Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 11th January 2010

held at 8pm in the Village Hall


Present:  Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson and Dist Cllr Butters. The Parish Clerk and six members of the public also attended.


The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing and welcoming the newly appointed Parish Clerk, Geoff White. 


10.001 To accept apologies for absence:

Apologies were received from Cllr Witty. Cllr Halewood was also absent for which apologies were received subsequently.


10.002 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2009:

The Chairman apologised for the minutes not being available due to a combination of circumstances and promised their production well before the next meeting.


10.003 To report and discuss any matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda:

This could not be addressed at this time.


10.004 Declarations of interest in any matter on the agenda:



10.005 Planning:

1. Decisions received:

(a) 09/04302/TCA Canteen Farm, Wellow. Fell ash bough overhanging compost bins. NO OBJECTION

(b) 09/04367/TCA St Julian’s Primary School. Reduce one beech and fell one beech. NO OBJECTION.


2. New applications:

(a) 09/04683/FUL, 09/04684/FUL Church Farm House Wellow. Erection of single storey extension following demolition of 1970’s extension. (Resubmission) Cllr Watson advised that the re-submission represented an enormous improvement over the original but he explained that he was still a little concerned about the quality of the proposed joinery. Cllr Pike asked about the size of the proposed extension and Cllr Watson said that it amounted to around 8 square metres.  Cllr Watson proposed that the council SUPPORT the application with the proviso that the applicant would look again at the quality of the joinery. This was unanimously agreed.

(b) 09/04674/TCA1 The Batch, Wellow. Fell two trunk horse chestnut in rear garden. The Chairman proposed NO Objection to the application. This was unanimously approved.







10.006: Finance

(a) To approve the financial report for the month:

The Chairman proposed acceptance of the report.  It was noted that a reference to the half-year grant to the Village Hall Committee had been added by hand. The report was accepted unanimously.


(b) To consider budget proposals for 2010/11

The Chairman advised that the Finance Committee had met in December to formulate proposals for the coming financial year. He reported an anticipated surplus of £216 when a deficit had been expected.  The sum of £2500 had been set aside for repairs to the Village Hall car park. It was also expected that work on the driveway would be needed for which a provision had been made in the next financial year. The Parish Clerk’s salary would be due for the remainder of this financial year and for the entire coming year. Given the previously stated wish to achieve no increase in the parish precept it was necessary to take the sum of £609 from reserves to achieve a balanced budget for 2010/11.


Cllr Betts queried the holding of money in respect of the Millennium Fund. The Chairman advised that these monies were held by the Parish Council on behalf of the Millennium Fund Committee and did not form part of the Parish Council’s accounts.


The Chairman proposed acceptance of the budget proposals for 2010/11 which held the precept at the previous year’s level. This was unanimously approved.


10.007:  Parish Plan:

(a) Traffic calming:

Cllr Watson reported on a meeting with Cllr Charles Gerrish, the B&NES Cabinet member for Customer Services and attended by Cllr Butters following disquiet expressed by PC members with the response received from the Highways Officer. This had turned out to be a very positive meeting with Cllr Gerrish appearing to be sympathetic to our views and he took these away promising to discuss with the appropriate officers. The Chairman advised that he had received a call from Cllr Gerrish subsequently advising that the Highways Officers took on board the suggestions made by ourselves and that revised drawings would be prepared. Cllr Watson circulated sketches of proposals based upon those seen in Buriton, Hampshire.  These were unanimously supported and it was agreed to send them to B&NES Officers and Cllr Gerrish without delay. The Parish Council joined the Chairman in thanking Cllr Butters for his efforts in attempting to bring the issue of traffic calming in Wellow to a satisfactory conclusion.


The Chairman reported that Cllr Gerrish had also advised that St Julian’s Wellow does not meet the criteria for having a school crossing patrol but that the school could employ a volunteer to help children to cross the road. Cllr Gerrish was to talk directly with the school.







(b) Proposed mini bus service

The Chairman read a report on the proposed village minibus service from Cllr Witty who was unable to attend the meeting. Cllr Colston made reference to the possibility of the Dial-a-Ride funding being donated to the Minibus Fund should the minibus proposals being successful. The Chairman advised that we should seek an assurance from the funding body that the proposed operating arrangements which were to be outside of the Parish Council’s authority that this arrangement was acceptable to them.


Cllr Butters updated members on progress with quotations for bus services and to the possibility of Section 106 money being available.


10.008: 1 West End Cottages

Cllr Colston reported that he had received no response to his emails to the owner. Cllr Andrews advised that he had been resident in Wellow over the Christmas period and was now en route to China. Cllr Lewis proposed that the Parish Council write to him setting out a deadline of 1st February 2010 for proceeding with the proposed arrangement and should it not be, the blocking of the illegal access.


10.009: Carol Singing on The Batch

The Chairman reported on the very well attended event and asked the Parish Council to join him in thanking Cllr Andrews for organising the event. He particularly singled out for mention the Salvation Army Band, Father Christmas and the delicious mince pies. 


Cllr Andrews advised that the band would like to come again, perhaps in the summer, and Cllr Betts suggested that she liaise with Colin Tremellen, Church Warden, in respect of the Church’s activities being planned for June of this year.


The Council was unanimous in giving a vote of thanks to Cllr Andrews for all her hard work in arranging the carol singing which raised the record sum of £274 donated to The Salvation Army.


10.010: Stronger Communities Manager’s Report

It had been intended that Dave Dixon from B&NES would explain his role but the snowy weather, particularly between Peasedown St John and Wellow, prevented his attendance so this will be deferred to the next meeting.


10.011: Correspondence

The Chairman advised that he had been invited to the opening of the new hospital in Peasedown St John on 25th January.  He intends to attend and would like Cllr Watson to accompany him.  This was agreed. The Chairman will reply to the invitation himself.






The Chairman has also been invited to attend a presentation evening given by the Army Presentation Team on 25th February.  He will accept the invitation and asked the Parish Clerk to reply on his behalf.  Cllr Colston said that he had received a similar invitation to which he would reply himself.


10.012:  Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported on his attendance at a Regulatory Access Committee meeting at which the proposed diversion to footpath BA25/31 was discussed. Following the publishing of the diversion order, some 11 objections were received by B&NES and as a consequence they were proposing to abandon it. There were two speakers advocating acceptance of B&NES latest position. The Chairman, (consistent with previously agreed policy) and Mrs S Moore spoke in favour of proceeding with the diversion. Members of the Committee overturned the officer’s recommendation and the order will be passed to the Government Inspector for determination. Members of the Parish Council endorsed The Chairman’s stance.


10.013:  Any Other Business

(a)   Cllr Andrews reported that Cllr Witty wanted to know whether any arrangements were in place to look after older people in the village.  Ensuing comments suggested that everyone in Manor Close was well catered for and that neighbours generally were keeping an eye out for others.


(b)   Concerns were raised about the burnt out car in the car park and that the bar across the car park entrance had been stolen.  The cross piece has, in fact, been found but needs fixing in place but in such a way that farm vehicles can still gain access.  The Chairman advised that he would contact Action Line about the car and would talk to the community policeman on his next visit.


(c)   Cllr Colston suggested that B&NES should be congratulated on their clearance of the roads during the snowy weather while Cllr Betts said that there should be a grit bin in the village centre and near to the shop.  She also asked whether there was a grit bin in Manor Close. 


(d)   Cllr Pike reported that there had been no developments at the end of his lane regarding the siting of new gates .The Chairman advised he would raise the issue with Nick Sperring.


(e)   District Cllr Butters:

·       asked whether everyone had received the various weather reports.  All councillors confirmed they had received them.  He also said that he would look into the provision of grit bins.

·       drew attention to the Parish Mapping Initiative service being undertaken by Bath Spa University

·        advised work was expected to start on Devonshire Tunnel on February 15th, this being part of the Two Tunnels Project.  A walk through of the tunnel was scheduled for January 31st to which the public were invited.





 10.014:  Date of next meeting

The Chairman confirmed that the next meeting would take place on 8th February at 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm


GW 18.01.10