Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 13th July 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Attendance: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson and Witty Dist Cllr Butters (from item 9.74) and 5 members of the public.

9.78 To accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Colston and Halewood.

9.79 To confirm minutes of monthly meeting held 8th June 2009

The minutes of the above meeting were agreed as a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

9.80 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.


9.81 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda.

Cllr Witty declared a prejudicial interest in item 9.83.

9.82 Public Participation.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation:

Mr. Cole enquired about progress with drain clearance in Henley View and was advised that ownership of the highway in this instance was that of Somer Housing who had been advised of the problem.

Mr. Cole advised that hedges at Baggeridge, Norton Lane and Stoney Littleton Lane were encroaching onto the highway.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

9.83 Planning:

New applications:

(a) 09/01960/FUL Summerfield, Wellow. Conversion of attached garage into self contained unit, removal of garage doors and insertion of bi-fold doors and windows. Cllr Witty absented herself for this item. Members found this application confusing and at variance to information provided by the applicant. It was resolved to submit comments only without a recommendation to the effect that the concept of holiday lets in the parish is supported but not at the expense of creating a separate dwelling.

(b) 09/02339/CONSLT Bristol International Airport. Expansion and alteration of the airport (Consultation). It was resolved not submit comments as our interests are being covered in other forums.

Decisions received:

(a) Wellow Farmhouse, Wellow. Tree works. No Objection.

9.84 Finance

The RFO requested approval for the report circulated in advance. This was approved unanimously

9.85 Parish Plan

(a) Cllr Witty reported the Youth Club has received a further £11,500 funding to provide an outdoor wooden house/shelter and a tree house. Installation is to be coordinated with other planned works.

(b) Cllr Witty reported the application for funding for a village mini bus has passed its first stage consideration. A final decision is expected by 8th August. She requested a group be set up to undertake a survey on its use. It was agreed that Cllr Witty should liaise with Cllr Colston on the matter.

(c) Cllr Watson advised on a meeting with B&NES Highways at which the representative from B&NES advised that in his opinion Shared Space was inappropriate for Wellow. B&NES agreed to supply an alternative solution and draft drawings had been received late today. These were stated not to be an accurate reflection of the discussions. The Chairman expressed complete and utter dissatisfaction with this state of affairs reminding members that the matter had been discussed for three years, been the subject of public consultation, the parish council had spent £3000 on advice, had liaised with whoever B&NES had provided as their spokesman and had at no stage been advised that the proposed scheme was inappropriate. Cllr Butters suggested that a meeting with The Director of Customer Services should be arranged to escalate the matter. This was agreed and it was left for Cllr Butters to arrange.

9.86 Chairman's report

The Chairman reported on matters of interest arising from recent meetings of The Parishes Liaison Meeting and PACT.

9.87 Any Other Business.

(a) Cllr Witty requested that a rubbish bin be installed by the ford. Cllr Betts agreed to pursue.

(b) Cllr Witty requested a dog waste bag dispenser be installed in the car park. This received no support.

(c) Cllr Witty advised of the provision of what's on section on the village website via Mrs. Halle.

(d) Cllr Andrews sought approval to invite the Salvation Army to play Christmas carols 21st December. This was agreed.

(e) Cllr Pike enquired whether any interest had been expressed in the provision of allotments. The Chairman advised that despite entries in the last two editions of the parish magazine requesting expressions of interest none had been received. Cllr Pike was thanked for his efforts in identifying suitable land. The Chairman advised of a letter received from two parishioners suggesting the acquisition of land for allotments for future use. Given the lack of interest, members agreed that it was inappropriate to spend precept monies on something for which there is no current demand and future demand was the subject of conjecture.

9.88 Date of next meeting, Confirmed as Mon 14th Sept 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.47

AM 16.07.09