm.