Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 8th February 2010

held at 8pm in the Village Hall


Present:  Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, and Dist Cllr Butters. The Parish Clerk and six members of the public also attended.


10.015 To accept apologies for absence:

Apologies were received from Cllr Witty and Cllr Watson.


10.016 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2009 and 11th January 2010:

It was unanimously agreed that the minutes of these meetings were a true and correct record and accordingly were signed by the Chairman.


10.017 To report and discuss any matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda:

There were no matters arising.


10.018 Declarations of interest in any matter on the agenda:



10.019 Planning:

1. Decisions received:

 (a)  09/04683/FUL, 09/04684/LBA Church Farm House, Wellow.  Erection of single storey extension following demolition of 1970’s extension. (Resubmission) NO OBJECTION

(b) 09/04674/TCA   1, The Batch, Wellow.  Fell two trunk horse chestnuts in rear garden. NO OBJECTION


2. New applications:

(a) 10/00087/FUL, 09/04684/FUL Manor Lodge, Farm Lane, Wellow. Provision of external stairs and side dormer for access and fire escape.

The Chairman explained that the new exit was required because of fire regulations.

Cllr Lewis proposed that the Council SUPPORT the application and this was agreed unanimously.


(b) 09/04335/FUL Field Parcel 7715, Ford Road, Wellow.  Provision of an agricultural track (Part retrospective).

The Chairman reported that the original application was actually withdrawn and that this was, in fact, a resubmission and reminded the Council of their earlier objections. The Chairman read out two letters of objection received from residents of the Parish.


Cllr Pike asked about the size of the field over which the track would pass and was told that in total it was around 5.5 hectares or 14 acres.  Some discussion ensued and two main points were raised, one that the path will remove part of the flood plain and that, secondly, tractors these days had four-wheel drive thus making the new path unnecessary. Discussion revealed that the original objections



on the grounds of location within the Green Belt, the AONB, lack of justification, environmental issues including the lack of Flood Risk assessment and issues such as the safety of the entrance and the assertion that there were already twelve car parking spaces on the site and whether the uses constitute an agricultural use .

The Chairman proposed that the Council continue to OPPOSE the application on the above grounds. This was agreed unanimously.


(c) 09/04545/FUL Bourne Farm, Double Hill, Shoscombe.  Erection of a new steel framed apex building for agricultural storage.

The Chairman pointed out that Bourne Farm is actually within the boundary of Wellow.

It was agreed that the proposal was in keeping with existing buildings at the farm and Cllr Pike proposed that the Council SUPPORT the application.  This was agreed unanimously.


10.020: Finance:

The current financial report was approved.

The Chairman enquired about an invoice sent to the Youth Club in respect of audit fees.  Cllr Colston said that he had no information about it but that he would bring it up with the club and arrange for payment.



10.021: Library Survey:

The Chairman reminded members of the survey being carried out by June Brassington, the Library Service Manager at B&NES.  The survey had already been circulated to Councillors and the Chairman asked that everyone respond to it individually.


10.022: Reparations by young offenders:

In response to a note from Alex Morris, Restorative Justice Worker at B&NES, which had previously been circulated to Councillors, Cllr Pike said that he had been touch with him regarding work at the cemetery where a new roof is needed on the building there.

Cllr Halewood suggested removing bottles from Wellow brook which tend to accumulate but reservations were expressed regarding Health and Safety.


10.023: Two Tunnels Project:

District Cllr Butters gave an update.  Digging out the tunnel should take place before the end of the current financial year but the Planning Authority has said that this will need planning permission.  It is hoped that this will be fast-tracked and that the go-ahead could be given within five to six weeks.


10.024: Parish Plan:

·         (a )Cllr Colston reported:

Criterion Asset management are due to visit the shop next door to the Fox and Badger to update estimates of the cost of refurbishment.




·         He was due to meet with Dave Dixon, the Stronger Communities Manager at B&NES, at which time they would agree a date when he could visit the Parish Council to explain his role.

·         In the absence of Cllr Watson, the Chairman advised that we are still awaiting revised drawings from B&NES.

·         Cllr Witty was absent preventing an update on the minibus project. The Chairman reiterated his concern that the minibus grant is given to the Parish Council but that it is proposed to be administered by a different body and reported that he had written to Cllr Witty seeking the approval of the funding body.

·         Cllr Betts reported that the improvements to the playground are slowly taking shape. Cllr Lewis advised that he would seek quotes in respect of repairs to the fences. The Chairman stated that he was surprised at the amount of disturbance to the area and sought a reassurance that the contractors would leave the site as they found it. Cllr Lewis agreed to follow up.



10.025: 1 West End Cottages:

Cllr Colston reported that he had been in touch with the owner by email and that he appears to be intent upon meeting the requirements which had previously been laid down. The Chairman asked that the owner contact his solicitor with a view to producing a draft agreement in time for the next meeting of the Parish Council in March.  Should this not be forthcoming the Parish Council will have to take previously agreed measures to close the access.


10.026: Correspondence:

·         The Council agreed unanimously to propose that the Chairman’s name be put forward to Avon Local Councils Association for them to nominate him to receive an invitation to a Garden Party due to be held at Buckingham Palace in July.

·         The Council has been asked to nominate one or more companies or enterprises for the Chairman’s Business Awards.  This refers to the Chairman of B&NES.  The Parish Council suggested that the Parlour Shop should be nominated and this was agreed unanimously.  The Chairman advised that he would undertake to do this.


10.027: Chairman’s Report:

The Chairman reported:

·        That he attended the opening of the new private hospital at Peasedown.

·        Attendance at a meeting with B&NES/ALCA and the serious situation of larger councils indicating that they intended to resign. This would jeopardise the existence of ALCA. Measures are in hand to attempt to persuade them to change their minds.


10.028: Any Other Business:

·         Cllr Halewood asked whether local racehorse trainers could be asked to help pay for street cleaning in respect of horse excrement but no support for this idea was forthcoming.



·         Cllr Betts asked about repairs to the road between Wellow and Combe Hay, part of which was subsiding.  The Chairman asked her to approach B&NES direct but to inform the Parish Clerk at Combe Hay.


·         Cllr Pike reported on other road repairs. He alsoadvised that gates have been erected at Peasedown Community Farm on council land.  B&NES have asked the owner to remove them but he has said that he can’t afford to.  Cllr Pike will keep the Parish Council informed of any outcome.

·         District Cllr Butters said that improvements to the road between Hinton Charterhouse and Norton St Philip will be included in the 2010/2011 budget but he had no information regarding the timescales.


10.029: Date of next meeting:

The next meeting will be on Monday, March 8th, at 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.35 pm.