Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 8th December 2008

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood, Martin (Chairman), Pike, Watson and Witty. 6 members of the public

8.120 To accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllr Lewis and Dist Councillor Butters

8.121 To confirm minutes of meeting held 10 Nov 2008

The minutes of the above meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

8.122 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.

8.111 The Chairman advised the meeting that he had been advised that the Holm Oak opposite the church was considered to be the responsibility of the highways dept and they have promised to have the tree attended to by removing the Ash growing from the centre and repairing the surrounding wall.

8.117(a) The Chairman enquired of Cllr Betts what progress had been made on the issue of the litterbin in the vicinity of the church. Cllr Betts summarised the options and was asked by the meeting to research the alternatives so that a decision could be made.

8.123 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda.


8.124 Public Participation.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation:

Mr Cole: reported that this year to date, he had filled 237 bags of leaves; the response to repairing potholes had improved remarkably; access walking past several properties had improved due to work to overhanging trees and shrubs and finally that there seemed to be a continual problem with drains not functioning west of Popes Lane and Farm Lane. AM The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

8.125 Planning:

1.New applications:

(a) 08/04359/TCA 1, The Batch, Wellow. Tree works. It was proposed by the Chairman that there be no objection. This was carried unanimously.

(b) 08/04367/TCA Wellow Farm House, Wellow, Tree works. This application is retrospective and it was proposed by the Chairman that there be no objection. This was carried unanimously.

2.Decisions received:

08/03656/TCA Milford Head Mill Hill, Wellow. Tree works. No Objection

The Chairman updated members with progress on the current application for a farm track in the meadow alongside The Brook and other planning matters.

8.126 Finance:

The finance report for the month circulated with the agenda was unanimously approved. It was noted that a satisfactory audit opinion had been received from the external auditors.

8.127 Parish Plan: The following updates were received from members:

(a) Cllr Witty advised on: a Christmas carol service for the youth club; a presentation on the Mondo Project to the youth club and a presentation on the options for community garden to be held Thursday 11th in the village hall.

(b) Cllr Watson reported a continuing lack of progress with the engineering drawings from B&NES.

(c) Cllr Pike reported that the autumn clean up of the cemetery had been completed. The Chairman commented that he had been in the cemetery on Sunday last and it was looking spick and span.

(d) Cllr Betts reported on a meeting held with village hall, playing field and play area users to discuss improvements to same. Those attending will be returning to another meeting in January to formulate ideas. Cllr Watson was asked to attend.

8.128 Christmas tree and carols on The Batch The Chairman reported that since the last meeting, the offer of a Christmas tree had been made by Miss M Osborne. Cllr Lewis had seen the tree and confirmed its suitability for purpose. Cllr Pike offered to cut down the tree and assist in its erection on The Batch. This was arranged for pm Fri 12th Dec. Cllr Andrews reported that The Salvation Army were interested in playing at future events but could not make this year. Mr Holland had expressed a wish not to be involved this year and accordingly Cllr Andrews was asked by members to organise the event to be held Fri 20th Dec at 7.30pm. This she agreed. HA

8.129 Chairman's report

The Chairman gave a verbal report of activities he had been involved in during the period since last meeting.

8.130 Correspondence:

(a) Freedom of information Act - new model publication scheme. The Chairman summarised the new arrangements for the publication of information available by the council using a model publication scheme. He advised that it needed to be adopted by formal resolution before the year-end and accordingly proposed that the parish council adopt the scheme. This was unanimously approved.

(b) Card from Magic Box Pre School. The Chairman showed a card, prepared by and received from, the children of The Magic Box Pre School in appreciation of the parish council's decision to allow the surfacing of the area to the east of the hall for use as a cycle riding area. This was received with much appreciation.

8.131 Any Other Business:

(a) Cllr Halewood reported that he had had a conversation with the Chairman of Monkton Combe regarding the possibility of sharing a community speed camera. He was asked to explore the matter further and report back.

(b) Cllr Andrews remarked upon the high profile that the Mondo Project was having in the parish almost to the extent that a twinning arrangement was being proposed. The Chairman advised of what he knew and the church may like some recognition of the project from the parish council. There was no proposal for a twining arrangement but it had been suggested that a short presentation be made to the pc early next year. Cllr Andrews suggested that we may like to donate the proceeds of the collection at the carols around the tree to the project. The Chairman advised he ad had another suggestion already but it was agreed to split the collection 50-50.

(c) Cllr Colston advised on: conversations with solicitors regarding the registration of the hall and playing field; progress with 1,West End Cottages and the shop adjacent to The Fox and Badger.

(d) Cllr Watson advised of a request from St Julian's school regarding the traffic calming area outside of the school, as they were interested in raising funding towards it. Cllr Witty asked for details to be emailed to her.

8.132 Date of next meeting:

Confirmed as Mon 12th Jan 2009, 8pm in the Village Hall. The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.48pm wishing everyone present, a Happy Christmas.
