Wellow Parish Council



Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, July 8th 2013 at 8pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Caudle, Clarkson, Doman, Karthauser, Prentice, Wheeler and White along with six members of the public..





13.093              To accept apologies for absence




13.094              Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in June minutes


There were no declarations of interest.


13.095              Public Participation


Charles Kerr reminded the Parish Council that the Parochial Church Council was holding an open public meeting on July 9th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall and asked for their support.


13.096              To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on June 10th 2013.


                        The minutes were approved unanimously.



13.097              Reports to update Council on issues from the previous meeting


In regard to the 1958 deed, the responses from Counsel and the Charities Commission were noted.



13.098              Easement


The Council noted the report presented. The proposal “To agree works to the value of £14,480 to be carried out by J Crozier, £14,000 as in-lieu of payment for the easement, and to approve payment to J Crozier of £480 for the balance, subject to satisfactory completion” was agreed unanimously


The proposal “To delegate Cllrs Prentice and Caudle to finalise the easement arrangements and arrangements for the in-lieu works, and instruct Cllrs Prentice and Caudle to sign the easement on behalf of the Wellow Parish Council was agreed unanimously.



13.099              Magic Box


Vicky Hamilton from Magic Box presented her proposals for some development, including a temporary garden, alongside the Village Hall.


The proposals were approved unanimously subject to the removal of the firepit and that the proposals would not interfere with drainage.




13.100              Planning


Planning application 13/02421/FUL Erection of two storey and single storey side and  rear extensions and front porch.

This was approved unanimously. Cllr Caudle will respond accordingly.                 PC


The Council noted the report on the Parish Council’s planning application for the installation of two tennis courts, and the Design and Access Statement. The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council support the draft planning application Cllr Andrews seconded the proposal which was passed by a vote of 4 votes to 3 with one abstention.[1]                                                                                                     HP


13.101              Grass and verge cutting


The Parish Council has received a request from Andy Elvin that his hourly rate is raised from £6.41 to £7.


The Council understands that Mr Elvin’s wages are determined by official pay scales, and thus cannot agree to this request. However, it was agreed unanimously that he should continue to claim the existing hourly rate, and add any costs that he incurs.  The Clerk agreed to let him know the decision.                                                            GW



13.102              Finance


The financial report was approved unanimously.


The Chairman said that he wanted the financial report to show assets, similar to a profit and loss account, and said that he would liaise with the Clerk about it.



The payments shown on the agenda were approved.  Cllrs Betts, Caudle and Clarkson were instructed to sign the relevant cheques.


13.103              Proposed Post Office at Norton St Philip


                        The Council has ben asked to respond to a proposal to put a Post Office in the new Budgens shop in Norton St Philip. Councillors were concerned that the proposed Post Office and new Budgens shop would have a detrimental impact on the business of the existing Post Office and shop in Hinton Charterhouse, to the extent that the Post Office and shop in Hinton Charterhouse would be forced out of business. The Post Office and shop in Hinton Charterhouse provide Wellow residents with once a week outreach Post Office services, and other non-Post Office services such as paper deliveries. The closure of the Post Office/shop would result in a loss of services to Wellow residents, and make the journey to a Post Office longer.


The Chairman will respond to the Post Office’s survey on behalf of the Parish Council.                                                                                                    HP


                        The Clerk will ask Richard Holland to circulate details of the consultation so that anyone can respond.                                                                                          GW





13.104              Bus Service Consultation


The Council noted the consultation paper and various emails from Councillors that had been distributed.


The Chairman said that he would respond on behalf of the Parish Council.           HP



13.105              Field Drainage


Three reports were presented to the Council.


Cllr Clarkson reported that she had received two quotes for a field survey in respect of drainage.  One was for £1050 and the other for £1350.


After considerable discussion Cllr Clarkson proposed that the Parish Council ask Jim Collings from B&NES to advise, particularly as no charge would be made.  This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and passed unanimously.


Cllr Doman agreed to make the necessary arrangements.                                    PD


13.106              Traffic calming


The Chairman proposed that Wellow Parish Council hold a public meeting in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on August 5th.  Some concern was expressed over the choice of date as it was during peak holiday time.  However, Cllr White seconded the proposal and it was passed by 7 votes to 2.

13.107              Any other reports


Cllr Wheeler expressed some concern about cars being parked on the left hand side of Bath Hill adjacent to George House.


He also pointed out that cars were being parked on the Playing Field and asked when the new posts would be in place.  Cllr Doman agreed to ask the contractor for a completion date.                                                                                                PD


The Chairman referred to correspondence concerning the Joint Local Access Forum, to examine the potential and possible advantages for setting up “Walkers Are Welcome” schemes in our local area.  Alex Martin has agreed to form a group to respond, and residents and Councillors were asked to make contact with Alex if they wished to contribute.


Stewart Cole reported that the grass was getting very long by the bus stop along the High Street.  The Clerk agreed to ask B&NES to cut it and also to cut the grass by the ford.                                                                                                                   GW


13.108              Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting was confirmed as Monday, September 9th at 8pm in the Village Hall.  The meeting closed at 9.10pm.



Geoffrey White

Parish Clerk

July 19th 2013

[1] These minutes have been approved.  However, at the extra-ordinary Parish Council meeting held on August 21st 2013, some councillors said that they thought they were voting to support the application while others felt that they were voting to actually submit it in the Parish Council’s name.  Further votes were taken which confirmed that the Parish Council would indeed submit the application. The resolution was passed by 5 votes to 4.  An earlier resolution to just support the application was passed by 6 votes to 3.