Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Angharad Rhys-Roberts, Honeybatch, Railway Lane, Wellow, Bath BA2 8QG Tel 01225 833107, E-mail angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 12th February 2007at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis (Vice Chairman), Pike and Watson. Clerk and 8 Parishioners.

7.9 Apologies for absence

Councillor Martin and District Councillor Dawson

7.10 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda

a. Cllr. Colston reported that two valuations for 1 West End Cottages had now been received, and both valuations were for about the same amount. It was agreed that a conclusion should be reached on the matter by next month's meeting. Cllr. Halewood suggested that views should be canvassed and reported by the next meeting. AC

b. Cllr Watson apologised that the granite setts were still being stored on Mr. and Mrs. Mucklows' land. He would see to the removal of them as soon as possible. There are three options:-

a. Frome Reclaimation to buy them back, but at a loss to the council.

b. Frome Reclaimation to store them for a few months.

c. Setts to be used on the traffic calming scheme, or perhaps the Batch. MW

7.11 Declaration of interest


7.12 Public Participation

The meeting was adjourned for public participation

Mr Holland drew the attention of the council to a public meeting (to be held on Thursday, 8th March, 6 30 to 8.30 pm at the Rugby Club) on BANES Rubbish and Resource Show.

Mr Cole reported that the gullies were blocked up at Popes Lane, and by Alma Cottages. ARR

Mr Cole also noted that school children were travelling too fast on their scooters on the way to school between George House and Farm Lane. The school is to be alerted. GP

Mr. Cole had noticed that the bin by the church was not being emptied by the council. SB

Mr Owen said he was concerned about the state of the trees down the village hall lane. Councillor Lewis said the matter was in hand, and competitive quotes had been asked for.

Miss Osborne reported on BANES Overview and Scrutiny Panel, which is conducting a study into small shops and businesses in towns and villages. Mrs L. Williams represented Wellow Village Shop at the meeting on 6th Feb 07. She reported that a shop is essential to the village community. The zero business rate is essential for the financial viability of the shop. Training for the shop volunteers would also be appreciated. Furthermore a higher grant would be a great asset to the shop. Cllr. Halewood requested a letter be written to BANES to support these points Cllr. Humphreys said that he would investigate other charities giving help to the shop. The meeting was reconvened

7.13 Planning: To note planning applications and Vice Chairman's update

a. 07/400148/FUL Heathfield, The Laurels, Midford. Erection of single storey extension after removal of existing porch.

b. 06/03879/FUL The Cottage, Canteen lane, Wellow. Erection of a first storey rear extension. REFUSED

c. 06/039990/OUT Centres of Clinical Excellence Planning Application for Bath Business Park , Peasedown St. John. Update from the Vice Chairman The Vice-Chairman reported that an extra meeting had been held on 20th January to discuss the application. The council has decided to support the application for the clinic, since the Centres of Clinical Excellence have adapted the plans of the clinic, and are commited to helping Wellow with its traffic calming measures and want to support the Wellow community. Cllrs Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis and Watson will be on the proposed steering group. Cllr Halewood stated that this item must be on the agenda each month. MW

7.14 Finance

a. Payments were approved, and money is to be transferred from the reserve to the current account to cover the cost. Cllr. Humphreys suggested that it might be beneficial to see the Burial Board's accounts.

b. The monthly financial reconciliation was approved.

c. Precepts were voted on by the Council and approved.

7.15 Request for Allotments

Three people had registered an interest in obtaining an allotment. Cllr. Watson said it is an idea that allotments might be incorporated in the design for the recreation area. It was also noted that Mrs. Horler had offered land for allotments.

7.16 Horses in the field at back of church

Cllr Elvin reported that there was still a problem with frisky horses. There is a need to keep chasing the land agents, Cluttons, for an outcome to the problem, and it was decideded to write to BANES Bridle Ways and the Ramblers' Association. AE/ARR

7.17 The railings on Bull's Hill

Cllr Elvin had received a letter concerning the danger of the spikes on the railings to horses and human beings. Mr Barr said he would remove the spikes on the railings.

7.18 Meetings

Councils's Annual Civic Reception. Declined

Parishes Liaison Meeting. Declined

7.19 Any other business

Cllr. Halewood stated that some villagers were driving over 20 mph throught the village, it ought to be mentioned in the Parish Newsletter to remind villagers to set a good example to other drivers.

Cllr. Betts requested a mention in the Parish Newsletter to be made about dog owners being diligent in poop scooping on roads, paths and pavements.

Cllr. Watson asked about progress on the composting scheme. Cllr Elvin reported no planning application has been made, and the residents in Station Road are to be kept informed of any new development.

Cllr Halewood asked about the progress on the community speed camera. Cllr Betts said she would chase the matter up SB

Cllr Colston mentioned the Bath Inform Site has interesting information on it.

Cllr. Elvin has noticed that Farm Lane has many over-hanging trees and the lane generally is a mess.

Cllr. Lewis reported that the parish had received another grant for new swings and climbing frame. He requested that a councillor should liaise with Jessica Hunnisett on the draught proposal for conservation in Wellow. Cllr Watson agreed. MW

The notice of election for parish councillors will be 12th March 2007; close of nominations is noon on 4th April and should be mentioned in the parish newsletter.

7.20 Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next Wellow Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday, 12 March 2007 at 8pm in the Wellow Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.30pm.