Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Clerk: Mrs A Rhys Roberts, Honeybatch, Wellow. Bath BA2 8QG Tel: 01225 833102 E-mail: angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 9th July 2007 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Watson, Pike, Halewood, Martin (Chairman), Colston, Lewis (from 8.25), and Andrews (from 8.30).

7.72 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from The Clerk.

7.73 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held 11 June 2007, subject to the addition of Cllr Halewood to the list of attendees were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

7.74 Matters arising


7.75 Declarations of interest


7.76 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

7.77 Planning

Decisions received:

a) 07/00471/FUL Weavers Farm, High Street, Wellow. Extension to existing bungalow to create a utility room. Permitted

b) 07/01072/LBA Fox and Badger Inn, Railway Lane, Wellow. Internal alterations to include the removal of existing partition wall and blocking of internal door. Permitted.

New applications:

PLW/546/CA7921 Millford Head, Mill Hill, Wellow. Notification of proposed works to trees in the Conservation Area. Supported

7.78 Finance

In the absence of the RFO, The Chairman presented the financial report.

a) Payments due received unanimous approval. Unanimously approved.

b) Due to non-arrival of one bank statement it had not been possible to prepare a complete statement of the year to date. This will be rectified at the next meeting.

7.79 Approval of financial regulations and standing orders

The Chairman advised that he had commenced the preparation of these in the hope that they could be completed in time for circulation to members for approval at this meeting. Unfortunately this had not been possible and they will be presented at a future meeting.

7.80 Traffic calming

Cllr Halewood advised the meeting of meetings with the police who were anxious to assist and are happy to attend any event. They are to arrange to install data strips, which will record volumes and speed of traffic in specific locations. They are also willing to call upon those perceived to be driving at excessive speed or dangerously through the village. Further meetings are to be held with them to progress the matter. DH/SAB

Cllr Watson suggested a possible method of slowing traffic between the western entrance of the village and the shop involving the installation of grass beds on the highway. He was asked to seek Highways opinion and report back. SMW

7.81 1, West End Cottages

Cllr Colston advised the meeting of the offer sent to the owner setting out the price to which he had a response asking for the precise conditions of the offer. A list of conditions was suggested and agreed. Cllr Colston will arrange for these to be sent to the owner. AC

7.82 Removal of the bus service

Cllr Colston drew the meetings attention to a growing problem with the level of teenagers in the village and the lack of public transport and what might be done about it. This was met with unanimous agreement.

7.83 Parish Plan

Cllr Halewood suggested that it was unrealistic for one person on the Parish Council to take responsibility for ensuring the delivery of its content. Instead, he proposed that the spreadsheet prepared by former Cllr Humphreys be resurrected and used as medium for identifying those who had previously agreed to be responsible for specific parts of the plan so that they could be reminded of their commitment and asked to undertake the specific activity. This was agreed and the item will feature on all future agendas so that progress can be monitored by the whole council DHH

The Chairman advised of a meeting with Community Action who were publicising grants of up to £2500.00 for any works identified in Parish Plans and the agreed proposal from this parish to apply for this funding to kit out the parish office/archive. Community Action has indicated this is an excellent use for such an application, which would receive their support. Meetings have been held with the shop leasing company and the Landlord of the Fox and Badger to progress the matter and it is hoped to bring the matter to a speedy and successful conclusion.

7.84 Any other urgent business

7.85 Date of next meeting 10 Sept 2007 in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm.