Wellow Parish Council



Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, December 10th 2012 at 8pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs Betts, Caudle, Clarkson, Doman, Prentice, Wheeler and White along with eight members of the public.





12.156              To accept apologies for absence


Cllr Andrews and District Cllr Butters sent their apologies


12.157              Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in November minutes




12.158              To confirm minutes of meeting held on November 12th 2012.


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on November 12th 2012 were approved unanimously. It was suggested that the pub and the shop next door to it should be added to the Right to Bid list.


12.159              To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.


Cllr Caudle felt that we should consult a barrister for legal advice re the playing field deeds.  The Chairman proposed that we should seek a legal decision and this was approved unanimously.                                                                                            PC


Cllr Karthauser said that any approval from the Parish Council regarding Wellow Sports could have conditions attached, eg subject to planning permission and status of the covenant.


Cllr Wheeler said that there had been no further developments regarding the play area but that he would pursue the matter again.                                                            TW


12.160              Legal Status of Playing Field


See minute under previous section.



12.161              Village Hall


Cllr Doman said that the new bollards had been galvanized and would be fitted before Christmas.



12.162              Right to Bid document


It was agreed that the pub and adjoining shop should be added to the original list suggested at the previous meeting.





12.163              West End Cottages


The Chairman said that he and Cllrs Caudle and Doman had met with the builders, who are building a new building onto 1 West End Cottages.  In order to not upset neighbours, they are using the car park in Station Road to park their vehicles, but will need access at the front for loading and unloading materials.


The builders have asked for access half way up the drive, to allow cars to reach access to a space to park on the land. The builders have had the land valued with and without vehicular access and the difference amounted to £20,000.  Discussion ensued as to what access should be allowed, and for what payment. Cllr Doman questioned whether the Parish Council would be allowed to grant access given the covenant on the field – the covenant applies to the field only, not the drive.  Cllr Caudle suggested that the Parish Council could grant a licence for access rather than selling it.


Alex Martin, the previous Chairman, said that NALC had advised that the Parish Council could grant access and that a figure of £10,000 had been mentioned.  He further advised that Alistair Colston, a councillor at the time, had dealt with it although no agreement had been reached with the owners at the time.


Mr Martin also reminded the Parish Council that they are not allowed to hold reserves greater than one year’s precept unless the money was allocated for use for a specific purpose.


Cllr Prentice proposed that we grant access for an annual fee rather than for a one-off payment and this was agreed to unanimously subject to legal advice.


Cllr Karthauser asked whether this would set a precedent in terms of the residents of Hungerford Terrace and others wanting access to the rear of their properties which backed on to the field.  The Chairman replied that he did not think this would arise as it would require access along the playing field and not just in the lane.



12.164              Planning


                        No new applications had been received.


The Council noted the decisions that had been notified in respect of Cranborne, Glebe Cottage, Hillscroft and Church Farm all of which had been approved.



12.165              Neighbourhood Plan


The Chairman reported that 102 questionnaires had been completed on-line so far. Cllr Betts said that she had a further 3 paper ones and the Chairman said that he had 10 and so 115 questionnaires had been completed in total.


A total of 110 printed questionnaires had been distributed and Cllr Karthauser said that a deadline should be set after which no more questionnaires would be accepted.  It was decided to set January 10th 2013 as the deadline.  A note would be put in the newsletter.                                                                                                 HP


The Clerk said that he would display a suitable poster.                                        GW


12.166              Finance


The financial report to December 10th was approved as were the payments.


The Clerk said that he had completed all the paperwork regarding the Millennium Fund and that he had written to all the signatories seeking agreement to release the funds.  There was nothing more we could do at this stage.







12.167              More Trees


Cllr White gave an update and it was unanimously agreed that we accept the tree on offer.                                                                                                                       JW


12.168                 Traffic calming


Cllr Betts reported that 6 people had had training on the use of a speed gun and that on December 13th a further meeting was planned to take place with Michael Rich, Speedwatch Co-ordinator to take it forward.


The Chairman agreed to put a notice in the forthcoming newsletter asking for a further 3 people to undertake training.                                                                        HP


Gertie Stern, a resident of Manor Close, asked whether roundels could be painted on the road outside manor Close indicating a speed limit of 20mph but no decision was reached about this.


It was agreed that we would ask B&NES to tarmac the chicanes.                         HP



12.169              Village Wear and Tear


Cllr Clarkson said that she had been approached by Jean Horler regarding the buildup of silt under the ford.  The Clerk agreed to report it to Council Connect.            GW


Cllr Betts and Cllr Karthauser asked that we ask Nick Sperrin at B&NES about drainage problems at Popes Lane and Hassage Hill.


Stuart Cole, a member of the public, mentioned the flooding of The Granary.



12.170              Purchase and siting of a bench


This relates to the profit made from the Diamond Jubilee celebrations


Cllr Karthauser said that he had received a suggestion to site a bench outside the school at the top of Mill Hill.


Cllr Clarkson said that, following her survey, 6 people had suggested a bench be sited by the ford and another had suggested somewhere between the Square and the shop.  Cllr Betts said that a suitable site might be by the bus stop along the High Street, (not the one in the Square)


Alex Martin pointed out that we would have to seek permission from B&NES where the land belonged to them.


Cllr Clarkson will publish three options in the parish newsletter, seeking an opinion.



12.171              Any other reports


Cllr Karthauser asked that the Right to Bid legislation be put on the January agenda.


Cllr Caudle confirmed that the carol singing on the Batch would take place on December 20th.



12.172              Next Meeting


It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Monday, January 14th 2013 at 8pm in the Village Hall.



Geoffrey White

Parish Clerk

December 23rd 2012