Wellow Parish Council


Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159



Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 13th December 2010

at 8pm in the Village Hall


Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman).Watson and Witty.

Seven members of the public in attendance.






10.144             To accept apologies for absence.



10.145             Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in November 2010 minutes.



10.146             To confirm minutes of meeting held on November 8th 2010.

The minutes were unanimously agreed to be a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman


10.147             To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.



10.148                          Planning

1.      Decisions received:

a.        10/03578/FUL  Site Location: Middle Twinhoe Farm Upper Twinhoe Wellow Bath And North East Somerset

Description of Proposal: Forming of new access through boundary wall REFUSE

b.      10/03979/LBA  Site Location: Middle Twinhoe Farm Upper Twinhoe Wellow Bath And North East Somerset

Description of Proposal: Forming of new access through boundary wall   REFUSE                 

c.       10/03741/FUL  Site Location: Elmlea House Railway Lane Wellow Bath And North East Somerset

Description of Proposal: Erection of a two storey rear extension and a first floor rear extension.   REFUSE

It was agreed that the Chairman write to B&NES pointing out inconsistencies            between reasons given for refusal and issued guidelines.


2.      New Applications:

                        10/04461/FUL Hinton Charterhouse, Clearbrook Farm Midford Hill Hinton Charterhouse Bath, Proposal: Use of agricultural land as a natural burial ground, provision of informal parking and erection of a lychgate.


The Chairman advised that he had visited the site and ascertained that some dwellings at Twinhoe could be impacted visually from this location. He summarised the response from South Stoke objecting to the proposal and advised they were seeking support from Wellow. It was unanimously agreed to object to the proposal on the grounds that it was inappropriate development in the AONB and Green Belt and traffic implications.


10.149             Finance

a. Approval of invoices for payment, petty cash claims, wages and minibus re-imbursement

Unanimously approved with the addition of an invoice for provision of “20 is plenty” posters

b. To approve financial report for the month of November

Unanimously approved.

c. Receipt of VAT


d. Precept setting – update from Chairman

The Chairman advised that the Finance Committee had met and proposed a budget that maintained the precept at the current level but would be subject to a request for funding from the minibus committee. Tenders for improvement works around the village hall have been issued to three contractors and it was hoped that these works could be done in the current financial year.

e. Request for grant-Minibus Committee

The Chairman read out a request for funding in the amount of £400 from the Minibus Committee to fund the extension of services to Norton and Radstock with free use by O.A.P.’s. After detailed discussion it was proposed by Cllr Andrews that the request be approved and paid in quarterly installments to reduce the parish council’s potential liability should the service cease. This was agreed unanimously. The Chairman advised that the funding would have to come from reserves if we were to maintain the proposed freeze on the precept. This was unanimously approved. The Chairman advised that a final proposal for the precept reflecting this agreement would be tabled for final approval at the January meeting. 


10.150             Parish Plan

                        To receive updates on:

(a)    Traffic calming – Cllrs Watson

Cllr Watson advised members of a site meeting with Highways regarding the failure of measures at the west end of the village. Arising from this meeting suggestions for “smiley face” speed device and speed humps were to be pursued by Highways. A response to the question of whether all funds have been spent is still awaited. It was agreed that the parish council pursue further the matter of no interest being paid on the Section 106 funds and apparent conflict between what was being suggested now and that which we were told was not possible.


Cllr Halewood showed copies of a “20 is plenty “poster obtained for distribution around the village. This was warmly welcomed and copies were distributed to members who are to arrange the appropriate distribution.


(b)   Play Area – Cllrs Lewis / Betts

Cllr Lewis advised of his disappointment that no official sign off of the works has yet been received.


10.151             Community Minibus

                        Update from Cllrs Colston/Witty

                        This was dealt with under Finance matters.


10.152             1, West End Cottages

                        Update from Cllr Colston

Members were advised that certain missing matters have been taken up with the relevant parties and it was hoped to progress the issue further in January.


10.153             Shop adjacent to Fox and Badger

Update from Cllr Colston

Members were advised that the leasing company had provided a list of works to be done and that prices were being obtained. The leasing company has agreed that they will pay for this and other contractual matters have been agreed. Cllr Colston will pursue the provision of tenders for the necessary works based upon the agreed schedule of works.


10.154             Police Forum meetings

                        Nomination of a councillor to attend following Cllr Pike’s resignation.

                        Cllr Andrews volunteered which was warmly welcomed by the council.


Cllr Witty apologised and left the meeting at this point


10.155             Community Land Trust

                        Update from Cllr Witty

                        Deferred to January meeting


10.156             Correspondence                   

                        Somerset Playing Fields’ Association - passed to Cllr Lewis

                        Wellow Royal Wedding memorabilia – passed to Cllr Betts for the shop

                        Request for feedback regarding suitability of polling stations in

                        Wellow – to be actioned by the Chairman

                        Distribution of items

                                    Somer Times

                                    Campaign to Protect Rural England




10.157             Chairman’s Report

                        The Chairman advised:

(a) He and Cllr Lewis had met with members of Hinton Charterhouse and Norton St Phillip Parish Councils and had agreed to maintain liaison regarding potential developments in the area.

(b) He had met with the Head teacher and Chairman of School Governors regarding problems relating to parking in the immediate vicinity of the school. It had been agreed that this was a matter for the police.

(c) He had attended a PACT meeting at Camerton, the major item of interest being a report from the police of a spate of shed burglaries in the area.

(d) He had attended an evening of carol singing at The Circle Hospital.


10.158             Any other business

Cllr Andrews advised:

(a) Arrangements for the signing of carols around the Christmas tree on The Batch scheduled for Tuesday 21st were well advanced but was looking for volunteers to bake more mince pies. From the public, Mrs. Clarkson offered two dozen for which, we thank her.

(b) Incidents in the car park of young persons performing dangerous manoeuvers to which the police had been called. The level of patrols has been significantly increased. She suggested a note of thanks to the police.


(c) The Community Pay Back Team has done an excellent job in tidying up the cemetery, the only cost being for the transport and administration. She suggested that they could be used on similar projects in the parish. Members were asked to suggest potential tasks at the next meeting.


Cllrs Lewis and Martin were thanked for their efforts in getting theh Christmas tree erected on The Batch.


10.159             Date of next meeting

Confirmed as Monday January 10th 2011 at 8pm in the Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 9.30pm.



AM 15.12.10