Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 20th February 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Elvin, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, and Watson and District Councillor Dawson. Clerk and 9 parishioners.

12/06 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Councillors Colston and Humphreys.

13/06 Minutes of meeting held on 16 January 2006

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

14/06 Matters of report arising from the minutes and not on the agenda


15/06 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda

Cllr Watson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 6(ii) Planning Application for Home Farm, White Ox Mead.

16/06 Public Participation - the meeting was adjourned for public participation and the following items were discussed for action:


The meeting was reconvened

17/06 Planning

The following decisions were noted and agreed:

(i) 06/00139/FUL Part of former Somerset and Dorset railway line Ford Road Wellow. To erect a stone waymarker to commemorate the geologist William Smith. Supported.

(ii) 06/00115/LBA Home Farm White Ox Mead Wellow. Demolition and reconstruction of extension together with associated alterations and door access to adjacent stable building. Supported.

(iii) 06/00110/RES Land between A367 Wellow Lane and Eckweek Lane Reserved matters application for B1(c), B2 and B8 employment. This application includes a business plan for the entire site seeking to change the terms of the permitted businesses. The members of the Council have serious reservations about varying the original permissions and it was decided to express these in a detailed letter of response to B&NES Planning Department.

(iv) 04/01246/FUL Weavers Farm Wellow. Conversion of Barn into a dwelling with a two storey rear extension and garage (revised scheme) REFUSED on grounds detailed by the Planning Department.

(v) PLW/546/CA6777 The Mill Mill Hill Wellow. Notification of proposed works to trees in the Conservation area. Supported

(vi) PLW/546/CA6776 Milford Head Mill Hill Wellow. Notification of proposed works to trees in the Conservation area. Supported

18/06 Finance

(i) The finance report was received. The addition of the following payments due were noted and receipts and payments were approved:

S Hurdle £34

D Halewood £9.87

Village Hall £14

Glasdon UK £204.64

19/06 Traffic Calming

It was decided to hold an extraordinary Parish Council meeting to view the draft proposals of Hamilton Baillie Associates. The date to be arranged within the next month and to invite parishioners and key officers from B&NES Highway Department.


20/06 Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information guidelines and Publication Scheme for Wellow Parish Council were unanimously supported and will be posted on the parish website.

21/06 Meetings

The Chairman reported on the following items which had been discussed at the Parishes Liaison meeting:

22/06 Any other business

23/06 Date of the next meeting is Monday 20 March 2006

The meeting closed at 9.15pm