Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 12th June 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman) and Watson. Clerk and 6 parishioners.

06.76 Apologies for absence were accepted from Cllr Pike

06.77 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda None

06.78 The minutes of monthly meeting held on 16 May 2006 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman

06.79 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda Cllr Watson declared an interest in item 6(iii) the planning application relating to his home

06.80 Public Participation. Chairman to adjourn the meeting for public participation and reconvene the meeting

It was requested that a safety inspection of the railings on the high pavement opposite the school be carried out, also that the loose stones on top of the wall between Milford Head and the school be made safe. SW

There was a discussion about the new roadside refuse collection which concluded that residents who were unable to take their refuse sacks to the nearest roadside collection point (because of disability/age) had been invited to contact the Action Line tel 394041 to arrange a more suitable collection point.

There was a request to replace the goal nets for the playing field. It was decided to check whether the old ones are still within the parish and are usable and if not to obtain a quote to replace them. SB

06.81 Planning.

(i) 06/01648/FUL Location: St Julian's Primary School High Street Wellow BA2 8QS Proposal: Disabled WC and minor internal and external alterations. Supported

(ii) 06/01647/LBA Location :St Julian's Primary School High Street Wellow BA2 8QS Proposal: Extension to provide disabled WC and internal and external alterations Supported Planning continued: Cllr Watson left the room while the following application was discussed:

(iii) 06/01643/FUL Willow Barn High Street Wellow. Erection of a chicken coop and garden store. Supported

(iv) 06/01587/FUL Peasedown St John Business Park. Construction of new building. There was a discussion about the general trend of the applications coming in from this development requesting changes to the original agreements. It was agreed that the Parish Council would strongly object to this proposed change of use to the original consent and that a financial argument should not be used to persuade the District Council's decision. A response is to be drafted by Cllr Halewood. DH

Cllrs Watson and Martin advised of a meeting with the Planning Department at B&NES regarding the development as a whole highlighting the Parish Council's concern with traffic generation, build dimension and quality. The response from B&NES seemed to be that the original outline permission was such that the applications coming in were in line with that. It was agreed to approach the site developers, Cubex. AM/MW

06.82 Finance. To receive the financial statement of accounts for the year to date and approve receipts and payments.

1. It was noted that the monthly financial reconciliation was unbalanced by 20p this sum will be identified and reconciled for the next meeting

2. Payments were approved

06.83 No.1 West End Cottages: to receive an outline proposal. Cllrs Colston and Halewood to report.

Cllr Colston set out the principle considerations for the proposal and that the owner of 1 West End Cottages was willing to pay reasonable costs to obtain the necessary permissions. It was decided to proceed to negotiate a one year license agreement whilst developing a longer term arrangement, also that a charge of £500 for the permission to use the village hall drive access would be made and that the legal costs in drawing up an agreement would be met by the owner of 1 West End Cottages.

06.84 Community composting scheme on village car park. Cllr Elvin to report.

A group of Wellow enthusiasts proposed installing a community compost scheme on the Wellow car park area. It is claimed there are many positive benefits from such schemes, which are successfully operating in several other locations in the south west. It was agreed to endorse the idea in principle subject to B&NES agreement to use of the car park and there being a one year trial period after which if the scheme was not successful the site could be restored to its former appearance. An opportunity for consultation and further information will be provided to parishioners and members. AE

06.85 Speed Cameras. Cllr Betts to report.

Guidance on the Community Speedwatch scheme will be circulated to members for consideration as an agenda item at the next meeting

06.86 The Batch. To consider progress and how to use the pennant setts.

Cllr Watson gave members a resume of the history relating the development of The Batch in accordance with the 106 agreement entered into between the developers and B&NES who had chosen not to consult the Parish Council on the matter. Following a site meeting in December 2005 with all interested parties at which agreement was reached on a number of amendments including the replacement of the tegular driveway with granite setts that The Millenium Fund agreed to fund, a revised drawing detailing the amendments had been submitted for approval to B&NES. Despite numerous enquiries, nothing has been forthcoming and the granite setts stored on the developer's property have been deposited on the car park without any prior warning. This has resulted in the Parish Council having to take urgent action to ensure removal to prevent theft. A letter asking what the future intentions had been sent to the developers and a reply received stating that the matter was now in the hands of solicitors and they were hoping to do something soon.

In response to questions, Mrs Horler (Developer) reiterated that the matter was with solicitors and it was their intention to do only what was required of them by the 106 agreement and furthermore they owned The Batch and out to a mid point of the highway and had title for it.

Expressing deep disappointment at this situation the Chairman proposed that it was unreasonable to ask The Millenium Committee to pay for the granite setts if they were not to be used on The Batch and as we were being pressed for payment (the suppliers were refusing to take them back) this should be sourced from Parish Council funds. This was unanimously agreed. The matter of what to do with them will be discussed at a future meeting.

06.87 To consider participation in consultation for the Statement of Community Involvement and Regional Spatial Strategy

The strategy includes a recommendation for the development of new houses in the south west of Bath. It was agreed to make proposals to ensure that new developments do not result in any traffic increase through Wellow DH

06.88 To consider attendance at the Police Parish Forum on 19 July 2006

Cllr Colston to attend if available.

06.89 Any other business

An application for a grant to replace the climbing frame will be applied for SB/GL

A letter from Magic Box playgroup requesting permission to place a second storage container on the village hall car park is being considered. Opinion will be sought from the Village Hall Committee and neighbours SB

The Parish Plan will be an agenda item next month and it was noted that there is a possibility of taking forward some of the recommendations with grant assisted funding

The Village of the Year inspections are being carried out in June and various areas that need tidying were discussed

06.90 It was agreed that the next Wellow Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 10 July 2006 at Wellow Village Hall.

All future meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month to ensure time to get information into the parish newsletter.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm