Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 12th January 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson & Witty.

7 members of the public in attendance.

9.01 To accept apologies for absence: An apology was received from Dist Cllr Butters.

9.02 To confirm minutes of Monthly meeting held 8th Dec 2008:

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously agreed to be a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

9.03 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda:

8.117 Cllr Betts confirmed she was still pursuing the matter of an alternative litter bin for by the church.

8.127(d) Cllr Betts confirmed that she was arranging a follow up meeting to discuss suggestions for the playing field, play area and hall.

8.128 The Chairman advised members that the sum of £102.55 had been collected at the singing of carols around the Christmas tree on The Batch. This together with a donation of £20.00 has been donated to The Mondo Project. He thanked all those involved.

9.04 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda:

Cllrs Colston and Halewood declared a prejudicial interest in item no 9.06(1) b.

9.05 Public Participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr Cole expressed concern with poor service on the cardboard collection and the state of drains generally within the parish and particularly those at the bottom of Bath Hill.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

9.06 Planning:

1.New applications:

(a) 08/03960/FUL, 08/03965/LBA, Upper Baggeridge Farm, Wellow BA2 8QP. Erection of extensions to barns to provide two dwellings, provision of a dwelling in a former stable block, demolition of agricultural buildings and erection of new agricultural buildings. It was proposed by Cllr Halewood that we support this application subject to the proviso that the screening planting be done before commencement of any work. This was carried unanimously.

(b) 08/04485/FUL, Greenhayes, Wellow BA2 8PU. Erection of timber framed greenhouse. Cllrs Colston and Halewood left the meeting for this item. It was proposed by Cllr Watson that the application be supported. This was carried unanimously. Cllrs Colston and Halewood rejoined the meeting.

(c) 08/04606/FUL, The Byre Upper Twinhoe Wellow BA2 8QX. Erection of single storey extension. It was proposed by Cllr Watson that we support this proposal. This was carried unanimously.

(d) 08/04649/TEL, Street Record Wellow Lane Peasedown St John. Installation of a 12meter telecom in the form of a telegraph pole. Concern was expressed over this application particularly that no evidence had been produced to indicate mast sharing had been considered. On this basis Cllr witty proposed that we object to this application. This was carried unanimously.

2.Decisions received:

(a) 08/03701/FUL, Wellow Trekking Centre Little Horsecroft Farm Wellow BA2 8QF, Re siting of existing caravan. REFUSED.

(b) 08/03679/FUL, Field Parcel 7715 Ford Rd Wellow BA2 8QF, Provision of an agricultural track. WITHDRAWN.

3. Proposals for work to trees in the Conservation Area:

(a) 09/00025/TCA, The Manor House High St Wellow BA2 8QQ, Fell sycamore and lop lower light branches of 5 other trees. This application was supported unanimously.

9.07 Finance:

(a) The RFO circulated the financial report for the month, which was accepted unanimously.

(b) The Chairman requested the council to approve the Finance Committee's recommended budget proposals showing no increase in the precept for the year 2009/10. This was proposed by Cllr Halewood and passed unanimously.

9.08 Parish Plan:

(a) Cllr Watson advised members that B&NES were shortly to be in a position to provide proper working drawings and associated costings to enable decisions to be made on which to proceed with. Cllr Witty asked for a meeting with the school and Cllr Watson to discuss that particular location.

(b) Cllr Witty proposed that a village mini bus be provided. It was agreed further work was needed on the proposal before any endorsement by the council could be considered. Cllrs Betts and Colston agreed to assist.

(c) Cllr Witty commented on the dirty state of the village signs particularly the one on Bath Hill. Cllr Lewis agreed to have this cleaned.

(d) Cllr Betts advised that subsequent to an article in the local newspaper she was to volunteer for training as a community speed watch volunteer.

9.09 Contingency planning:

Cllr Witty referred to the fact that supermarkets only held about three/four days supplies and the impact that a pandemic or other similar emergency would have on availability and that there was no local plan for dealing with this eventuality. The Chairman advised that an attempt was made some time ago to produce a disaster procedure manual but that it had not been forthcoming and that this type of situation could be addressed as part of this. It was agreed to attempt to contact the author of the Hinton Charterhouse manual in an attempt to get some guidance on producing our own. AM

9.10 Correspondence:

The Chairman referred to an email received asking for the support or the Parish Council for a community film club and invited Mr Duncan Hammerton to address the council on this matter. Following this address it was unanimously agreed to support the initiative with a letter to that effect in support of an application for grant funding. AM

9.11 Chairman's report:

The Chairman had no matters of significance to report.

9.12 Any Other Business:


9.13 Date of next meeting:

The date of next meeting was confirmed as Mon 9th Feb 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall. The meeting was closed at 9.32pm

AM 20.01.09