Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 10th July 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson. Clerk and 12 parishioners.

06.91 Apologies for absence were accepted from Cllr Colston and District Councillor Dawson

06.92 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda There have been further discussions between Cllr Colston and Mr Owen of 1 West End Cottages on the matter of access over the village hall drive to permit off street parking. It was agreed to allow his solicitor direct contact with Cllr Colston to facilitate a resolution.

06.93 The minutes of monthly meeting held on 12 June 2006 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman

06.94 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda None 06.95 Public Participation. Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation

(i) Mr C Cook (Parish Plan Steering Group) was pleased to inform the members that the Parish Plan has been published and a copy will be delivered to every household in the parish. He thanked everyone who has been involved in its preparation.

Action: Clerk to write and thank the Parish Plan Steering Group


(ii) Several residents of Station Road attended the meeting and raised points of concern about the proposed community composting scheme. The main issues are that it may invite fly tipping as it would be sited on a public car park area. It was suggested that it be affiliated with an allotment scheme.

Action: Cllr Elvin to consult more widely with members of the community


(iii) It was pointed out that the practice of flyposting is still continuing and that this activity is not permitted by the telephone companies or the local authority. The Parish Council was divided in their opinion on the matter as flyposting is a good way to communicate local events. The action was decided by a majority vote. Action: Clerk to write to all village based associations and Hinton Charterhouse, Combe Hay and Shoscombe Parish Councils requesting that there is no fly posting in Wellow Parish.


(iv) It was noted that the care and condition of the cemetary needs action and this matter will be taken up at the next joint Burial Board meeting on 19 July.


(v) Mrs Sturm is working with District Councillor Dawson to find a reasonable solution to the roadside refuse collections at Manor Close.

Chairman reconvened the meeting

06.96 Planning.

The following items were noted:

(i) Honeysuckle Cottage Bulls Hill Wellow. No current application

(ii)06/01862/FUL Registered:22/05/2006 Expiry Date:17/07/2006 March House Bull's Hill Wellow BA2 8QS Proposal: Erection of rear conservatory. Supported

(iii) 06/00765/FUL The Cottage Canteen Lane Wellow BA2 8PY Proposal: First storey rear extension. Refused. It was also noted that the Parish Council had supported this application and, as in all cases, the applicants have the right to appeal the decision

(iv) 06/00139/FUL Part of former Somerset and Dorset Railway Line Proposal: To erect a stone marker to commemorate the geologist William Smith. Permitted.

(v) 06/01302/FUL New Willow Farm Littleton Lane Wellow Modifications to final landscape and levels on completion of landfill activities to create 2 level areas for leisure activities and new pond. Permitted.

(vi) 06/01301/FUL New Willow Farm Littleton Lane Wellow New pond. Permitted.

(vii) 06/01643/FUL Willow Barn High Street Wellow. Erection of a chicken coop and garden store. Permitted.

(viii) 06/01648/FUL Expiry Date: 28/06/2006 Location: St Julian's Primary School High Street Wellow BA2 8QS Proposal: Disabled WC and minor internal and external alterations. Permitted

06.97 Finance.

(i) The statement of balanced accounts for the year to date was noted

(ii) Receipts and payments were approved

(iii) The statement of assurance for the annual accounts 2005/06 was signed

(iv) It was agreed to transfer funds of £2000 from the reserve to the current account to provide for July and August payments


06.98 Bonfires.

To reconsider debate about bonfires being lit in the village at inconsiderate times and decide whether to ask for a prohibitive Bylaw. There was a discussion about the problem of the nuisance caused by a only a few residents who have had bonfires at inappropriate times and the issues of general environmental considerations. The Parish Council was divided in their opinion on the matter and the action was decided by a majority vote.

Action: To write to B&NES Council requesting they take preventative action, to pursue an appeal via the Parish Newsletter requesting residents not to cause a nuisance by lighting bonfires inconsiderately.


06.99 Goal nets for football pitch on the playing fields.

The principle reason for goal nets being sought is to prevent children/adults damaging the fence behind the goal posts when they climb over it to retrieve balls. It was noted that goal nets cannot be erected and left in situ permanently because they would present a health and safety risk if unattended. It was suggested that the owners of the field provide a stile to avoid damage to the fence but this was not accepted by the owner.

Action: An alternative solution such as a backboard will be pursued and costed to be discussed at the next meeting


06.100 St Julian's School Association.

To respond to request to support a Toll fundraiser event.

The school PTA is planning a fundraising event for September and will work in partnership with the Parish Council to collect traffic control information. The PTA was advised to ensure that health and safety risks were addressed and to discuss the event with the community police. The Parish Council supports their fundraising event.

06.101 Speed Cameras and guidance on the Community Speedwatch scheme.

It was noted that the Parish Council is meeting with the B&NES Council Highways Department in 3 weeks time.

Action: To request that funding of approximately £1000 is provided from the s106 payment to pay for traffic calming solutions.


06.102 Replacement of gate at the top of the village hall drive.

To decide whether it needs replacing with a new wooden gate and to consider the offer from Magic Box Playgroup to share the cost of providing a new gate. Funding to replace the gate was not provided for in the annual budget and it was decided that the replacement of this gate was not a Parish priority. Magic Box are permitted to replace the gate but would have to meet all expenditure.

06.103 Magic Box playgroup request to place a second storage unit on village hall car park site.

It was decided by a majority vote to support Magic Box playgroup in an application for planning permission to provide a second temporary storage container next to the existing one on condition that both containers would be screened in some way.

06.104 Dial a Ride.

Action: To respond to consultation to expand the Dial a Ride scheme.


06.105 Any other business

(i) Cllrs Betts and Lewis have submitted a grant application to replace the children's climbing frame in the playpark. It was noted that guidelines are that most of the present equipment in the playpark will be obsolete by 2010 and a larger grant would be required to replace more items.

(ii) It was agreed that if members of the parish and others use the playing field for football and games that a donation towards parish funds would be welcome

(iii) It was agreed that the poor condition of Combe Hay bridge would be raised a the meeting with the Highways Department


06.106 It was confirmed that the next Wellow Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 11 September 2006 at 8pm in the Wellow Village Hall. There will be no meeting in August.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm