Wellow Parish Council


Minutes of meeting held Mon 14th Dec 2009at 8pm in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson and Witty. Dist Cllr Butters.

In attendance:  9 members of public.


9.131 Apologies for absence:



9.132 To confirm minutes of meeting held 9th Nov 2009:

The minutes of the meeting were unanimously approved as a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.


9.133 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda:



9.134 Declarations of interest:

Cllrs Halewood and Witty declared interest in item 9.135(2 (a).

Members confirmed they had received the new guidance on dispensations. This was followed by a discussion on interests prejudicial or otherwise. The Chairman reiterated the rules in the statutory instrument.


9.135 Planning:

(1) Decisions received:

(a) 09/03023/LBA Upper Twinhoe Farm. Alterations for conversion of barn into holiday accommodation. CONSENT

(b) 09/0328/FUL Upper Hayes, White Ox Mead. Erection of triple garage. PERMIT

(c) 09/03697/LBA Rear 1-7 High St. Wellow. Alterations to form 3 dwellings. REFUSE

(d) 09/03355/TPO Wellow Farm, Norton Lane, Wellow. Coppice smaller trees along bank of Wellow Brook. CONSENT


(2) New applications:

(a) 09/04302/TCA Canteen Farm, Canteen Lane, Wellow. Fell ash boughs overhanging composting bins by car park. Following prior canvassing of opinion among members the Chairman advised of the response to B&NES which was limited to comments only with no recommendation.

(b) 09/04367/TCA St Julian’s Primary School, Wellow. Reduce lateral branch of one Beech and fell one Beech. The Chairman advised members of a visit he had made to the site and endorsed the comments made in response to the application which contained observations only.


9.136 Finance report:

(a)The Chairman asked for acceptance of the financial report and authority for payments to be made. This was agreed unanimously.

(b)The Chairman asked whether the Youth Club had come to a decision on the matter regarding repayment of audit fees incurred as a consequence of the Parish Council holding funds on their behalf and was advised they had not. He enquired if the submission of an invoice would help concentrate minds and it was agreed this should be done



(c)The Chairman referred to the letter received from the Residents Association offering to donate residual funds to the Parish Council. He advised that he felt some unease that this may be subject to challenge and it was therefore agreed that we should write to the Resident’s association thanking them for their kind offer and suggesting a conversation with Cllr Colston in order to progress the matter acceptable to both parties.


(d)The Chairman advised members of a request received from Dist Cllr Hartley representing Peasedown St John for a financial donation to the community farm being established on land in Wellow Parish. Cllr Halewood proposed that given the current economic climate and that it would not benefit the parishioners of Wellow the request be refused. This was agreed unanimously.

(e)The Chairman advised that the Finance Committee was due to meet Thursday 16th December to agree a budget proposal for the coming financial year and requested any last minute pleas for funding. None were forthcoming.


9.137 Core Strategy:

Cllr Halewood reported that the strategy very largely addressed all of the points made by the parish council in response to the draft document and that we should restrict our reply to general acceptance of the latest document the timescale for reply now having been extended to 15th January 2010.


9.138 Parish Plan:

(a) Cllr Watson reported on the current situation with traffic calming which was very unsatisfactory. Although it was felt we were moving in the right direction with some aspects of the scheme, overall the position is not acceptable with B&NES officers coming in for particular criticism. The Chairman advised that he had been researching referral to the Local Government Ombudsman but felt this was a process that would take us beyond the timescale for spending of allocated funds and was unlikely to succeed. Members suggested involving Press and our local MP. Dist Cllr Butters concurred with the view that any referral was unlikely to succeed and suggested that it may be beneficial to ask for the intervention of the Cabinet Member for Customer Services and offered to attempt to set up a meeting. This was accepted with thanks.

(b) Cllr Witty updated members on progress with the proposed community minibus funding for which has to be spent by 31st March 2010.Questionnaires are being returned and 5 volunteers for driver have been received so far. No interest has been forthcoming from Combe Hay but Shoscombe are interested and will attend a meeting on Thursday coming.

(c) The Chairman advised members he had agreed a revised start date for works to the children’s play area of 4th January 2010.


9.139 1 West End Cottages:

Cllr Colston advised members that he had had no response from the owner and would chase for next meeting.


9.140 Christmas tree on The Batch:

The Chairman advised members that arrangements were in hand to cut and erect the Christmas tree donated by Miss Marian Osborne. Cllr Andrews advised that arrangements for the Salvation Army Band were now in place for Monday 21st December. 




9.141 Chairman’s report:

The Chairman

(a) advised that Mr Geoff White had formally accepted the post of Clerk to the Parish Council and would take up his duties from January 2010.

(b) advised of a meeting had with Wellow Futures at which our offer of support with their future work programme had been declined. The offer remains on the table.

(c) advised of a PACT meeting held 21st Nov which was primarily concerned with road traffic matters.

(d) advised of his attendance at The Chairman of B&NES Community Volunteer Awards Scheme evening at which Mr Richard Holland had been awarded “Highly Commended” in the Environmental Volunteer of the year class and Miss Marian Osborne had also been awarded “Highly Commended” in the Team Volunteer of the year class. Members joined the Chairman in congratulating both.

(d) advised members of attendance by himself, Cllr Halewood and the Internal Auditor at a presentation held at the Bath Spa University on a Parish Mapping initiative. It was confirmed that this parish would participate.


9.142 Any other business:

Cllr Colston advised that he had had further contact with the lease holders of the shop next to The Fox and Badger confirming their ongoing wish to enter into an arrangement with the Parish Council and they would be reconsidering their estimate of the works required to return the building to a suitable condition.


9.143 Date of next meeting:

Confirmed as Mon 11th Jan 2010, 8pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.45pm


AM 27.01.10