Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 16th January 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, and Watson. Clerk and 5 parishioners.

1/06 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Councillor Betts and District Councillor Dawson.

2/06 Minutes of meeting held on 19 December 2005

The minutes were amended as follows: '141/05 Finance (ii) Members were invited to put forward any suggestions for expenditure, as the budget for 2005/2006 will be decided in January'

and were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

3/06 Matters of report arising from the minutes and not on the agenda

140/05 (b) (ii) Magic Box proposals for an extension to the Village hall The chairman reported: At the recent Village Hall Committee Meeting it was decided to fully support the proposal to extend the Village Hall to accommodate the Magic Box Playgroup. A member of Magic Box is to join the VHC Committee.

4/06 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda


5/06 Public Participation - the meeting was adjourned for public participation and the following items were discussed for action:

· Several items relating to general parish upkeep were reported and noted including the drains by the viaduct needing to be cleared. AM

The meeting was reconvened

6/06 Planning

(a) To consider new applications (none) and note decisions received:

(i) 05/03655/LBA 4 The Square Wellow. Replacement of double glazed door from aluminium to wood. CONSENT.

(b) Sustrans have proposed to commemorate the geologist William Smith by placing a stone marker on the cycle path between Wellow and Midford. The sculpture will create a significant landmark and the concept is supported by the Parish Council. Response required to their letter requesting that the stone boulders accurately reflect the local geology. SW

7/06 Finance

(i) The finance report was received and receipts and payments were approved.

(ii) The Chairman presented details of the budget proposal for 2006/2007. Proposed expenditure for the coming year include provision for costs associated with a permanent installation to allow a Christmas tree to be installed on The Batch. It was noted that the Wellow Horticultural Society have generously offered to purchase and install a public bench for The Batch so no provision is necessary for this expenditure from Parish Council funds. Other provision has been made for the establishment of a Parish Archive/Office.

Cllr Humphreys proposed, "a sum of £200 be allocated for design work on proposals to provide more facilities on the playing field which would help address the growing need identified in the Parish Plan to provide more facilities." This was unanimously agreed and an amendment made to the forecast.

By taking money from reserves the Finance Committee were pleased to propose no increase in the parish precept for a fourth consecutive year. The precept remains at £8504.

Members unanimously supported the proposals a copy of which are attached to these minutes.

8/06 Hinton Hill

The Chairman reported that B&NES Council has decided to retender the works required to repair the road subsidence. There is therefore no fixed date for the commencement of work which is unlikely to start before the summer.

9/06 Meetings

ALCA - Chairman to attend

Police Parish Forum - to send apologies

10/06 Any other business

· The date of Highways Department visit to inspect potholes is to be confirmed. SW

· A proposal by Cllr Lewis to thank Vicki Hammerton for organising and motivating volunteers to redecorate the Village Hall was fully supported.

· It was agreed to purchase a sturdy bench costing £454 plus VAT which will replace the broken one in the playground area. GL

· A proposal for the task force to organise a litter collection from the nearby lanes surrounding Wellow was supported. AM

11/06 Date of the next meeting is Monday 20 February 2006

The meeting closed at 9.00pm