Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 14th July 2008

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Draft, subject to confirmation at the next meeting

Present: Cllrs, Andrews, Betts, Colston, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, and Watson. 14 parishioners.

8.72 Apologies for absence:

Cllr Halewood unwell

Cllr Witty and Dist Cllr Butters absent

8.73 To confirm minutes of Meeting 14th June 2008

The minutes of the above meetings were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

8.74 Matters arising:


8.75 Declarations of interest:


8.76 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation. Mr Cole advised of problems caused by: the recent deluge particularly blocked drains opposite 3 High St and Hilltrough: overhanging branches opposite the church: ivy growing up the lime trees on the approach to the church and the erosion of the roadside on Mill Hill due to scouring. AM

The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

8.77 Planning:

Decisions received:

The following decision has been received from B&NES;Courtland House, Wellow. Erection of garden pavilion. Permit with conditions

New Applications:

None received

Opinions requested:

a) The Village Hall Committee sought the Parish Council's view on a permanent extension to the village hall. Cllr Betts outlined the problems particularly over storage due to hall usage being practically at the maximum. It was agreed to support the principle of extension subject to agreement of the detail by the Parish Council.

b) The Youth Club sought opinions on the installation of the shipping container following recent approval. It was agreed that the container should be painted in a sympathetic colour e.g. British Racing Green and consideration should be given to screening. In the absence of Cllr Witty, Cllr Betts agreed to liaise with the Youth Club.

c) Magic Box sought approval to finance a proposal to tarmac an area at the eastern end of the village hall car park. Following an examination of the site this was unanimously approved subject to the submission of estimates to the Parish Council, which would be with and without drainage and include a detailed specification.

d) Mrs Barr from Magic Box requested permission to submit proposals for improvements to the children's play area. This was agreed The Chairman suggested that as particularly items a) and d) were closely connected, the working group recently established to examine the whole area of hall and playing field should meet again in an attempt to get the project moving. Mrs Barr agreed to join the group. MW

The Chairman advised members of correspondence received from B&NES regarding a strategic housing and land assessment study consequent upon the SWRDF requirement for 18800 home to be built in the B&NES area by 2026 and that Wellow has been excluded from the search.

8.78 Finance

a) The Chairman advised members that it had not been possible to provide a financial report for the month due to time being spent on sorting out problems with the audit submission. He promised to circulate the report asap.

b) Year end accounts were unanimously approved.

c) The Chairman tabled the year end audit submission following the internal audit. He paid particular mention to the Internal Auditor, Mr R Holland who had expended many hours identifying and correcting errors so that the submission could be submitted in time. The Chairman thanked him for his efforts and advised that he expected to see the extra effort involved reflected in the Internal Auditor's request for payment. The Chairman proposed acceptance of the audit submission. This was unanimously agreed.

8.79 Parish Plan To receive updates from members

a) Cllr Watson advised that engineering drawings were being prepared by B&NES and he was attempting to expedite the matter. It was suggested that he involve Cllr Butters if he felt inadequate progress was being made.

b) Cllr Colston advised of the requirement to undertake a study of requirements for bus services and sought volunteers for assistance. Cllr Betts volunteered.

8.80 Zero Waste Challenge 2008

The Chairman advised of notification regarding this event and of a pre launch briefing event. He suggested that this might be a suitable subject for the Wellow Futures Group to take on board. Mrs Holland, from the floor suggested that following the briefing, they would be happy to consider the matter. In the absence of volunteers, the Chairman agreed to attend the briefing.

8.81 Request for allotments

The Chairman advised of a written notice served by six parishioners requesting the provision of allotments and the Parish Council's statutory obligation to address the matter. It was agreed that Cllr Pike and the Chairman would work with the group in an attempt to quantify the requirement and thence to identify suitable sites.

8.71 Date of next meeting

Confirmed as Mon 8th Sept, 8 pm in the village hall.

The meeting closed at 9.34pm

AM 22.07.08