Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 20th June 2005 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson.

In attendance: clerk and 10 parishioners

72/05 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Cllr Dawson.

73/05 Minutes of meeting held on 16 May 2005

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

74/05 Matters of report arising and not on the agenda


75/05 Declarations of interest

Cllr Watson declared an interest in the planning application for Springhill House Cllr Martin declared an interest in the planning application for the Signal Box

76/05 Public participation

The following items were reported: A large ash tree near the church is touching the telephone wires. BT to be contacted. B&NES contractors are not cutting the grass of north field near the church nor the briars in the car park. Action Line to be contacted. A wall fronting 1 West End Cottages is deteriorating to such an extent that stones are falling on to the pavement. Appropriate action to be taken. SW

Children have been climbing the goal post in the recreation field. Safety to be checked. GL

77/05 Planning

New Applications:

(i) 05/01657/FUL Signal Box Railway Lane. Change of use of first floor with ancillary residential use on ground floor and basement. The Chairman left the meeting, which was then chaired by Cllr Humphreys. The application and the concerns of members not to allow permanent residential occupation but to encourage the restoration of the building were discussed. Cllr Watson proposed that the application be supported subject to conditions excluding and monitoring full time residential use being approved by members. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Elvin and unanimously carried. The Chairman returned to chair the rest of the meeting. Planning continued

(ii) 05/01913/FUL Springhill House White Ox Mead. Single storey extension after demolition of existing. Change of use of strip of land. Cllr Watson left the meeting but was asked to return to the meeting to explain the changes to the original application. After discussion Cllr Lewis proposed that the application be supported unconditionally. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Betts and unanimously carried.

Decisions received:

(iii) 04/03602/FUL Church Farm High Street Wellow. Conversion of two houses and intervening barn to form single residence amended by drawings received 7 February 2005. Permitted with conditions.

(iv) 05/00481/FUL The Cottage The Square High St Wellow. Rear conservatory. Permitted with conditions.

78/05 Finance

(i) Payments and receipts were approved. Full details are available from the clerk subject to reasonable notice.

(ii) The Annual Audit for year ending 31 March 2005 was approved. The Audit and financial procedures will now be inspected by the Parish Council's internal auditor.

79/05 Transport Capital Programme

Cllrs Watson reported that an introductory meeting with a local traffic engineer had been held and that outcomes were promising. The Parish Council is to receive quotes for producing a concept scheme and engineering works and drawings. Procedure for obtaining competitive quotes to be checked and B&NES Council is to be invited to tender. MW/AM

80/05 Public Access to Community Heritage

Cllr Humphries has been in discussion with Sue Merton of B&NES. The steering group has not yet been formed and local consultations are taking place. The Parish council has invited further contact.

81/05 Meetings

Cllr Martin attended the Parish Cluster Meeting on 18 May 2005 and noted the following: Planning Services are aiming for better liaison with Parish Councils following reorganisation.

There were discussions about travellers sites. We need to ensure the crossbar on the entrance to the car park is replaced SW

The Regional Spatial Strategy will be the most significant development affecting the area for many years. It was confirmed the AONB will not be considered for additional dwellings but an area to the south west of Bath is.

It was accepted that the performance of the mechanical sweeper was inadequate. This is blamed on equipment failures. No other meetings.

82/05 Any other business

Permission was requested and given to use the playing field for informal football practice by parents and children from the village and surrounding area every Thursday 7-9pm during the summer months. The organisers will request a small charge from adult participants, which will be contributed to the village hall funds or related improvements. The organisers will accept any insurance liability. To be confirmed by letter.

Grass cutting on areas of the playing field and playground are considered inadequate; the proper specification is to be sought. B&NES contractors to be requested to cut hedgerows in the middle of May to preserve wild asparagus. SW

There are two benches in the playground area that require action. One to be removed entirely as it is unsafe and not situated in the right place, and the other to be replaced. Costs to be provided at the next meeting. A parish cricket team is to be organised. Cllr Lewis was invited to be the Captain. GL

Cllr Elvin requested an update on The Batch following an item in the Focus newsletter.

Congratulations, thanks and a round of applause were given to Richard and Clover Holland who have just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary for all their many contributions to the village.

83/05 Correspondence received:

Child Safety Week 20-27 June recommends using child restraints in cars for older children.

Road Report 24 June to 15 July use of 2 way signals on Bulls Hill for installation of telecommunications. Brimscombe Hill (bridleway) closed for 2 months from 27 June for major drainage works.

84/05 Date of next meeting

The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held at 8pm on Monday 18 July 2005.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9pm