Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 9th February 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson & Witty. 7 members of the public in attendance.

9.14 To accept apologies for absence:

Apologies were received from Dist Cllr Butters who was in hospital suffering from pneumonia and from Cllr Halewood.

9.15 To confirm minutes of Monthly meeting held 12th Jan 2009:

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously agreed to be a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

9.16 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda:


9.17 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda:


9.18 Public Participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation. Mr. Cole advised members of highlights from his meteorological records for the same period over many years highlighting a February heat wave when a temperature of 63 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded.

Mr. Holland referred to the continuing poor state of Double Hill despite the repair of a significant pothole, leaving many unrepaired. He asked for concerted action from the Parish Council in attempting to get the whole area resurfaced. AM

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

9.19 Presentation from Mr. C Tremellen on the Mondo Project.

Mr. Tremellen gave a brief presentation on the Mondo Project which was being sponsored by St Julian's and asked that the Parish Council express its support of the initiative (without any commitment of any other support). This was agreed.

9.20 Planning:

1.New applications:

(a) 09/00305/EREG03 Odd Down Park & Ride Car Park, BA2 8PA, Proposed expansion by 230 spaces.

It was proposed by Cllr Pike that we support this application. This was unanimously agreed subject to requesting (yet again) that lighting is switched off when the park is not in use and measures were pursued to encourage use of the A367 rather than the lane from Wellow.

2. Proposals for work to trees in the Conservation Area:

(a) 09/00151/TCA.St Julian's Well Cottage, BA2 8QS, Coppice hazels and other works.

It was proposed by the Chairman that we support these minor works to trees. This was carried unanimously.

9.21 Finance

The report for the month having being circulated with minutes, The RFO asked for approval. This was agreed unanimously.

9.22 Parish Plan:

(a) Cllr Colston updated members with progress on registration of the hall with land registry; the shop adjacent to the pub and 1 West End Cottages.

(b) Cllr Witty advised members of the participation of year 4 students from Bath Spa University with the Youth Club for a period of 7 weeks.

(c) Cllr Andrews expressed extreme disappointment given the amount of time and effort expended by her and others in preparing a case for funding from the Local Member's Initiative in learning of the outcome from a political publication i.e. The Focus Magazine.

(d) Cllr Betts advised that given the recent very inclement weather we should all be thinking of the vulnerable in the parish. The Chairman suggested she might like t consider setting up a Good Neighbours Scheme. Cllr Betts agreed.

(e) Cllr Lewis advised that a bid for playground funding of £30,000.00 prepared on behalf of the parish by Mrs. Ruth Brown and Mrs. Jenny Barr had been successful. This is conditional on that it is targeted on the 8-13 year old female group. Cllr Lewis will be attending a progress meeting with Mrs. Brown on 13th Feb. The meeting congratulated both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Barr on their very successful efforts.

(f) The Chairman advised members of a meeting he had had with Mrs. R Todd following a meeting of the Wellow Futures Group at which the programme for the coming year was discussed. Mrs. Todd was suggesting a questionnaire to be targeted a t specific groups in the parish but enlarged to assist in the refreshing of the Parish Plan. This was unanimously endorsed by the Council.

9.23 Correspondence

The Chairman advised members of a letter he had written to The Chief Constable regarding the mayhem in the village following a road traffic accident on 15th January 2009 following comments of concern from parishioners. This had been replied to by the superintendent responsible for traffic. Members agreed that the reply was inadequate, not having addressed the requests made in our letter and it was therefore agreed that the Chairman would respond accordingly in an attempt to obtain a satisfactory resolution.

9.11 Chairman's report:

The Chairman reported on items of interest fro the recent BANES/ALCA Meeting.

9.12 Any Other Business:


9.13 Date of next meeting:

The date of next meeting was confirmed as Mon 9th March 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall. The meeting was closed at 9.00pm

AM 11.02.09