Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 19th July 2004 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman) and Pike

In attendance: Cllr Dawson, Janet Earp (acting clerk) and Four parishioners

2004/121 Apologies for absence:

Cllrs Watson and Humphreys

2004/122 To confirm minutes of meeting held on 21 June 2004:

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

2004/123 Matters arising and not on the agenda:

There were no matters arising.

2004/124 Declarations of interest:

Cllr Martin declared an interest in item (7b) and left the meeting while this was discussed.

2004/125 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr S Cole complained about the proximity of a barbeque to the Village Hall Action: Chairman

Mr Cole thanked those involved in clearing up after the recent graffiti attack around the village. He also raised the situation regarding the replacement of the waste paper bin at the bottom of the Village Hall Drive.

Mr R Holland raised the fact that the police had not responded to the reported graffiti attack. Action: Chairman

Mr Holland advised that the handrail at Manor Close had been put back following the vandalism in such a way as to prevent effective use. Action: Cllr Elvin

2004/126 Planning Applications:

(a) 04/019123/FUL Weavers Farm, Wellow. Reinstatement of Barn 2. The response of the Parish Council detailing reservations while wishing to see the barn reinstated in its former detail was read out.

(b) 04/1940/FUL Knightsfield Wellow. Erection of single storey room, to extend vertically existing utility room to provide en suite facilities to bedrooms and erection of front porch. This was supported.


(a) Proposed works to trees at Holly Tree House. Permitted.

(b) Proposed works to trees at Willow Barn. Permitted.

(c) 04/01599/FUL Manor Farm Wellow. Rear extension and porch. Permitted.

2004/127 RoSPA Play Area Inspection Report:

Cllr Betts advised that following the inspection in June, swings and the netball area have been painted. She advised that all the chains on the swings need replacing. Authority was given to replace these asap. Dustbins being full on the day of the inspection caused comment. BANES need to be advised to empty with the other bins at the Hall. Action: Chairman

Cllr Dawson advised as a consequence of her involvement in the working group on Double taxation she was aware that no costs had been identified by Wellow amongst others on the information gathering exercise. The Chairman will pursue with the clerk on her return. Action: Chairman

2004/128 Wellow web site:

The Chairman read out an email from Richard Holland regarding the termination of the free service and asking if the Parish Council would be prepared to finance a paid service. Costs were identified as £79.35 per year plus a one-off cost of £9.99. A proposal to authorise the necessary expenditure was carried and Mr Holland was thanked for his efforts in maintaining this service in his own time.

2004/129 Community Emergency Guidance: Cllr Humphreys has considered the implications of this document and reports that it is quite onerous and will take a while to compile. BANES have been advised that we will not be able to meet their deadline.

2004/130 Bristol Bath to South Coast Study: Cllr Dawson advised that an amount of £400.000 had been allocated to this by BANES and was worried that it may go on the A36/A46 link, which is supported by the Executive Member for Transport. The decision has been called in by the Overview Panel and would be heard Mon 26th July at 10 am in the Guildhall. It was agreed that Wellow PC should write to Peter Metcalfe of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Action: Chairman

2004/131 Review of Park and Ride Bus Services:

A letter from BANES Transportation, Access and Waste Management Services was read out seeking suggestions to enhance these services. Members suggested opening Sundays and Bank Holidays, Turning off the lights at night, Local bus to call at the Park and Ride to allow passengers to connect with the service to the RUH. Action: Chairman

2004/132 Summer Skateboarding Events:

A letter from Cllr Chris Watt advising of events during the summer and requesting a grant was read out. Cllr Lewis proposed that no grant be made but that it should however, be publicised in the newsletter. This was carried Action: Chairman

2004/133 Parish Appointments to Conservation Boards in the Chilterns and Cotswolds AONBs

A letter from the Countryside Agency regarding the appointment of Parish Members was read out. Cllr Pike volunteered to be nominated.

2004/134 Access to 1 West End Cottages: The Chairman advised following last the meeting that contact had been made with the estate agent and the prospective purchaser regarding the unapproved access. A note had been circulated seeking views. The matter was discussed in detail and it was proposed by Cllr Pike, seconded by Cllr Elvin that the Parish Council does not grant an access to this property. This was carried.

2004/135 Deposition of waste in the vicinity of the cemetery

Following the last meeting the Chairman advised members that he had researched the matter further. Environmental Services dept at BANES had updated on the latest position. This was that it was sewage slurry and that all of the necessary permissions had been received. The only basis on which any action can be taken in response to complaints is if they are received from residents that the smell is affecting them in their homes. Great concern was expressed at this and it was agreed to pursue with Wessex Water to establish whether what we had been told was correct and if there was any way in which a repeat of the situation could be avoided in the future. Action: Chairman

2004/136 Clerk: The Chairman advised members that Sheilagh Humphreys our clerk was not able to continue after October this year. It was agreed that based on our experience of the last time we had a vacancy it was extremely difficult to fill but in order to operate efficiently, we do need to fill it with a quality applicant. It was left to the Chairman to set the selection process in progress. Action: Chairman

2002/137 Financial Report:

A. Bank Statement

(i) Current Account £5883.09

(ii) Reserve Account £7824.35

(iii) Wellow 2000 Current Account £145.36

(iv) Wellow 2000 Reserve Account £1957.72

B. July Payments due

(i) Mr S Cole Street Cleaning £226.40

(ii) Mrs S Humphreys Salary £124.89

(iii)RoSPA Playground Management Ltd. Playground inspection £120.44

C. Receipts

(i) BANES Street Cleaning refund £191.57

(ii) HM Customs and Excise VAT Refund £338.52

D. Parish Plan Receipts

(i) The Countryside Agency £2475.00

E. Parish Plan Payments

(i) A Colston printing flyer and action plan £52.95

(ii) S Hurdle Stationery £15.49

(iii) G Hewlett Hall hire £21.00

2004/138 Meetings:

(i) Radstock police forum meeting at 7pm 21st July at The Tythe Barn, Englishcombe

2004/139 Any other business:

Cllr Elvin advised of problems relating turning right out of Manor Close and restricted visibility on Bulls Hill. He was advised to contact Neil Terry at BANES.

Cllr Halewood enquired of the location of the correspondence relating to the car park advising we need to finalise our response. This will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Cllr Halewood raised the possibility of a twinning arrangement with a suitable village abroad. It was agreed to publicise in the newsletter to try and assess interest.

Cllr Colston asked that we do anything we can to assist WADS in their current predicament. Cllr Elvin advised that the help needed was one primarily of additional personnel for treading the boards.

Cllr Dawson advised of an after schools club running at Peasedown with transport being provided. Cllr Pike advised that there were numerous activities carried out after school at St Julian's but would raise it at a Governors meeting.

Cllr Dawson advised of a copy a Parish Plan/Design statement relating to a village in Hampshire and promised to pass it on to Cllrs Halewood and Colston

The Chairman advised of a revised schedule for the mobile library, which will be publicised in the newsletter, the notice board and the website.

2004/140 Date of Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held Monday 20th September at 8 pm in the village hall. The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm