Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 21st February 2005 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson

In attendance: Sue Wordsworth (Clerk) and 14 members of the public.

15/05 Apologies for absence Cllr Dawson.

16/05 Minutes of meeting held on 17 January 2005

The Minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

17/05 Matters arising and not on the agenda None

18/05 Declarations of interest None

19/05 Public participation

Repairs are needed for a broken rail and a broken salt/grit bin near the bridge. The drain at Norton Lane has been overflowing and needs clearing. Another salt/grit bin is needed at the top of Manor Close to enable treatment of the highest part of the road.


20/05 Planning


04/03791/FUL Wellow Trekking Centre: Change of use from domestic dog kennels to commercial and cattery. The Chairman read the response from the Parish Council conditionally supporting the application.


(i) 04/03791/FUL Wellow Trekking Centre: Change of use from domestic dog kennels to commercial use and cattery. Permitted subject to conditions. It was noted that the Planning Department had taken on board the specific comments and recommendations made by the Parish Council.

(ii) 04/03694/FUL Land adjoining the Paddock Upper Twinhoe Farm Upper Twinhoe. Permitted.

(iii) Manor House High St Wellow: Works to trees. Permitted

(iv) Wisteria House Wellow: Works to trees. Permitted


(i) Magic Box Preschool proposals for extension to village hall. A presentation was given by Sue McDonald, Chair of Magic Box Preschool to demonstrate the needs of the preschool to have a dedicated space, more room and suitable toilet facilities. She explained how a new extension could benefit the whole community. It was proposed and agreed that the Parish Council supported the ideas in principle subject to further discussion with the architect who is to be invited to the next Parish Council meeting.

(ii) Draft Policy Footway Obstructions. Response required


(iii) St Johns Primary School proposal for site in the vicinity of the Odd Down Park and Ride: Following receipt of an email from The Clerk of Combe Hay Parish Council it was agreed to obtain the pertinent details for discussion at the next meeting.


21/05 Hinton Hill The Chairman advised: despite three emails, no response had been forthcoming from B&NES regarding the programming of the works. Will attempt to get our district councillor involved.


22/05 Transport Capital Programme

Cllr Watson advised an allocation of money has been requested by the Parish Council for the following improvements:

(i) A pavement from Canteen Lane to Stoney Littleton Lane

(ii) Easing of congestion in area of Why Not Cottage

(iii) Completing Sustrans cycle route It is expected that B&NES Council will have made a decision on this by the next Parish Council meeting. Cllr Halewood advised there is £47500 now held by B&NES Council to be used for traffic calming within the parish but it seemed as though they did not have a procedure for dealing with it. It was proposed and agreed that Neil Terry and Anthony Hollingsworth should be contacted giving the names of the group examining traffic for the Parish Plan to agree an implementation strategy.


23/05 Stone marker post for AONB

Cllr Watson advised discussions are continuing

24/05 Parish Plan

Cllr Halewood advised the questionnaire is likely to be ready to be delivered within the next 2/3 weeks. Members of the Parish Council agreed to distribute copies throughout the parish. The questionnaire is comprehensive and there are about 70 questions. To encourage participation there are generous prizes including £50 of M&S vouchers. There is a 4 month programme following the return of the questionnaires to deal with data input, group reports and actions and editing of a final report.

25/05 Post on raised pavement opposite school

The Chairman has discussed the safety issues with Rosemary Todd who has agreed to talk to the residents about the problem.

26/05 Emergency Procedures Manual

The Chairman and Martyn Smith are to discuss the way forward with the author of the Hinton Charterhouse manual.


27/05 Playground improvements

Cllr Lewis advised: replacement of damaged parts of play equipment is estimated to cost £250. Repair work to be carried out within the fortnight. Cllr Lewis is going to make further enquiries about non-essential but recommended safety barriers for the swings to be discussed at next meeting.


28/05 Finance

(a) Bank statements

(i) £4611.91 Current Account

(ii) £7909.90 Reserve Account

(iii) £ 145.36 Wellow 2000 Current account

(iv) £1981.02 Wellow 2000 Reserve Account

Clerk to look at projected expenditure and make proposal for moving money from current to reserve a/c.


(b) Payments

(i) £ 181.12 Mr S Cole, street cleaning February

(ii) £ 129.89 Mrs S Wordsworth, clerk's salary and expenses

(iii) £ 162.19 Mrs S Hurdle, Expenses (Parish Plan)

(iv) £ 6.39 Mr A Colston. Expenses (Parish Plan)

c) Receipts

(i) £ 191.57 B&NES street cleaning February

d) Parish Plan

£ 2385.56 Account

29/05 Correspondence

(i) Avon & Somerset Police invitation to launch of Community Contact Vehicle in Portishead, no volunteers.

(ii) Bath & NE Somerset CVS consultation events for Local Compact setting out how voluntary and community sector organisations and the statutory organisations will work together. Response needed by 2 May


(iii) Parish and Town Council Charters with Principal Local Authorities. No action required.

(iv) Cardboard & Garden Waste. Composting Collection Scheme. To request wheelie bins for household waste.

(v) ODPM Vibrant local leadership & why neighbourhoods matter


30/05 Meetings None

31/05 Any other business Cllr Elvin reported that the Forest of Avon Meeting had been cancelled due to lack of interest, also that the handrail at Manor Close is now repaired.

Cllr Pike reported that there continues to be a problem of rubbish at the Twinhoe crossroads and dead badgers on the lanes. This has been reported to the Action line 394041

Environmental Health have given advice to clean out food from compost heaps to avoid having visiting rats.

The Chairman advised of protracted discussions with B&NES regarding pavements at Manor Close where moss was causing a hazard. The Parks Department are to spray the affected areas following which, the Parish Road sweeper will remove the dead moss. Ms G Sturm advised the pavements had been sprayed some time ago and many of the pavements were cracked thus posing a hazard to many of the residents. It was agreed the Chairman would jointly examine with Ms Sturm and action as appropriate.

Cllr Humphreys enquired how long it would be before The Batch was restored as it was an eyesore. Cllr Watson will liaise with the planning authority and advise.


32/05 Date of next meeting Monday 21st March 2005.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm